Sep 27, 2024  
Graduate Catalog 2012-13 
Graduate Catalog 2012-13 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • ME 6590 - Multibody Dynamics

    Kinematic and dynamic analyses of constrained mechanical systems consisting of many interconnected rigid bodies. Analytical and numerical methods are presented for the computer-aided formulation and solution of the non-linear equations of motion of complex mechanical systems.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 5550.

    Credits: 3 hrs.

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only.
    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3-0)
  • ME 6610 - Advanced Finite Elements

    Implementation of the finite element methods: Mixed formulations. Plate bending. Time dependent problems in solid mechanics and heat transfer. Introduction to nonlinear problems.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 5610.

    Credits: 3 hrs.

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only.
    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3-0)
  • ME 6630 - Structural Vibrations

    Vibration response of coupled and uncoupled structures. Wave propagation, transmission, and reflection. Effects of internal and external damping, impedance discontinuities and curvature. Four-pole parameter technique for vibration isolation system design. Modal analysis. Sound generation.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 5550 or ME 5580.

    Credits: 3 hrs.

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only.
    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3-0)
  • ME 6640 - Acoustics

    Principles of acoustics, stressing the physical concepts underlying the derivations, associated assumptions and solutions to the wave equations in bounded and unbounded fluids and solids. Topics include: acoustic wave equations; integral equations; attenuation; acoustics of pipes, ducts, cavities, wave guides and resonators; environmental, architectural, underwater acoustic transducers.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 5640 or consent of instructor.

    Credits: 3 hrs.

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only.
    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3-0)
  • ME 6650 - Sound and Structure Interaction

    Introduction to acoustic radiation from vibrating infinite and finite plates and the effect of fluid-loading on them. Acoustic transmission through and reflection from single-leaf and double-leaf partitions. Acoustic excitation of elastic plates and coupling between panels and open and enclosed acoustic spaces.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 5640 or consent of instructor.

    Credits: 3 hrs.

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only.
    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3-0)
  • ME 6690 - Engineering Fracture Mechanics

    Fundamentals of the theory of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), crack-tip opening displacement (CTTOD), J-integral, R-curve, mixed-mode fracture and fracture toughness testing.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 5690 or consent of instructor.

    Credits: 3 hrs.

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only.
    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3-0)
  • ME 6710 - Advanced Heat Transfer I-Conduction Heat Transfer

    Fundamental aspects of conductive heat transfer applied to steady state and transient conditions. One-, two-, and three-dimensional conduction problems with exact and approximate solution techniques utilizing the computer are studied.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: ME 4310, 4320.

    Credits: 3 hrs.

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only.
    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3-0)
  • ME 6720 - Advanced Heat Transfer II-Convection and Radiation Heat Transfer

    Fundamentals of thermal radiation for black, gray, non-gray, diffuse, and specular surfaces. Gaseous radiation and special applications of thermal radiation including derivation and application of equations of mass, energy, and momentum transfer.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: ME 4310, 4320.

    Credits: 3 hrs.

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only.
    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3-0)
  • ME 6730 - Power Plant Design

    Theory and application of internal combustion engines, gas turbine power plants, steam turbine power plants, and other prime movers. Emphasis is on application of thermodynamic principles combined with open-ended design problems in power plant applications.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: ME 4310, 4320.

    Credits: 3 hrs.

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only.
    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3-0)
  • ME 6950 - Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering: Variable Topics

    A specialized course dealing with some particular advanced area of Mechanical Engineering not included in other course offerings.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

    Credits: 1-4 hrs.

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only. May be repeated for credit with a different topic up to six credits.
  • ME 6970 - Problems in Mechanical Engineering

    Special problems of individual need or interest under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty. May be elected with approval of department chairperson and faculty member. Application must be submitted and approved prior to the election of the course.

    Credits: 1-6 hrs.

