IME 2460 - Introduction to Computer-Aided Design Principles of computer graphics technology and applications in CAD hardware and software components, and system operation. Survey of selected commercial CAD systems for production of 2-dimensional drafting and 3-dimensional wireframe part design creation. Emphasis placed upon factors affecting performance and capabilities of comparative CAD systems operation.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: IME 1420.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 2500 - Plastics Properties and Processing Effects of polymer chemistry, additives, plasticizers, fillers, and reinforcements on the properties of plastics. Molding, forming, extrusion, casting, lamination, coating, welding, and decorating of thermoplastic and thermoset materials.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Recommended, CHEM 1100/1110.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 2540 - Machining Processes Introduction of both traditional and non-traditional methods of machining of materials. Relationship of machines, jigs and fixtures, and productive tooling to the machining of discrete components. Introduction to measuring and gauging as it relates to machining practices. Hands on experience with traditional CNC equipment, including production techniques.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Recommended, IME 1500.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 2610 - Engineering Statistics Introduction to statistical methodology emphasizing applications in engineering. Topics include descriptive and inferential statistics, regression, analysis of variance, and design of experiments. This course is cross-listed with STAT 2610.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 1220 or 1700.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 2620 - Probability for Engineers Introduction to probability emphasizing applications in engineering. Topics include the use of discrete and continuous random variables, Goodness of Fit Tests, fitting of distributions, and elementary stochastic processes. This course is cross-listed with STAT 2620.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2610 and MATH 2720 with concurrency.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 2810 - Statics and Strength of Materials Forces on structures, moments, equilibrium. Stresses and deformation in axially-loaded members, torsion members and beams. Elementary design of structural members.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 1220 or MATH 1700 or MATH 2000.
Credits: 4 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (4 to 0)
IME 2830 - Thermodynamics Fundamentals of thermodynamics. First and second law for open and closed systems. Basics of heat transfer.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: PHYS 1130/1140; MATH 1220 or MATH 2000 or MATH 1700.
Credits: 2 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 0)
IME 2840 - Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Fluid properties; fluid statics, laminar and turbulent flow; flow in pipes.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2810, PHYS 1130/1140.
Credits: 2 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 0)
IME 2990 - Cooperative Education A cooperative education program involves a full-time planned and supervised work experience in industry during the semester or the equivalent on a part-time basis. A written report of the student’s activities will be required. May be elected four semesters for a maximum of twelve semester credit hours. Must be taken on a credit/no credit basis.
Credits: 1 to 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (Arr.)
IME 3010 - Entrepreneurial Engineering II This course will discuss, through a series of case studies, the operational characteristics of startup companies. Topics covered include SWOT analysis, market research, product concept and design, rick analysis for innovative products, with emphasis on product development strategies for new designs and distribution alternatives.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: IME 2010
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 3050 - Work Analysis Methods engineering and measurement of human work systems. Techniques for operation analysis, work measurement, and work sampling. Predetermined basic motion-time systems and standard data development are introduced. NOT FOR ENGINEERING CREDIT.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 3070 - Computer Controlled Manufacturing Systems Analysis and design of computer controlled manufacturing systems. Students must enroll in IME 3080 during the semester following IME 3070.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2060 and ECE 2100.
Credits: 4 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 3)
IME 3080 - Computer Controlled Manufacturing Design Lab A continuation of IME 3070 in which students design and construct a physical computer controlled model to simulate a manufacturing process. IME 3070 and IME 3080 must be taken during the same academic year.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: IME 3070.
Credits: 2 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (0 to 6)
IME 3090 - Engineering Economy for Mechanical Engineers Economic decision making from an engineering perspective. This course is designed to provide undergraduate engineering students with sufficient knowledge to perform engineering economy studies. Topics covered include time value of money, decision making criteria, break-even studies, depreciation and taxes, inflation, and life cycle cost analysis.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Recommend MATH 1230.
