Nov 09, 2024  
Graduate Catalog 2024-2025 
Graduate Catalog 2024-2025

University Officers and Faculty

University Officers

Board of Trustees

Kelly Burris, Detroit

Lynn L. Chen-Zhang, Portage

Shelly Edgerton, Plainwell

Jon Hoadley, Kalamazoo

James Liggins Jr.,  Kalamazoo

A. Alan Turfe, Northville

Lisa Williams, Detroit

Kara Wood, Grand Rapids

Senior Staff

Edward Montgomery, President

Diane Anderson, Vice President for Student Affairs

Dan Bartholomae, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics

Jeffrey Breneman, Vice President for Government Relations

Paula Davis, Director of Strategic Communications 

Kristen DeVries, Vice President for University Advancement

Keith Hahn, General Counsel

Jennifer Heilmann, Executive Assistant Senior to the President

Candy McCorkle, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion

Tony Proudfoot, Vice President for Marketing and Strategic Communication

Kahler Schuemann, Chief of Staff and Secretary to the Board of Trustees

Remzi Seker, Vice President for Research and Innovation

Janice VanDerKley, Vice President for Business and Finance and Chief Financial Officer

Julian Vasquez Heilig, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


Carla Koretsky, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Raymond Thompson, Dean, College of Aviation

Laura Dinehart, Dean, College of Education and Human Development

Steven Butt, Dean, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Dan Guyette, Dean, College of Fine Arts

Christine Byrd-Jacobs, Dean, The Graduate College

Satish Deshpande, Dean, Haworth College of Business

Lillian Smith, Dean, College of Health and Human Services

Irma Lopez, Dean, Lee Honors College

Luchara Wallace, Dean, Merze Tate College

Julie Garrison, Dean, University Libraries


A-F    G-L     M-R     S-Z 

Abdel-Qader, Ikhlas, 1996, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S., Kuwait; M.S., San Jose State; Ph.D., North Carolina State

Abendschein, Bryan, 2018, Associate Professor of Communication
M.A., St. Louis; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)

AbuBakr, Said, 2001, Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
B.S., Gubkin Institute of Petroleum; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan State

Abudayyeh, Osama, 1996, Chair and Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.Sc., Kuwait; M.Sc., M.Eng., California (Berkeley); Ph.D., North Carolina State

Acar, Ilgin, 2022, Assistant Professor of Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering and Engineering Management
B.S., Kocaeli University; M.S., Eskisehir Osmangazi University; Ph.D., Western Michigan

Adams, Richard, 1997, Professor of Music
B.M. Louisiana State; M.M., Yale; D.M.A., Michigan

Adkison-Johnson, Carla R., 2003, Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.S., Akron; M.S., Dayton; Ph.D., Kent State

Agabigum, Melis, 2022, Assistant Professor of Art
B.A., Eastern Michigan; B.F.A., Michigan; M.F.A., Wisconsin (Miliwaukee)

Ahmed, Shafayet, 2023, Assistant Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.S., University of Asia Pacific (Bangladesh); M.S., Idaho State; Ph.D., Oregon State

Allen, Elissa, 2018, Associate Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., M.S.N., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan

Allhoff, Fritz, 2005, Professor of Philosophy
B.S., William & Mary; J.D., Michigan; M.A., C. Phil, Ph.D., University of California (Santa Barbara)

Alspector-Kelly, Marc, 2001, Professor of Philosophy
B.A., M.A., Manitoba; Ph.D., Michigan

Alvi, Eskander, 1994, Professor of Economics
B.A. Dhaka; M.A., DePaul; M.A., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins

Anderson, Ariel L. H., 1986, Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies
A.B.Ed., Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State

Anderson, Dawn L., 2015, Chair and Associate Professor of Blindness and Low Vision Studies
B.S., Central Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Anderson, Mary Z., 1995, Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Illinois

Andre, Mauro Henrique, 2022, Assistant Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
M.A., Brock University, Ph.D., Auburn