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only. May be repeated up to maximum of six hours.
  • ME 6990 - Practical Training

    Designed for doctoral students who wish to pursue practical training in off-campus activities in industrial and/or other settings. To be eligible, students must be registered in the MAE department, must  have completed at least 6 credits towards an advanced degree, must have had less than 6 months of prior industrial work experience in the US, and have approval of their faculty advisor and Graduate Programs Director or Department Chair. A maximum of 3 credits may be approved towards a graduate degree. Students will be classified as having full-time status for the purpose of loan deferments and insurance eligibility. International students must contact the International Services and Student affairs Office before requesting department approval  enroll in this course.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite:  Advisor or Departmental approval.

    Credits: 1 - 3 hours

    Restrictions Open to Graduate students only.
    Notes: May be repeated for credit.
  • ME 7000 - Master’s Thesis

    Please refer to The Graduate College section for course descriptions.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Approved application from department and Graduate College.

    Credits: 1 to 6 hours

    Notes: Graded on a Credit/No Credit basis. May be repeated for credit. Open to Graduate students only.
  • ME 7100 - Independent Research

    Please refer to The Graduate College section for course description.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Approved application.

    Credits: 2 to 6 hours

    Notes: Graded on a Credit/No Credit basis. May be repeated for credit. Open to Graduate students only.
  • ME 7300 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Please refer to The Graduate College section for course description.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Approved application.

    Credits: 1 to 15 hours

    Notes: Graded on a Credit/No Credit basis. May be repeated for credit. Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6000 - Seminar in Management (Topic)

    Intensive problem solving in advanced management topics, including the preparation of a major staff report.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Repeatable for different topics. Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6100 - International Management

    The purpose of this course is to develop the skills, knowledge, and sensitivities necessary to manage successfully in an international environment. Students will learn why and how companies internationalize their operations, and the implications of managing in diverse environments worldwide.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: BUS 6150.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6140 - Business Process Management

    Improving business processes is fundamental to competitive organizations and their significant supply chain partners. Students will be introduced to the increasingly integrated areas of purchasing, operations, and logistics and given an opportunity to examine the fundamental processes that shape business functions. Students will either develop and simulate new systems or improve existing systems within the supply chain of an organization.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
    Cross-Listed: Cross-listed with MKTG 6140, students can only receive credit for one of these courses.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MGMT 6170 - Managing Human Resources and Behavior

    Work is a dominant theme in the lives of most people. The way people are managed and relate to one another affects the quality of their lives and the effectiveness of their organizations. Understanding individual differences, sources of behavior, choices people make, and how issues come together in groups and organizations is imperative for today’s managers. A clear understanding of how diverse managerial approaches positively impact the performance of a diverse workforce is of growing importance. The course instructional technology ranges from lecture to self-directed work. There is, however, an emphasis on participative and experiential learning.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MGMT 6200 - ERP System Configuration

    Through hands-on experiences, students learn how to configure an integrated Enterprise Requirements Planning (ERP) system to manage a firm’s business processes and gain a better understanding of the nature of these processes. Management issues associated with implementing these packages are also explored.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: ACTY 6110, BUS 6180 and either (MGMT 6140 or MKTG 6140).

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
    Cross-Listed: Cross-listed with CIS 6200, students can only receive credit for one of these courses.
  • MGMT 6320 - Incentive Compensation

    Incentive compensation covers pay related incentives useful for implementing business strategies. Topics covered include executive compensation (e.g. stock options), special group incentives, gain sharing, and ESOP’s. Students are expected to develop an incentive plan for an existing organization.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6410 - Business Venturing

    Focuses on all aspects of starting a new business, with emphasis on the critical role of recognizing and creating opportunities. Topics include evaluation of opportunities, sources of financing, and challenges of rapid growth. Term project involves development and presentation of a professional business plan.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6500 - Managing Change