Credits: 2 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 0)
IME 3100 - Engineering Economy Application of principles of engineering economy for establishment of equipment and system feasibility. Interest, equivalence, taxes, depreciation, uncertainty and risk, incremental and sunk costs, and replacement models.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: MATH 1230 and Junior standing.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 3110 - Introduction to Operations Research The development of mathematical concepts and models concerned with industrial engineering problems. Topics include queuing theory, game theory, linear, and dynamic programming.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2610, 2620.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 3120 - Systems Decision Making Investigating decision-making opportunities while incorporating mathematical models and environmental factors such as time, uncertainty, constraints, and multiple goals. Specific emphasis is placed on analyzing problems using a systems approach. Topics include systems analysis, operations research methodologies, dynamic systems, and the application of a variety of computer tools to aid the decision making process.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: STAT 2600 or IME 2610.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 3150 - Work Analysis and Design Lab The purpose of this design course is to use in a laboratory setting introductory principles of work analysis, design and measurement. Major topics include human factors, work design principles, work environment, economic justification, work measurement and the design process. NOT FOR ENGINEERING CREDIT.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Corequisite: IME 3050.
Credits: 1 hour
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (0 to 3)
IME 3160 - Report Preparation Learning techniques and procedures for preparation of technical documents. Intensifying critical, analytical process of thinking, and executing writing and oral strategies for different situations. This course is approved as a writing-intensive course which may fulfill the baccalaureate-level writing requirement of the student’s curriculum.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 1020, junior standing.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 3180 - Statistical Quality Control Methods of applying statistics and probability theory to control production processes. Application of computer programs to analyze quality control problems.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: IME 2610.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 3200 - Engineering Cost Analysis A course in engineering economics and the economic comparison of alternative technical systems. Includes interest, equivalence, depreciation, taxes, and risk. NOT FOR ENGINEERING CREDIT.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Recommended, MATH 1220 or MATH 2000 or MATH 1700.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 3240 - Automotive Power Systems The construction, disassembly/reassembly, manufacture, examination of design, simulation, operation, testing of performance and durability serviceability, emissions and recycleability of current and contemporary power plants for automotive and truck use. Emphasis on current designs of SI and CI engines, ASTM tests of fuels, lubricants and coolants as well as evaluation of near-term alternatives such as synthetic diesel and fuel cells. Principles of mechanics, thermodynamics, dynamics and chemical principles as applied to engines and power systems.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Recommended IME 1220.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 3250 - Automotive Electrical Systems The study and simulation of electrical power production, regeneration, storage, use, and control in current and alternative automobiles and trucks. Focus on the wide variety of electronic operational enhancements as they aid vehicle, safety, comfort, with the reduction of emission, fuel consumption, driver effort, and skill. The manufacture of components and systems, interaction with other systems, efficiency, on-board and off-board diagnostics, and life cycle testing.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: Recommended, IME 1220 and ECE 1010.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 3260 - Operations Planning and Control Methods of controlling and coordinating production using production planning, scheduling, inventory control, and dispatching. NOT FOR ENGINEERING CREDIT.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: STAT 2160 or 2600 or IME 2610.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 3280 - Quality Assurance and Control Techniques of controlling quality in manufacturing systems. Topics include organization of quality, methods of measurement, and basic statistical tools. NOT FOR ENGINEERING CREDIT.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: STAT 2160 or 2600 or IME 2610.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 3300 - Simulation Modeling and Analysis Use of computer modeling and discrete event simulation methodology with emphasis on designing and analyzing manufacturing and service systems. Commercial simulation packages will be used.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2060, 2620.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 3420 - Ergonomics and Design An introduction to ergonomics affording students the necessary knowledge essential for the psychological and anthropometrical development leading to good design. Emphasis is placed on health and safety. A design project is required.