Andrews, Nichole, 2020, Faculty Specialist II-Lecturer, Statistics
B.S., Grand Valley State; M.S., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Angles, Jeffrey, 2004, Professor of World Languages and Literatures (Japanese)
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Ohio State

Apker, Julie, 2001, Professor of Communication
B.A., Wisconsin; M.A., Ph.D., Kansas

Applegate, Brooks, 1999, Professor in the Department in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.S., Wyoming; M.A., Morehead State; Ph.D., Texas A&M

Archer, D. Eric, 2014, Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.S., Alabama; M.S., Oklahoma State; M.Ed., Illinois (Chicago); Ph.D., Oklahoma State

Areaux, David, 2008, Associate Professor of Physician Assistant
B.S., M.P.A.S., PA-C, Grand Valley State

Ari-Gur, Judah, 1985, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.Sc., M.Sc., D.Sc., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Ari-Gur, Pnina, 1985, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S.c., Bar-Ilan (Israel); M.Sc., D.Sc., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Asher, Zachary D., 2018, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.Sc., Colorado State; M.Sc., Colorado (Colorado Springs); Ph.D., Colorado State

Asumadu, Johnson, 1996, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S., University of Science and Technology (Ghana); M.S., Aston (U.K.); M.E.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D., Missouri (Columbia)

Atashbar, Massood, 1999, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S., Isfahan; M.S., Sharif; Ph.D., RMIT

Atilhan, Mert, 2020, Associate Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
B.S., Egc University; M.Sc., Ph.D., Texas A&M

Atkins, Laura Ashley, 2015, Associate Professor of Philosophy
B.A., University of Toronto; Ph.D., Princeton

Attanayake, Upul, 2010, Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.S.E., University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka); M.Eng., Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand); Ph.D., Wayne State

Baker, Jonathan C., 2020, Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology
B.S., Western Michigan; M.S., Kansas; Ph.D., Western Michigan

Baker, Kathleen, 2004, Professor of Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.S., Central Michigan; M.S., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan State

Baker, Lisa E., 1991, Professor of Psychology
B.A., New York (Oswego); M.A., Ph.D., Vanderbilt

Balasubramnian, Bhanu, 2022, Assistant Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.Sc., Madras (India); MBA, Ph.D., Mississippi

Barkman, Todd, 2000, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Michigan State; Ph.D., Texas (Austin)

Bazuin, Bradley, 2000, Chair and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S., Yale; M.S., Ph.D., Stanford

Beach, Andrea, 2004, Professor, Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State

Beane, Wendy S., 2013, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.A., B.S., Averett; Ph.D., Duke

Beasley, Samuel T., 2015, Associate Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., Kentucky; M.A., Indiana (Bloomington); Ph.D., Texas (Austin)

Beasley, William J., 2019, Assistant Professor of Economics
B.S., M.S., Georgia Institute of Technology; Ph.D., Oregon State

Benac, David T., 2013, Associate Professor of History
B.A., Michigan State; M.A., Indiana/Purdue (Indianapolis); Ph.D., Missouri

Bennett, Patrick, 2015, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Nevada (Las Vegas); M.S., Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon

Bensley, Robert J., 1993, Professor of Interdisciplinary Health Programs
B.S., Western Michigan; M.A., Central Michigan; Ph.D., Utah

Bentz, Amy E., 2015, Faculty Specialist II-Lecturer
B.S., Michigan State; M.A.T., Wayne State; Ph.D., Western Michigan

Bergman, Karen, 2012, Associate Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan State

Berkhofer III, Robert F., 2001, Director of the Medieval Institute and Professor of History
B.A., Cornell; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard

Bertman, Steven B., 1994, Professor of Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.S., Union; Ph.D., Yale

Berto, Luigi A., 2007, Professor of History
B.A., Ph.D., Venice (Italy)

Bhattacharjee, Shameek, 2018, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
B.Tech, West Bengal University of Technology; M.S., Ph.D., Central Florida