    The process of change inside organizations with particular emphasis on managerial actions that influence effectiveness is investigated. Change is examined at the strategic, organizational and behavioral levels.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6520 - Strategic Human Resource Management

    The role of HRM in generating sustained competitive advantage is examined. Theory, policies, and practices that guide effective management of diverse human resources are explored. Strategic choices regarding staffing, evaluation, rewards, dismissal, and employment relations in a changing work environment are discussed.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6540 - Management History and Thought

    A study of the major management theories and executives and their contributions to the field of management from the start of the twentieth century to date, with primary emphasis on the years before 1980. Covers the contributions of such theorists as Frederick Taylor, Mary Parker Follett, Douglas McGregor, Theodore Levitt, and Peter Drucker, as well as of executives such as Henry Ford, Alfred Sloan, Chester Barnard, and Thomas Watson, Jr. Also includes a summary 0f the major labor acts such as the Wagner Act (1935) and how they influenced the development of management practice and labor relations in the United States.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MGMT 6170

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6550 - Organization Theory

    Theories, models, and applications relevant to the structure of complex organizations and their subunits. Emphasis on alternative designs, their causes and consequences.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6580 - International Human Resource Management

    The purpose of this course is to investigate issues in the management of human resources on a global basis. It includes topics such as globalization and business strategy, culture, employment law, expatriate staffing, performance appraisals, cross-cultural training, and international labor relations.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6610 - Introduction to Management Science

    A systematic study and application of the scientific method to management decision-making. Introduction to techniques of linear programming, inventory theory, scheduling theory, and other optimizing decision models. For students who will take more specialized courses as well as those in other disciplines desiring a limited exposure to the field.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: STAT 2160

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6800 - Management of Innovation and Technology (MOIT)

    An understanding of the concepts involved in developing core technological competencies, managing existing technologies, and developing new technologies through innovation. Focus will be on the management dimension of technology and innovation. Topics covered will include: technology and strategy (including technological forecasting), management of technology (including development of core technical competencies and technology acquiring options), management of innovation (including internal entrepreneurship and organizational change, and managing R&D), the economics of innovation, and the relevance of Management of Innovation and Technology in helping a firm met or surpass global competition.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6850 - Quality Management Strategies

    The purpose of this course is to investigate strategic quality management issues as they apply to the management of business in today’s competitive environment where customer satisfaction and continuous improvement have become requirements. Topics covered will include product and process quality, leadership, benchmarking, employee participation and empowerment, quality function deployment, and process innovation. Students will be assigned materials from the latest textbooks and journals. Practice and application will result from participation in group projects conducted in local firms.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MGMT 6140 or MKTG 6140.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6950 - Advanced Independent Study

    Independent study of current trends and advanced problems in the organization and management of complex organizations.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Approval of department chair.

    Credits: 1 to 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Repeatable for different topics. Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 6990 - Policy Formulation and Administration

    This course focuses on the job of the general manager in formulating short and long run strategy. Using cases drawn from actual situations, the course develops ways of (1) perceiving specific opportunities from an analysis of evolving environmental trends, (2)~understanding company strengths and (3)~integrating strengths and opportunities in setting strategy and detailed operating plans. This is an integrative capstone course in that the tools and skills learned in other core courses are needed to develop practical, company-wide general management decisions.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Completion of MBA core courses.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only. Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the MBA or MSA program or the consent of the Director of Graduate Business Programs. Repeatable for different topics.
  • MGMT 7000 - Master’s Thesis

    Please refer to The Graduate College section for course descriptions.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Department and Graduate College approval.

    Credits: 1 to 6 hours

    Restrictions Restricted to M.B.A. or M.S.A. students.
    Notes: May be repeated for credit. Graded on a Credit/No Credit basis. Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 7100 - Independent Research

    Please refer to The Graduate College section for course descriptions.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Application and department approval.