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 3460 - Programming for Computer-Aided Design Modular software development for interactive CAD. Topics include human interface for interactive design, programming structure for modular entity creation, storing and retrieving object data, utilizing peripheral input and output devices, attribute regulation and control, and software transfer and documentation specifications.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2460 and CS 1110.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 3480 - Designing for Production Engineering documentation as it relates to the product development and manufacturing methods required to bring a quality product to market. ANSI and ISO standards will be studied to acquaint the students with the documentation necessary to develop assembly and part drawings and to control the changes that will effect the assembled parts. Material specifications and cost studies will be combined with geometric dimensioning and tolerancing to be applied to parts gages and tooling. The use of CAD is a major part of this course.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2540, 2460, and 2810.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 3500 - Production Thermoplastic Processing Injection molding, blow molding, extrusion and thermoforming. Effects of thermoplastic melt characteristics on product design and part quality. Effects of machine design, set-up, and operation on part cost and profitability. Overview of processing machinery including take-off and sizing equipment.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: IME 2500.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 3520 - Metal Casting Principles of pattern design, molding, pouring, and process analysis using a variety of materials and production techniques. Solidification of metals and alloys as a nucleation and grain growth process. Formation of inclusions and other casting defects will be discussed. Theory and practice in metal casting principles using green sand, investment, centrifugal, and loss foam processes.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2540 and (MSE 2540 or ME 2500).
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 3570 - Fabrication, Assembly, and Finishing Overview of assembly processes including adhesion, cohesion (welding), mechanical fasteners, snap and press fits, forming and fabricating techniques. Product finishing methods including surface preparation of various substrates, painting, plating, anodizing, printing, and vacuum metallizing. Review of the impact of the assembly and finishing procedures on product quality and reliability.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: IME 2810.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 3580 - Computer-Aided Manufacturing Principles of operation of numerically-controlled systems for manufacturing. Application of CAD/CAM systems and graphics N/C in programming.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2540 and IME 2460.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 3870 - CAD/CAM Fundamentals Application of computer graphics to drafting and design, translation of drawings to part programs for CNC machine control. Considerations for computer-integrated manufacturing. (Not for majors in Engineering Graphics and Design Technology and Manufacturing Engineering Technology.)
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 4010 - Entrepreneurial Engineering III This course explores how traditional industrial engineering topics such as supply chain management, facility layout and location are relevant to entrepreneurial engineers. The course prepares students to effectively practice entrepreneurial engineering.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: IME 3010
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 4020 - Supervision of Industrial Operations The essential functions of supervision will be presented in this course. Common supervisory duties, obligations, and responsibilities are covered with emphasis on concepts and skills useful in modern engineering and technology organizations.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Junior standing.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 4040 - Plant Layout and Material Handling This course is designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of the issues involved in the design of an industrial production system. It will cover the problems in plant location, product analysis, process design, equipment selection, materials handling, and plant layout. NOT FOR ENGINEERING CREDIT.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 3050, 3260, and Senior standing.
Credits: 4 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 3)
IME 4120 - Industrial Systems Management Principles and applications of advanced systems management, including project management, continuous improvement and advanced quality systems. Computer tools to manage systems will be introduced. Philosophies of systems management will be discussed. Students will acquire advanced systems management skills as applied to multiple industries, including manufacturing and service.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Recommended, IME 3120.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 4140 - Material Handling and Facilities Design Comprehensive understanding of the issues involved in the design of an industrial production system. Problems in plant location, product analysis, process design, equipment selection, materials handling, and plant layout. Includes an intensive semester project to plan and design a manufacturing facility.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2050, 3100, and 3160. Corequisite: IME 4160.
Credits: 4 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 3)
IME 4160 - Operations Control in Industry The function of production and inventory operations. Control of manufacturing production systems and modeling.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2050, 2100, 3110, and 3300.