Bierlein Palmer, Louann, 2003, Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.S., Michigan State; M.Ed., Arizona; Ed.D., Northern Arizona

Biggs, Christopher, 2011, Interim Director, Irving S. Gilmore School of Music; Professor of Music
B.A., American University; M.M. Arizona; D.M.A., Missouri (Kansas City)

Bischof, Gary H., 1999, Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., Bethany (West Virginia); M.S., Virginia Tech; Ph.D., Purdue

Blaisure, Karen R., 1992, Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences
B.S., Houghton; M.A., Pennsylvania State; Ph.D., Virginia Tech

Bloom, Devin, 2015, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences and Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.A., Saint Mary’s; M.S., Southeastern Louisiana; Ph.D., University of Toronto

Borden, Sandra L., 1996, Professor of Communication
B.J., Missouri (Columbia); M.A., Ohio State; Ph.D., Indiana

Borish, Linda J., 1991, Chair and Professor of History
B.A., Skidmore; M.A., Ph.D., Maryland (College Park)

Bott, Jennifer P., 2018, Professor of Management
B.A., DePauw; M.A., Ph.D., Akron

Brady, Benjamin R., 2023, Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Health Programs
B.S., M.S., Brigham Young; M.P.H., Dr.PH., Arizona

Brandl, Jessica, 2022, Assistant Professor of Art
B.F.A., Kansas City Art Institute; M.F.A., Ohio State

Bruce, Charles, 2022, Faculty Specialist II - Professional Specialist, Family and Consumer Sciences
B.A., M.A., Western Michigan

Burns, Clement, 1994, Professor of Physics
B.A., Princeton; M.S., Ph.D., California (San Diego)

Burns, James, 2018, Assistant Professor of Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering and Engineering Management
B.S.E., M.S.E., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Burns, Stephanie, 2012, Associate Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.F.A., Akron; M.Ed., Ph.D., Kent State

Bush, Jonathan E., 2001, Professor of English
B.A., Bowling Green State; M.A., Northwestern State University of Louisiana; Ph.D., Purdue

Butt, Steven E., 1997, Dean, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences; Professor of Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering and Engineering Management
B.A., Earlham; M.S., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State

Byrd-Jacobs, Christine A., 1996, Dean, Graduate College and Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., Avila; Ph.D., Arizona

Carr, Steven, 2012, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education and Chair and Professor of Computer Science
B.S., Michigan Technological; M.S., Ph.D., Rice

Cassidy, Daniel P., 1998, Associate Professor of Geological and Environmental Sciences
B.S., Wisconsin; M.S., Indiana; Ph.D., Notre Dame

Cataldo, Jessica, 2022, Faculty Specialist I, Interdisciplinary Health Programs
B.S., Oakland; M.P.H., Illinois (Chicago); Ph.D., Southern Illinois (Carbondale)

Cavalli, Matthew, 2018, Associate Dean, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., Wyoming; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan

Chajecki, Zbigniew, 2014, Associate Professor of Physics
M.Sc., Warsaw University of Technology; M.S., Ph.D., Ohio State

Chapleau, Ann, 2010, Director of Interdisciplinary Health Programs; Professor of Occupational Therapy
B.S., Western Michigan; M.S., Indiana University of South Bend; D.H.S., Indianapolis

Chen, Jou-Chen, 2016, Associate Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences
B.Ed., National Changhua University (Taiwan); M.S., Indiana (Bloomington); Ph.D., Virginia Tech

Chen, Kuanchin, 2001, Professor of Business Information Systems
B.B.A., Tunghai; M.S., Colorado; D.B.A., Cleveland State

Chin, Christina D., 2010, Professor of Art
B.A., Michigan State; M.S., Northwestern; M.A., Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)

Cho, Christopher, 1984, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S.M.E., Seoul National; M.S.M.E., Ph.D., SUNY (Stonybrook); P.E.