    Credits: 2 to 6 hours

    Restrictions Restricted to M.B.A. or M.S.A. students.
    Notes: May be repeated for credit. Graded on a Credit/No Credit basis. Open to Graduate students only.
  • MGMT 7120 - Professional Field Experience

    Please refer to The Graduate College section for course descriptions.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Application and department approval.

    Credits: 2 to 12 hours

    Restrictions Restricted to M.B.A. or M.S.A. students.
    Notes: May be repeated for credit. Graded on a Credit/No Credit basis. Open to Graduate students only.
  • MKTG 6130 - Customer-Driven Marketing Management

    An examination of marketing theory, concepts, and processes used by organizations to create customer value, achieve and sustain competitive advantage and accomplish their strategic mission and objectives. Emphasis on planning, implementing, and evaluating customer-driven marketing strategies to respond effectively to complex global, cultural, technological, competitive, and other market or environmental factors.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Completion of all M.B.A. basic core requirements or written approval of Director of Graduate Business Programs.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MKTG 6140 - Business Process Management

    Improving business processes is fundamental to competitive organizations and their significant supply chain partners. Students will be introduced to the increasingly integrated areas of purchasing, operations, and logistics and given an opportunity to examine the fundamental processes that shape business functions. Students will either develop and simulate new systems or improve existing systems within the supply chain of an organization.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
    Cross-Listed: Cross-listed with MGMT 6140, students can only receive credit for one of these courses.
  • MKTG 6610 - Healthcare Marketing

    This course presents the field of marketing and its application to the healthcare industry. Emphasis is on the design and use of marketing analyses in areas of patient and client satisfaction, critical path and performance models, continuous quality improvement, and the managerial application of market research findings. A range of health care provider services are researched using marketing techniques such as segmentation, fail point and boundary analyses for healthcare services.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MKTG 6630 - Electronic Marketing

    Electronic marketing links customers directly with companies, suppliers, and other participants for the development and delivery of products and services. This course examines electronic marketing in terms of specific industries and designated target markets. Students will gain knowledge about customer relationship management using electronic technology, for example the Internet, and related methods and tools used to attract, delight, and retain customers via electronic platforms.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MKTG 6130

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MKTG 6710 - Applied Marketing Research

    Applications of marketing research methods for marketing management using a variety of analytical techniques. Required for all MBA marketing concentrations.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MKTG 6130 is recommended prior to taking MKTG 6710.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.

  • MKTG 6720 - Distribution Strategy

    The design and implementation of distribution channels emphasizing customer service, least-total-cost design, and time-based competition. The course will include particular attention to the application of information technology; the integration of important strategic issues; the coordination of activities impacting channel efficiency; and the management of channel relationships.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MKTG 6130

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MKTG 6730 - New Product Management

    A systematic examination of market-driven processes for developing and launching new products and managing them over their life cycles. Includes application of marketing research along with consideration of organizational, technological, competitive, and societal issues.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MKTG 6130 and (FIN 6120 is recommended).

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.

  • MKTG 6740 - Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy

    The course focuses on the study of the theoretical and practical sides of integrated marketing communications strategy development from a managerial perspective. Included is exposure to the elements of the integrated marketing communications mix (advertising, sales promotion, public relations, interactive marketing, and selected personal selling actions). Media strategy, creative strategy, integrated marketing communication objectives, and budget determination are also explored. Course format may include case studies and/or group projects.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MKTG 6130

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MKTG 6750 - Services Marketing

    The study of services marketing with an emphasis on service quality and customer satisfaction. Topics will include the nature and environment of services, customer expectations and satisfaction, TQM, competitive benchmarking, service quality measurement and gap analysis, relationship marketing, and strategy planning for services.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MKTG 6130 (recommended)

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MKTG 6760 - Multinational Marketing Management

    Managerial analysis of the global marketing environment and evaluation of market entry strategies including exporting, licensing and direct investment; developing and assessing multinational product, pricing, promotional, and distribution strategies; critical discussion of contemporary international marketing issues.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: BUS 6150 and MKTG 6130 (may be taken concurrently).