Credits: 4 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 3)
IME 4180 - IE Senior Seminar This course will discuss application of design principles, research methodology, including data collection and analysis, professional expectations in report preparation and presentation, and professional ethics. Students will be required to take the fundamentals of engineering examination given each fall by the State of Michigan as part of the course requirements.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Department approval.
Credits: 1 hour
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (1 to 0)
IME 4190 - IE Senior Design This course is the capstone industrial engineering course, taken in two separate semesters. The first semester for one credit and the second semester for three credits. The course will require application of several IE design principles to a project. The projects are chosen by students or assigned by faculty. All students are required to present their projects at the Senior Engineering Design Conference hosted by the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: department approval
Credits: 1 - 4 hours
Notes: May be repeated for credit.
IME 4200 - Modern Industrial Systems Students will observe and analyze actual supervisory and managerial functions in industrial and service establishments. Conference procedures will be used in exploring many facets of supervisory and managerial practices and procedures. A charge for transportation is required.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: Senior standing.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (1 to 6)
IME 4220 - Engineering Teams: Theory and Practice Methods of understanding, planning and presenting a conference with oral and written components. Task groups will be used to explore creativity, controversy, power, and process in leadership situations.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: COM 1040 or IME 3160 and Junior standing.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 4250 - Automatic and Automated Drive Line Control Systems The operation, study of design, manufacture of automatic and hybrid transmission/transaxles, including hydrodynamic converter, hydraulics, electronics, torque capacities, and gear systems. Measurements and computations for pumps, motor/generator, controller, valve mechanism, clutch, band, and gear system. Includes a study of bearing application, lubrication, heat dissipation and testing of transmission/transaxle and hybrid systems.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Recommended, IME 1220.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 4260 - Automotive Structure, Ride, and Safety Study and simulation of the body, structures, and control systems that allow the operator and occupants to travel in a safe, comfortable environment free of annoying vibration. Associated systems include interiors, environmental control, structural stiffness and crush control features, stopping systems including ABS and Traction Control, and Suspension Systems. Emphasis on the evaluation of design, meeting government performance requirements, manufacture, life cycle testing, diagnosis of faults and adjustments of these systems.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Recommended, IME 1220.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 4440 - Advanced Product and Machine Design Advanced projects in the application of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing to complex parts and assemblies. Mechanical components are analyzed and applied to meet design requirements for applied motion and force transmission projects. CAD application will be an important part of this course.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 1440 and 3480. Recommended, IME 4810.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 4460 - CAD Applications Parametric macro development and applications customization on selected commercial CAD systems. Investigation of existing graphics packages and advanced software design with special emphasis on surface and solids modeling for design creation, display, and analysis.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2460 and Senior status.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 4480 - Computer-Aided Analysis Understanding and application of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) principles for design analysis of conceptual designs. Exposure to and utilization of commercial software packages for computer-based design analysis techniques (e.g., Finite Element Analysis - FEA) and customized design evaluation (e.g., symbolic evaluation). Interaction with, and among, selected drafting/modeling and design/analysis packages.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2830, 2840, 3480, and CS 1110.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 4520 - Die Casting A study of the elements of the process and control limits to produce sound castings. An analysis of gating systems will be evaluated with industry computer programs. Alloys will be studied in relation to parts being produced.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: IME 2540, (MSE 2540 or ME 2500). Recommended IME 3520.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 4560 - Process Testing and Measurement Overview of standardized mechanical and thermal testing procedures used to characterize both base materials and product assemblies. Tensile, compressive, flexural, and impact procedures for destructive testing. Measurement with thermal couples, pressure transducers, motion sensors for measurement of both process and resulting product.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2810, (MSE 2540 or ME 2500), and (STAT 2600 or IME 2610).