Choudhury, Alamgir, 2001, Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.S., BUET (Dhaka); M.S., Ph.D., New Mexico State; P.E.

Christian, Sue Ellen, 2001, Professor of Communication
B.A., Hope; M.A., Michigan

Chung, Sung G., 1986, Professor of Physics
B.En., Tokyo Institute of Technology; M.S., Ph.D., Tokyo

Ciccantell, Paul S, 2000, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Trinity; M.S., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Cisler, Ron A., 2018, Professor of Interdisciplinary Health Programs
M.S., Ph.D., Wisconsin

Clark, John A., 1998, Chair and Professor of Political Science
A.B., Wabash; Ph.D., Ohio State

Clements, Paul, 1996, Professor of Political Science
B.A., Harvard; M.P.A., Ph.D., Princeton

Coles-White, D’Jaris, 2021, Associate Professor of Speech, Language and Hearing Services
B.S., Columbia; M.S., North Carolina; Ph.D., Massachusetts

Connors, Elyse M., 2013, Associate Professor of Blindness and Low Vision Studies
B.S., Minnesota; M.A., Asbury Seminary; M.A., M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Coons, Lisa, 2012, Associate Professor of Music
B.M., Missouri (Kansas City); M.A., State University of New York (Stony Brook); M.F.A., Ph.D., Princeton

Corder, J. Kevin, 1995, Professor of Political Science
B.A., Chicago; M.A., Ph.D., Washington (St. Louis)

Cork, Benjamin C., 2017, Associate Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
B.S., M.S., Mississippi State; Ph.D., Arkansas

Courtney, Deirdre, 2023, Faculty Specialist I-Lecturer, Institute for the Intercultural and Anthropological Studies and Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.S., M.A., Western Michigan

Covell, Stephen, 2003, Professor of World Religions and Cultures
B.A., California (San Diego); M.A., Hawaii (Manoa); Ph.D., Princeton

Crawford II, Charles E., 1995, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Florida; M.S., Ph.D., Florida State

Criter, Robin, 2015, interim Chair and Associate Professor of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
B.S., Saint Louis; M.A., Au.D., Iowa; Ph.D., Nebraska (Lincoln)

Crumpton, Teresa, 1991, Master Faculty Specialist, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
B.A., Michigan State; M.A., Western Michigan; Au.D., Florida

Cundiff, Patrick, 2015, Associate Professor of Sociology
M.A., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State

Curiel, Emily, 2022, Assistant Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.A., M.A., California State (Fresno); Ph.D. Ohio State

Curkovic, Sime, 1998, Professor of Marketing
B.S., Kettering; Ph.D., Michigan State

Damashek, Amy L., 2009, Professor of Psychology
B.S., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign); Ph.D., Missouri (Columbia)

Daneshvar Kakhki, Mohammad, 2018, Associate Professor of Business Information Systems
B.Sc., M.S., SHARIF University of Technology; Ph.D., North Carolina (Greensboro)

Davaadorj, Zagdbazar, 2023 Assistant Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
Ph.D., Texas A&M

David, Virginia, 2018, Faculty Specialist II-Lecturer, Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.A., Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo (Brazil); M.A., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign); Ph.D., Michigan State

Davies, Alex, 2023, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
M.Chem, University of Leicester, Ph.D., Kansas

Davis, Jon, 2004, Professor of Mathematics Education
B.S. Wisconsin (Eau Claire); M.S., Wisconsin (Madison); Ph.D., Minnesota

Davis, Summer, 2020, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies
B.S., Wisconsin; M.S.Ed., Ph.D., Indiana

DeCamp, Elise, 2021, Faculty Specialist II, Institute for the Intercultural and Anthropological Studies
B.S., DePauw University; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana

DeCamp, Whitney, 2011, Professor of Sociology
B.S., York College of Pennsylvania; M.S., Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Delaware   