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MKTG 6770 - Buyer Behavior

    This course presents the theoretical and practical foundations of consumer and organizational behavior from a managerial perspective. Students will develop an understanding of why consumers and organizational decision makers think and act as they do in the marketplace. Emphasis is placed on decision-making processes. Resource availability, cultural and intercultural contexts, psychological and sociological influences on decision making are explored.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MKTG 6130

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MKTG 6780 - Special Topics in Marketing

    Critical examination of advanced topics within the marketing discipline. The course topic will be indicated in the student record.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MKTG 6130

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: May be repeated for credit under different topics. Open to Graduate students only.
  • MKTG 6790 - Market Planning and Strategy

    Emphasis on developing comprehensive customer-driven marketing strategies and plans within dynamic competitive environments. Experiential application of advanced marketing concepts and techniques to marketing problem-solving situations.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MKTG 6130 and (MKTG 6710 is recommended).

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MKTG 6800 - Global Sourcing and Logistics

    This course will examine concepts in international purchasing and logistics to provide an in-depth understanding of the international supply chain and how sourcing and logistics activities change and become more complex in the global environment. These aspects will be discussed in terms of opportunities, challenges and changing customer requirements resulting from trading blocs, emerging markets and developing countries.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: BUS 6150 and (MKTG 6130 is recommended).

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • MKTG 6970 - Special Problems in Marketing

    Special problems based on individual and/or group need or interest under the direction of a member of the graduate faculty. Student application must be submitted to the individual faculty member and approved by the department chair prior to election of the course.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MKTG 6130, MKTG 6710 and department approval.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions Enrollment in HCOB graduate business courses requires admission to the M.B.A. or M.S.A. program or the approval of the Director of Graduate Business Programs.
    Notes: May not be repeated for credit. Open to Graduate students only.
  • MKTG 7120 - Professional Field Experience

    Please refer to The Graduate College section for course descriptions.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Application and department approval.

    Credits: 2 to 12 hours

    Restrictions Restricted to M.B.A. students.
    Notes: May be repeated for credit. Graded on a Credit/No Credit basis. Open to Graduate students only.
  • MUS 5000 - Applied Music

    Private lessons for the graduate student in a non-major area of performance.

    Credits: 1 to 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 5100 - Symphonic Band

    The University Symphonic Band is dedicated to the performance of outstanding literature, including original works for band, compositions for wind ensemble and orchestral transcriptions. An emphasis is placed on understanding the pieces performed from an aesthetic and stylistic basis as well as from a technical point of view. This ensemble maintains an active performance schedule on campus and in the community, as well as throughout Michigan and the surrounding states.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: Membership by audition.
    Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 5110 - University Orchestra

    The orchestra is open to all students who have had a reasonable amount of orchestral experience. Many fine compositions are studied and played during the year, and the orchestra joins with other campus organizations in joint programs. Instruments are available for the use of students.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: Membership by audition.
    Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 5120 - University Chorale

    An advanced choral ensemble which maintains a very active performance schedule on campus and in the community as well as throughout Michigan and surrounding states.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: Membership by audition.
    Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 5130 - Jazz Orchestra

    The University Jazz Orchestra is a select ensemble which affords students the opportunity to perform outstanding literature in contemporary and traditional big band jazz. Special consideration is given to the rehearsal and performance of student compositions and arrangements. The ensemble performs regularly on and off campus.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: Membership by audition.
    Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 5140 - Instrumental Chamber Music

    Special ensembles formed to perform standard instrumental chamber music works. Ensembles may include a variety of combinations, e.g., string quartets, woodwind quintets, brass quintets, percussion ensembles, piano trios, etc. Credit will be given only if a sufficient rehearsal/performance schedule warrants.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5150 - Advanced Jazz Combo