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 4580 - Manufacturing Systems Integration Analysis and synthesis of integrated manufacturing systems. Topics include modeling of manufacturing systems and the role of computers in the control and integration of manufacturing systems.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2460; recommended, ECE 1010 and IME 3580.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 4590 - Mold Design and Construction Mold and die design, processing and part requirements, molded holes and undercuts, threads, tool-making processes, tooling, materials, special fixtures. Mold and die construction using a wide range of cavity production methods. Computer analysis of temperature, pressure, and filling characteristics of a mold.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IME 2500, 2540.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 4810 - Metrology Precision measurement, its relationship to geometric tolerances, critical dimensions, and calibration. Statistical process control and quality assurance using manual and automated gauges, checking fixtures, non-destructive testing, and coordinate measuring systems. Use of vision, laser, and other non-contact measuring systems.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: STAT 2600 or IME 2610; recommended, IME 3480.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 3)
IME 4870 - Manufacturing Productivity Techniques The application of modern systems for engineering design and the re-engineering of manufacturing and service operations from the initial product design to delivery of the final product. Emphasis will be on manufacturing systems, principles, practices and procedures to enhance productivity, quality, and customer service in a global business environment.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: Senior standing; ISMJ or ISMN only.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 4880 - Applied Process Reengineering Application of analytical and process measurement techniques to process design decisions. Benefits of process standardization and improvement. This course is cross-listed with MKTG 4850.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: Senior standing; ISMJ or ISMN or permission of instructor.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 4900 - Independent Research and Development Individual research or special project in engineering. Open only to juniors and seniors having the approval of the faculty member under whom the student will work and the approval of the department chair. Students may register more than once, not to exceed 6 hours.
Credits: 1 to 4 hours
IME 4910 - Multidisciplinary Senior Proposal Problem definition, project planning and scheduling, follow-up and control techniques. Results in presentation and plan for multidisciplinary senior project. This course, when completed satisfactorily with IME 4920, is approved as a writing-intensive course which may fulfill the baccalaureate-level writing requirement of the student’s curriculum.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Department approval.
Credits: 2 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 0)
IME 4920 - Multidisciplinary Senior Project Open-ended multidisciplinary team projects involving systems design, analysis, or application. Results in a tangible system, written report, and presentation. This course, when completed satisfactorily with IME 4910, is approved as a writing-intensive course which may fulfill the baccalaureate-level writing requirement of the student’s curriculum.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: Department approval and “C” or better in IME 4910.
Credits: 2 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 0)
IME 4930 - Multidisciplinary Senior Project Consultation Supervision of open-ended multidisciplinary team projects involving systems design, analysis, or application. Results in a tangible system, written report, and presentation.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: Department approval and “C” or better in IME 4910.
Credits: 1 hour
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 4950 - Special Topics in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering A specialized course dealing, each time it is scheduled, with some particular aspect of industrial or manufacturing engineering not usually included in other course offerings.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Credits: 3 hours
Notes: May be repeated for credit with a different topic. Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 4980 - Readings in Engineering Independent readings in engineering. Open only to juniors and seniors having the approval of the faculty member under whom the student will work and the approval of the department chair. Students may register more than once, not to exceed 6 hours.
Credits: 1 to 6 hours
IME 4990 - Studies in Engineering Independent studies in engineering. Open only to students having the approval of the faculty member under whom the student will work and the approval of the department chair. Students may register more than once, not to exceed 6 hours.
Credits: 1 to 6 hours
IME 5010 - Survey of Industrial Engineering Topics Course devoted to studying the basics of the industrial engineering profession. Subjects will include work analysis, engineering economy, statistical quality control, production planning and control, and material handling. Emphasis is placed on the application of these techniques to manufacturing related problems. This course cannot be applied for credit toward the Masters of Science degrees in Engineering Management or Industrial Engineering.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 1220 or 1700 or 2000; recommended, STAT 2600 or 3660 or equivalent.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 5020 - Manufacturing Engineering Fundamentals This course reviews the fundamental principles in Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), and metrology used in the practice of manufacturing engineering. Topics covered include: CAD documentation techniques, CAD modeling, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD & T), EIA/ISO format (G & M code) Numerical Control (N/C) programming, graphical N/C programming systems, and Statistical Process Control (SPC). The laboratory includes hands-on experiences with commercial CAD/CAM systems, N/C machines, and instruments of precision measurement. This course cannot be applied for credit toward any masters or graduate program offered by the IME department. This course may be used to meet the stated prerequisite requirements normally satisfied by IME 2460, IME 3580, and IME 4810 in the graduate program.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: Recommended, IME 1420 and 2540.