DeChano-Cook, Lisa, 2001, Professor of Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.A., Juniata; M.S., North Dakota; M.A., Ohio; Ph.D., Southwest Texas State

deDoncker, Elise, 1982, Professor of Computer Science
Licentiate in Mathematics, Vrije Universiteit (Brussels); Ph.D., Katholieke Universiteit (Leuven)

DeFulio, Anthony, 2015, Associate Professor of Psychology
B.S., Florida (Gainseville); M.S., North Texas; Ph.D., Florida (Gainseville)

Dirette, Diane, 1999, Professor of Occupational Therapy
B.S., Eastern Michigan; M.A, Ph.D., New York

Docherty, Kathryn M., 2011, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., Marist College; Ph.D., Notre Dame

Dudek, Andrzej, 2011, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Adam Mickiewicz (Poland); M.S., Ph.D., Emory

Duffy, Michael IV, 2014, Professor of University Libraries
B.M., Western Michigan; M.M., Northwestern; M.L.I.S., Dominican

Dumican, Matthew, 2021, Assistant Professor of Speech, Language and Hearing Services
B.S., Sacred Heart; M.S., Ph.D., Texas Christian

Durham, Lofton L. III, 2009, Professor of Theatre and Dance
B.A., Transylvania; M.A., Ph.D., Pittsburgh

Ealy, Clifton, 1989, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Michigan; M.A., Wayne State; Ph.D., Chicago

Eckert, James A., 2000, Associate Professor of Marketing
B.A., Ph.D., Michigan State

Edwards, Autumn 2005, Professor of Communication
B.S., Texas Tech; M.A., Kansas; Ph.D., Ohio

Edwards, Chad, 2005, Professor of Communication
B.A., M.A., Texas Tech; Ph.D., Kansas

Edwards, Vickie L., 2017, Assistant Professor of Public Affairs and Administration
M.P.A., Georgia College and State University; Ph.D., Georgia

Ehrhardt, Kristal, 1995, Senior Associate Dean, College of Education and Human Development; Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.A., Miami (Ohio); M.Ed., Ph.D., Cincinnati

Eminhizer, Alyssa, 2019, Faculty Specialist II-Clinical Specialist, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
B.S., Purdue; Au.D., Western Michigan

Eng, Jacqueline, 2008, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., California (Davis); M.A., Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara)

Essani, Karim, 1989, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Karachi (Pakistan); Ph.D., Western Ontario (Canada)

Farber, Paul, 1986, Professor of Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies
B.A. SUNY (Buffalo); M.S.Ed. SUNY College at Buffalo; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)

Farrer, Lori, 2017, Faculty Specialist II-Lecturer, Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies
B.S., Central Michigan; M.A., Western Michigan

Fava, Maria Cristina, 2017, Associate Professor of Music
B.A., National Conservatory of Music (Italy); M.M., Bowling Green; Ph.D., University of Rochester

Feffer, Steve, 2003, Professor of English
B.F.A., Tisch School of the Arts, NYU; M.F.A., Iowa; Ph.D., Wisconsin

Ferrin, Bruce, 1998, Professor of Marketing
B.A., Monmouth; M.S., Iowa State; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State

Fetters, Marcia, 2001, Associate Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies and Mallison Institute for Science Education
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State

Fiore, Jennifer, 2015, Associate Professor of Music
B.M.E., M.M.E., Ph.D., Kansas

Flanagan, David J., 1992, Professor of Management
B.S., Illinois (Urbana); Ph.D., Indiana

Fogarty, Kieran, 2002, Professor of Occupational Therapy
B.S., M.S., Southern Illinois; Ph.D., Arkansas

Foley, Lauren, 2018, Associate Professor of Political Science
B.A., Dartmouth; J.D., Michigan State College of Law; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins

Fong, Alvis Cheuk Min, 2016, Professor of Computer Science
B.Eng. (Hons.), M.Sc., Imperial College London (UK); M.Sc., University of Oxford (UK); Ph.D., University of Auckland (NZ)