    The Advanced Jazz Combo is a select ensemble that affords students the opportunity to perform literature that is arranged and composed by ensemble members. Arranging, composition and improvisation skills are required. Frequent performances and touring are expected.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: Audition required.
  • MUS 5160 - Music Theatre Practicum

    A production experience in music theatre. Each semester culminates in an opera or musical comedy production. Open to singers, actors, accompanists, instrumentalists, and persons interested in production techniques. Admission by audition or permission of the instructor.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students. May be repeated for credit.
  • MUS 5170 - Collegium Musicum

    Performance of early Western music. Open to all students of the University. Additional transcription, arranging, editing, and conducting of early music is required of enrolled Music History majors.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Restrictions Graduate students may count not more than two hours of this course for graduation.
    Notes: Membership by audition.
    Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 5190 - Gold Company

    A select ensemble which specializes in Jazz Show Vocal Entertainment. Specialty acts and choreography are included. A small instrumental ensemble accompanies the group. A very active performance schedule is maintained on campus, in the community, in Michigan and out-of-state.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: Membership by audition.
    Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 5220 - KLOrk: Kalamazoo Laptop Orchestra

    KLOrk is a live performing ensemble using laptops and mobile devices as musical instruments. The course activities include the creation, rehearsal, and performance of original musical compositions and multimedia works.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MUS 2220 or instructor approval.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: May be repeated for credit. Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
  • MUS 5300 - Advanced Choral Conducting

    Supervised experience in conducting vocal groups. The student may be called upon to prepare an ensemble for public performance.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Audition required.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5310 - Advanced Instrumental Conducting

    Supervised experience in conducting instrumental groups. The student may be called upon to prepare an ensemble for public performance.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Audition required.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5550 - Jazz Arranging

    Jazz Arranging is a study of the art of arranging for the jazz ensemble-both traditional and contemporary. The course will undertake a detailed study of instrument ranges, transpositions, and sound potential, and will cover voicings, scoring practices, calligraphy, and contemporary trends within the medium.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MUS 1580 (or consent of Instructor) and MUS 1610; “C” or better required in each course.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5560 - Advanced Jazz Arranging

    A study and application of the art of arranging for the jazz ensemble, studio orchestra and show orchestra. The course will undertake a detailed study of scoring for winds, brass, strings, voices and percussion in relation to traditional and contemporary trends within the medium.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MUS 5550 and MUS 2640 or concurrently.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5580 - Jazz Improvisation I

    A study and directed application of the fundamentals of jazz improvisation including basic chord and scale construction and recognition, harmonic function, chord-scale relationships, and basic blues and popular song forms. All students will be required to develop auralad performance skills relative to those theory skills.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MUS 1580 (or consent of Instructor) and MUS 1610; C or better required in each course.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5590 - Jazz Improvisation II

    A study and directed application of advanced techniques of jazz improvisation including chord extension, voicing, inversions and substitutions, chord function and progressions, and complex scales and their applications. All students will be required to develop aural and performance skills relative to those theory skills.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MUS 5580 and MUS 2180 Jazz Ensemble or concurrently.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5600 - Counterpoint

    A study of the contrapuntal techniques of the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. Written assignments are closely correlated with the contrapuntal styles of significant composers.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MUS 1610 with a grade of C or better.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 5610 - Counterpoint

    A continuation of MUS 5600.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MUS 5600

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
    When Offered: Spring
  • MUS 5620 - Advanced Compositional Topics

    This course will cover advanced techniques used by composers. Topics will vary and will be announced when the course is offered.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. 

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students. May be repeated for credit.
  • MUS 5640 - Seminar in Electronic Music Composition

    Original music composition with digital and analogue synthesizers and computers. Creation of sound scores for concert performance, film, video, dance, theatre, or art installations. Includes the investigation of various types of sound synthesis, as well as the operation of studio sound mixers and multi-track recorders. In addition to the weekly seminar, the student will be assigned a number of hours weekly for independent work in the studio for the realization of the project, which will receive periodic guidance and criticism from the instructor.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MUS 26300, MUS 1000 (Composition), or instructor approval. 