Credits: 4 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 3)
IME 5050 - Continuous Improvement in Operations The purpose of this course is to introduce business and engineering students as well as managers to the process of kaizen (Continuous Improvement) and Total Employee Involvement.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 5070 - Computer Integrated Manufacturing Topics related to computer integrated manufacturing. Topics include computer process control, robotics, group technology, CNC, CAD, FMS. Hands-on experience with miniature computer controlled equipment will be included.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 5080 - Advanced Quality Management Analysis and application of new concepts in the field of quality control. Tests of significance, probability studies, and other uses of statistics as applied to quality control.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Recommended, IME 3180 or 3280 or 5010 or equivalent.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 5120 - Management of Service Operations An analysis of service industries, exploring differences in planning and controlling operations. Emphasis will be on service system design, service quality, and comparing customer expectations with their perceptions.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 5160 - Design of Experiments and Regression Analysis Topics related to experimental design and regression analysis. Topics include randomized blocks, latin squares, factorials, multiple correlation and regression, and its application to response surfaces.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Recommended, IME 2610 or equivalent.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 5420 - Human Factors Engineering The process of designing for human use. The course covers the study of the interactions between the individual, equipment, products, and the environment in any human-task-environment system. Topics include human capabilities and limitations; human input, output, and control; work space design; and the work environment.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: Recommended, IME 2610 and IME 2620 or equivalent.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 5460 - Concurrent Engineering The synthesis of automated design, analysis, and manufacturing processes through integrated computer systems. Topics in automated graphics, wireframe, surface and solids modeling, boundary element analysis, and manufacturing process generation will be investigated.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Recommended, IME 2460 or equivalent.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 5500 - Advanced Plastics Processing Review of optimum machine components and systems. Identification of key process variables within injection molding and extrusion systems. Discussion of the causes of process instability. Determination of the process capability within injection molding and extrusion systems.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Recommended, IME 2500 or equivalent.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
IME 5520 - Casting Simulation and Solidification The process of computer simulation illustrates the way a casting is filled and how the alloy is allowed to cool. By simulating the process conditions to observe 3-D fill and solidification, researchers will be able to predict potential defects in the casting and redesign the process to eliminate the defects, before making actual castings. Activities will compare theory to practice.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: IME 3520 or previous metal casting experience.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 to 2)
IME 5570 - Special Topics in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Group study of special topics in industrial engineering and technology. The specific topic will be shown in the course title when scheduled. May be repeated for credit with a different topic.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Department approval.
Credits: 3 hours
Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
INTL 2000 - Introduction To Global and International Studies Interdisciplinary introduction to global and international studies as an academic field of inquiry, with emphasis on historical development of the global system, global economy and society, environmental conditions and awareness, mass communications, technology and enterprise, response formats for global issues and intellectual and creative life. Explores the relationships between globalizing forces and the countervailing influences of regional and cultural identity.
Credits: 3 hours
INTL 2500 - Topics in Global Studies This is a variable topics course focusing on global and international studies from a variety of perspectives. Repeatable for credit.
