The functions of The Graduate College include engaging in graduate recruitment and retention; administering appointments of graduate students to assistantship and associateship positions; administering financial awards to graduate students such as the Dissertation Completion Fellowship program and the Graduate Student Research and Travel Fund; conducting format review of master’s theses, specialist projects, and doctoral dissertations; approving the scheduling of doctoral dissertation defenses; monitoring the administration of University policies which pertain to graduate students; and approving applications for nomination of faculty to the graduate faculty.
Graduate Faculty Appointments
The Graduate Faculty is responsible for graduate education at Western Michigan University. All faculty members who hold Board appointments are eligible to be members of the Graduate Faculty. Other individuals who are needed to perform specific functions of the Graduate Faculty may be approved as associate members of the Graduate Faculty. The Graduate College shall periodically publish a complete list of current graduate Faculty appointments.
Functions of the Graduate Faculty
The following are functions reserved for members of the Graduate Faculty:
- Teach graduate level courses.
- Advise students in graduate degree and certificate programs.
- Serve on graduate thesis, project, dissertation, and examination committees.
- Direct graduate theses, projects, and dissertations.
- Serve on the Graduate Studies Council and its subcommittees, on departmental graduate committees, and on other University committees relating solely to graduate education.
Associate Graduate Faculty members may serve the following functions:
- Teach specified graduate level courses.
- Serve on (but not chair) graduate thesis, project, dissertation, and examination committees.
Criteria for Appointment
The Graduate Faculty is responsible for graduate education at Western Michigan University. Membership in the Graduate Faculty may be as full members or associate members. Full members are able to provide all functions relating to graduate education. Associate members may provide specific functions according to the sub category in which they are appointed.
1. Functions of the Graduate Faculty
Individuals with full membership in the Graduate Faculty are able to perform all of the following functions:
a. teach graduate level courses;
b. advise students in graduate degree and certificate programs;
c. serve on graduate thesis, project, dissertation, or examination committees; graduate thesis, project, and dissertation committees; and
e. serve on the Graduate Studies Council and its subcommittees, on departmental graduate committees, and on other University committees relating solely to graduate education.
Individuals with associate membership in the Graduate Faculty may assume functions as designated below:
a. Board appointed faculty
1) teach graduate level courses;
2) advise students in graduate degree and certificate programs
3) serve on graduate thesis, project, dissertation, or examination committees; and
4) serve on the Graduate Studies Council and its subcommittees, on departmental graduate committees, and on other University committees relating solely to graduate education.
b. Non-board appointed faculty
1) teach graduate level courses, as approved on a course by course basis by the department, for those courses in which they have expertise as evidenced by educational preparation or experience;
2) advise students in graduate degree and certificate programs when specifically authorized by the department; and
3) serve on graduate thesis, project, dissertation, or examination committees.
c. Individuals not employed by Western Michigan University
1) serve on graduate thesis, project, dissertation, or examination committees as appropriate.
2. Criteria for appointment to full membership
a. General criteria
1) Appointment to the faculty by the Board of Trustees of Western Michigan University.
2) Earned doctorate or other earned terminal degree as identified in departmental criteria
3) Current involvement in appropriate research and/or artistic or professional endeavors. Unless otherwise specified in departmental criteria, determination for appointment is to be based upon the following evidence within the previous five years:
a) One book; OR
b) two publications in peer reviewed journals, national monographs, or chapters in a book; OR
c) three presentations at a regional, national, or international venue; OR
d) five performances or exhibits;
e) some appropriate number and/or amount of external grants and contracts, as determined by departmental criteria; OR
f) a combination of the above criteria.
4) Appropriate teaching and/or professional experience as determined by departmental criteria.
b. Department criteria
1) Each department/unit shall specify the terminal degree required in its discipline(s). If departmental criteria have not been specified, the terminal degree shall be the doctorate.
2) A department/unit may specify additional criteria. Department criteria shall be approved by the dean of the college, the dean of the Graduate College, and the Graduate Studies Council.
3. Criteria for appointment to associate membership
a. General criteria
1) Board appointed faculty
a) terminal degree in one’s discipline, as determined by departmental criteria; and/or
b) appropriate teaching and/or professional experience as determined by departmental criteria.
2) Non-board appointed faculty
a) terminal degree in one’s discipline, or
b) expertise in one’s discipline by virtue of education or experience as specified by the department.
3) Individuals not employed by Western Michigan University
a) expertise in one’s discipline by virtue of education or experience as specified by the department.
4. Term of appointment of full members
The usual period of an appointment to full membership in the Graduate Faculty shall be from 1 July of a given year to 30 June five years later. Faculty members holding a temporary board appointment with a term of at least two years duration shall not be given an appointment to membership on the Graduate Faculty for a period of time in excess of their term of appointment to the University. Appointments with effective dates other than 1 July shall be for a period of time not exceeding five and one-half years and shall expire on 30 June of the appropriate year.
5. Term of appointment for associate members
The usual period of an appointment to associate membership in the Graduate Faculty shall be from 1 July of a given year to 30 June three years later. Appointments with effective dates other than 1 July shall be for a period of time not exceeding three and one-half years and shall expire on 30 June of the appropriate year. Approval for associate members not employed by Western Michigan University shall be only for the period of time required to complete their service on the thesis, project, or dissertation committee.
6. Procedures for appointment of members
a. Each department/unit offering graduate work shall nominate for membership in the Graduate Faculty those eligible faculty members who meet the established departmental criteria. Departments/units may nominate faculty members from outside their own departments/units.
b. Departmental nomination shall be made on the Graduate Faculty Nomination Form. Nominations shall be reviewed by the dean of the college and shall be forwarded with recommendation to the dean of the Graduate College for action.
c. Individuals who hold appointment in one department may serve on graduate thesis, project, dissertation, or examination committees in other departments when appropriate and when requested by those departments.
d. Appeals concerning procedures for appointment can be made to the dean of the Graduate College.
7. Reappointment and termination of appointment
a. Each appointment of a member of the Graduate Faculty shall be reviewed by the department/unit during the fall semester preceding its expiration date. Reappointment shall follow the same procedures as for appointment, including submission of an updated curriculum vitae. The Graduate College may terminate graduate faculty status upon request from the approved departmental committee.
b. The termination of an appointment of an individual to the faculty of WMU shall automatically terminate the individual’s appointment as a member of the Graduate Faculty.
c. In case of termination of the individual’s appointment to the Graduate Faculty, the individual may complete duties assigned during the period of the individual’s appointment as a member of the Graduate Faculty.