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate students. May be repeated for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 5650 - Topics in Music Theory

    Advanced study of a specialized topic in music theory. Topics will vary as announced each semester and might include analytical methods, theory pedagogy, technological applications, musical genres, or composer studies.

    Credits: 2 to 3 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5670 - Orchestration

    A study of the characteristics of instruments, and of arranging for the various individual choirs, for combinations of choirs, and for full orchestra.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MUS 2610.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5680 - Orchestration

    A continuation of MUS 5670.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MUS 5670.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5720 - Baroque Music (1600-1750)

    A survey of the choral and instrumental music of the Baroque masters such as J. S. Bach and G. F. Handel. Special attention to the development of style from monody through harmonic polyphony.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MUS 2700 and 2710.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5730 - Classical Music (1750-1800)

    Examination of the chief works of Mozart and Haydn, with intensive study of symphonic form and the development of the classic opera.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MUS 2700 and 2710.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5740 - Romantic Music (1800-1910)

    Music of the important composers of the period beginning with Beethoven, along with the historical, cultural, and political background of the era.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MUS 2700 and 2710.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5790 - Operatic Literature

    A survey of opera from 1600 to the present.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5800 - Solo Literature: (topics)

    Solo literature for a specific medium (voice, piano, violin, etc.) will be studied from a theoretical, historical, and performance point of view. Topics to be announced.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MUS 2700 and 2710.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students. May be repeated for credit.
  • MUS 5810 - Choral Music Literature

    A survey of choral music (mass, motet, anthem, cantata, oratorio) from the Renaissance through the Romantic period.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5820 - Wind Music Literature

    A survey of windband ensembles and literature from the Renaissance period through the twentieth century.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5830 - Jazz History and Literature

    A survey of the history of jazz including aspects of sociology and history as they relate to the art form of jazz. All periods in jazz history, from its earliest roots in Africa and the slave culture in the United States, up through the blues, dixieland, swing, bop, mainstream and the more eclectic period of jazz rock and free-form jazz will be explored. Important works will be examined from each period in order to grasp the essentials of a particular style.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MUS 5580 or department’s consent.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5840 - Topics in Musicology and Ethnomusicology

    A study of the music of various people, places, eras, and/or events. Attention will focus on the current research methodology in the disciplines of musicology and ethnomusicology and may draw upon related fields (e.g., anthropology, theatre, cultural studies, women’s studies, etc.). Topics will vary each semester and could include studies of world music and cultures, performance traditions, historical repertories, musicians, gender roles, political and sociological structures.

    Credits: 2 to 3 hours

    Notes: May be repeated for credit with different topics. Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
  • MUS 5850 - Medieval Music

    A survey of music in Western Europe from the end of Antiquity to the early 15th century. The major developments in style, theory, and notation will be explored within the context of the general cultural and political environment of the era. Problems of performance practice will receive special attention with emphasis on primary manuscript sources and scholarly performing editions.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MUS 2700 and MUS 2710.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5860 - Renaissance Music

    A survey of music in Western Europe from the early 15th century to the early 17th century. Developments in the major musical genres of the era will be examined with emphasis on a comparison of the Franco-Flemish tradition with the emerging national styles. Performance practice options will be explored.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MUS 2700 and MUS 2710.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5870 - Contemporary Music

    A survey of trends in European music and music of the Americas from about 1910 to the present.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5900 - Studies in Pedagogy

    Topics to be announced. Selection will be made from the following: Piano Pedagogy, Vocal Pedagogy, String Pedagogy, Brass Pedagogy, Woodwind Pedagogy, Pedagogy of Teaching Theory, or similar topics.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: 3000-level applied voice or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 1 to 4 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students. May be repeated for credit.
  • MUS 5950 - Workshops in Music Education

    Intensive, short-term courses that address the instructional and pedagogical issues found in today’s schools, as well as issues of specific concern for current teachers in the field of music. Topics will be from all areas of music education.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor consent.