Credits: 3 hours
INTL 3300 - Study Abroad - WMU Programs Student participation in an approved program of study in a foreign college or university organized through Western Michigan University’s Office of International Affairs. Where credit toward the major or minor is desired, prior approval must be obtained from the student’s major and/or minor department. Individual courses may be used in fulfillment of some areas of the College of Arts and Sciences Liberal Education Curriculum or the University General Education Program provided the content and scope of the course are appropriate. Students desiring to use study abroad in fulfillment of LEC or General Education requirements should bring a course description and syllabus to the Director of Advising in the College of Arts and Sciences Advising Office, prior to enrollment when possible, for approval and placement in the appropriate Distribution Area or Proficiency. May be repeated for up to 32 credit hours.
Credits: 1 to 16 hours
INTL 3310 - Study Abroad - Non-WMU Programs Student participation in an approved program of study in a foreign college or university organized through an institution other than Western Michigan University. Where credit toward the major or minor is desired, prior approval must be obtained from the student’s major and/or minor department. Individual courses may be used in fulfillment of some areas of the College of Arts and Sciences Liberal Education Curriculum or the University General Education Program provided the content and scope of the course are appropriate. Students desiring to use study abroad in fulfillment of LEC or General Education requirements should bring a course description and syllabus to the Director of Advising in the College of Arts and Sciences Advising Office, prior to enrollment when possible, for approval and placement in the appropriate Distribution Area and/or Proficiency. May be repeated for up to 32 credit hours.
Credits: 1 to 16 hours
INTL 4040 - Foreign Studies Seminar Seminars in the Social Sciences conducted outside the United States by WMU faculty or others associated with WMU. Students who complete such a seminar may receive credit in the Departments of Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, or Sociology if the credit is approved by the chairperson of the department prior to registering for the seminar. Individual courses may be designated as fulfilling some areas of the College of Arts and Sciences Liberal Education Curriculum or the University General Education Program. May be repeated for up to 32 credit hours.
Credits: 1 to 6 hours
INTL 4050 - Foreign Studies Seminar Seminars in the Humanities conducted outside the United States by WMU faculty or others associated with WMU. Students who complete such a seminar may receive credit in the Departments of Asian and Middle Eastern Languages, Communication, Comparative Religion, English, Foreign Languages and Literatures, Philosophy, and departments in the College of Fine Arts if the credit is approved by the chairperson of the department prior to registering for the seminar. Individual courses may be designated as fulfilling some areas of the College of Arts and Sciences Liberal Education Curriculum or the University General Education Program. May be repeated for up to 32 credit hours.
Credits: 1 to 6 hours
INTL 4900 - Seminar in Global and International Studies Written and oral discourse on a selected issue in global and international studies. Topics listed in Schedule of Course Offerings. May be repeated. This course is approved as a writing-intensive course which may fulfill the baccalaureate-writing requirement of the student’s curriculum.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: INTL 2000 and 18 hrs. of course work toward major in global and international studies, exclusive of foreign language requirements.
Credits: 3 hours
INTL 4980 - Directed Research and Field Projects Individual reading, research, and international field projects. Topics may be listed in Schedule of Course Offerings. May be repeated for up to 6 hrs.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.
Credits: 1 to 6 hours
INTL 5000 - Topics in Global and International Studies Topics may be listed in Schedule of Course Offerings. May be repeated.
Credits: 1 to 3 hours
ITAL 1000 - Basic Italian I Fundamentals of Italian with communicative emphasis. Italian cultural readings.
Credits: 4 hours
ITAL 1010 - Basic Italian II Continuation of ITAL 1000.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ITAL 1000.
Credits: 4 hours
ITAL 2000 - Intermediate Italian I The development of spoken and written expression in the Italian language with an emphasis on grammar review.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ITAL 1010 or equivalent.
Credits: 4 hours
ITAL 2010 - Intermediate Italian II The continued development of spoken and written expression in the Italian language through readings and discussions of civilization and culture materials
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ITAL 2000 or equivalent.
Credits: 4 hours
ITAL 4760 - Foreign Study - non WMU Student participation in pre-approved program of study abroad that is not through Western Michigan University.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Prior approval of departmental advisor or chairperson.
Credits: 1 - 16 hours
Notes: Repeatable for credit up to 32 credit hours.
ITAL 4770 - Foreign Study Student participation in departmentally approved program of study abroad. Repeatable for credit up to 32 credit hours.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Prior permission of departmental advisor and chairperson.
Credits: Variable
When Offered: (Fall and Winter 1 to 16 hours) Spring and Summer 1 to 8 hours
ITAL 5030 - Italian - English Translation Practicum This is a practical course to teach the skills for translating texts from Italian into English. The objective of this course is to develop further language proficiency and to introduce students to the nuts and bolts of translation. Students will produce English translations from different sorts of Italian texts, such as news, essays, documents, poetry, and short fiction.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ITAL 2010 or insructor approval.
Credits: 1 - 4 hours
Notes: May be repeated for credit. Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
ITAL 5200 - Topics in Italian Linguistics and Language Science The advanced study of a language or a group of languages from a scientific point of view, such as the function and status of languages in society, the comparative history of different language families or the manipulation of language for pragmatic needs across cultures. May be offered as ARAB/CHIN/FREN/GER/ GREK/ITAL/JPNS/LAT/RUSS 5200.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: Completion of 4 courses in area of specialization.
Credits: 3 hours
JPNS 1000 - Basic Japanese I Acquisition of beginning level communicative competence of the Japanese language in all four skills - speaking (able to handle some survival situations); listening (able to understand simple everyday conversation with repetition); writing (able to write short memos, simple letters and journals); and reading (able to read all hiragana and katakana). Introduction to about 25 kanji, or Chinese characters, and some aspects of the Japanese culture and people. Introduction to computer-assisted Japanese language learning, including basic word-processing in Japanese.
Credits: 4 hours
JPNS 1010 - Basic Japanese II Continuation of JPNS 1000. Acquisition of another 75 kanji.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: JPNS 1000 or equivalent.
Credits: 4 hours
JPNS 2000 - Intermediate Japanese I Continuation of JPNS 1010. Achievement of intermediate level communicative competence of the Japanese language in four skills. Acquisition of another 75 kanji.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: JPNS 1010 or equivalent.
Credits: 4 hours
JPNS 2010 - Intermediate Japanese II Continuation of JPNS 2000. Learning of another 75 kanji. Completion of basic Japanese grammar and structures.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: JPNS 2000 or equivalent.
Credits: 4 hours
JPNS 2750 - Japanese Life and Culture This course is designed to introduce selected themes of Japanese life and culture, past and present. The main themes covered by this course are mostly linguistic, literary, philosophic, artistic, and religious. The course will be offered in English with no prerequisites and open to all students. The aim is to provide students new to the subject with an informed and balanced first impression of some of the fundamental components of Japanese culture, and to do so in such a way as to demonstrate its differences from the Western heritage while also noting their universal human value.
Credits: 3 hours
JPNS 3000 - Advanced Japanese I Continuation of JPNS 2010. Study of more complex Japanese grammar and structures. Acquisition of another 100 kanji. Fundamental skills of Japanese writing both in handwriting and on the computer.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: JPNS 2010.
Credits: 4 hours
JPNS 3010 - Advanced Japanese II Continuation of JPNS 3000. Study of more complex Japanese grammar and structures. Acquisition of another 100 kanji. Emphasis upon increasing the student’s command of conversational Japanese. The course includes role play, film viewing with discussion, speeches, debates, and other communicative activities.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: JPNS 3000.
Credits: 4 hours
JPNS 3240 - Business Japanese This course emphasizes the effective use of the Japanese spoken language in contexts likely to be encountered by a career-oriented professional in Japan and the U.S. Topics may include business ritual, business travel, meetings, bureaucracy, annual reports, and socializing. The course includes practice in reading newspapers, business-letter writing, transcription/dictation of texts, and listening to news broadcasts.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: JPNS 2010.
Credits: 3 hours
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