    Credits: 1 to 4 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate Students.
  • MUS 5960 - Multi-track Recording

    This course will take the student through the steps required to successfully complete a multi-track recording and mixing project. Students will learn the signal flow of the recording console and patch bay, how to set proper recording levels, the use of a 24-track recorder, how to create headphone (cue) mixes, etc. Students are required to plan and execute multiple recording sessions and create a final mix-down of the recorded tracks. Admission to Multi-track Recording is dependent on instructor assessment of performance in Introduction to Audio Engineering (MUS 1904).

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: MUS 1940 or instructor approval.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 5970 - Projects in Music

    A program of independent study to provide the unusually qualified music student with the opportunity to explore a topic or problem of interest, under the guidance of one of the faculty of the department. The initiative for planning the project must come from the student and must be approved by the faculty member proposed to supervise the study.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Application approved by School of Music.

    Credits: 1 to 4 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 5990 - Projects in Recording Technology

    An independent study allowing the unusually qualified student the opportunity to explore a topic or problem in recording technology.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisites: MUS 5960, approved application, and instructor approval required.

    Credits: 1 to 4 hours

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 5995 - Special Topics in Music

    Study of a specialized music or music-related topic. Examples could include topics in performance practice, entrepreneurship and multimedia production; thematic topics which are linked to special musical events or combine multiple sub-disciplines in music (e.g., history and theory); and interdisciplinary studies (e.g., music and communication, music and computer science, music and health sciences, etc.). Topics will vary and be announced each semester offered.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Instructor approval.

    Credits: 1 to 4 hours

    Notes: May be repeated for credit with different topic or by instructor approval. Open to Upperclass and Graduate students.
  • MUS 6000 - Applied Music

    Private lessons for the graduate student in the major performance area. Includes conducting.

    Credits: 1 to 4 hours

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only.
  • MUS 6070 - Conducting Master Class

    A course designed to explore the multiple roles of the conductor. Topics may include philosophy aesthetics, ensemble organization and administration, collaborative literature, working with guest artists and rehearsing ensembles outside students’ area of expertise.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Admission to the graduate conducting program or conducting as an approved cognate.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: Open to Graduate students only. May be repeated for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 6100 - Introduction to Research in Music

    A course in the general methods and techniques of research in the field of music. This course will provide practical experience in research for scholarship and performance, including the use and evaluation of important source materials, comparison of editions, and modes of presentation (e.g., written research, program notes, oral presentations, grant writing). Students will complete a comprehensive bibliography and a research paper in the area of concentration of their graduate program of study.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only.
  • MUS 6110 - Introduction to Empirical Research in Music

    A course in fundamental principles and procedures of empirical research. Students will plan and write a research proposal; understand and evaluate research studies; and organize, analyze and report on data generated by common research designs.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Notes: OPen to Graduate students only.
  • MUS 6140 - Chamber Music Ensemble

    Special ensembles comprised of graduate students to perform chamber music works. Ensembles may include a variety of combinations, e.g., string quartets, woodwind quintets, percussion ensembles, piano trios, vocal ensembles, etc.

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Prerequisite: Approved application.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
    The course may be repeated for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 6170 - Opera Workshop

    A production experience in acting, singing, accompanying, and producing of musical theatre. The class is offered each semester and culminates in the performance of an opera or operatic scenes. Open to advanced singers, pianists, and persons interested in production techniques. Admission is by personal interview with the instructor.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • MUS 6400 - Band Techniques and Organization

    Organization of the school instrumental program. Rehearsal techniques. Survey of band literature. Analysis and discussion of the problems of the instrumental teacher.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: Open to Graduate Students Only.

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