Foster, Jennifer, 2012, Associate Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., Cedarville; M.S., Palm Beach Atlantic; Ph.D., Central Florida

Fredericks, Tycho K., 1995, Chair and Professor of Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering & Engineering Management
B.S., Ursinus; M.S., Ph.D., Wichita State; CPE

Freeman, Susan, 2010, Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., Furman; M.A., Cincinnati; Ph.D., Ohio State

Freudenburg, Gene, 2006, Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Valparaiso; M.S., St. Louis; Ph.D., Washington (St. Louis)

Fruth, Stacie J., 2016, Professor of Physical Therapy
B.S., Michigan; M.S., Massachusetts; M.S., D.H.Sc., Indianapolis

Fuqua, R. Wayne, 1976, Professor of Psychology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Florida

Furmanski, Michael, 2024, Faculty Specialist II-Lecturer, Aviation Sciences
B.S., Thomas Edison State College; M.B.A., National University


Garza Mitchell, Regina, 2014, Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., M.A., Ed.D., Central Michigan

Gaynor, Scott T., 2001, Professor of Psychology
B.A., Wisconsin (Milwaukee); M.A., Ph.D., North Carolina (Greensboro)

Geier, Brett, 2014, Professor, Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., Hope College; M.A., Grand Valley State; Ed.D., Western Michigan

Gerlach-Houck, Hope, 2019, Associate Professor of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
B.A., Indiana; M.S., Purdue; Ph.D., Iowa

Ghantasala, Muralidhar, 2003, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., M.S., Andhra; M.S., Ph.D., Indian Institute of Science

Gill, Sharon, 2008, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Manitoba (Canada); Ph.D., York (U.K.)

Gladden, Jessica L., 2018, Associate Professor of Social Work
B.A., Cornerstone; M.A., Grand Valley State; Ph.D., Michigan State

Goetz, Barry, 2001, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Boston; M.A., Ph.D., California (Berkeley)

Gogan, Brian J., 2011, Professor of English
B.A., Xavier; M.A., Marquette; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Gómez, Pablo, 2015, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S., Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila; M.Sc., Ph.D., CINVESTAV, National Polytechnic Institute

Gorczyca, Thomas W., 1997, Professor of Physics
B.S., Massachusetts (Amherst); Ph.D., Colorado (Boulder)

Grant, Theresa, 1996, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Saint Peters College; M.A., Maryland; Ph.D., Delaware

Grantner, Janos, 1994, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
M.Sc., Ph.D., Technical University (Budapest); Candidate of Technical Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Gray, Lori, 2016, Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Health Programs
B.A, Michigan; M.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan State

Grieves, Holly, 2014, Master Faculty Specialist-Clinical Specialist, Occupational Therapy
B.A., M.S.O.T., Western Michigan; O.T.D., Texas Women’s University

Groves, Angela, 2021, Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., Ursuline College; M.S.N., Indiana State; Ph.D., Hampton

Gu, Chien-Juh, 2007, Professor of Sociology
B.A., M.A., National Taiwan; Ph.D., Michigan State

Guda, Ramakrishna, 2008, Professor of Chemistry
B.Sc., Nagajuna Govt Degree College (India); M.Sc., Hyberbad (India); Ph.D., Mumbai (India)

Gullon-Rivera, Angel, 2012, Associate Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences
B.A., University of Puerto Rico; M.S., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Gupta, Ajay, 1989, Professor of Computer Science
B.E., B.I.T.S. (Pilani, India); M.S., Ph.D., Purdue

Gupta, Tarun, 1988, Professor of Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering and Engineering Management
B.S., India Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University; M.S., National Institute of Industrial Engineering (India); Ph.D., Wisconsin (Milwaukee)

Gustafson, Peter A., 2008, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan

Haas, Johnson, 2000, Associate Professor of Geological and Environmental Sciences
B.Sc., Auburn; Ph.D., Washington (St. Louis)

Hadden, Sally E, 2009, Professor of History
B.A., North Carolina (Chapel Hill); M.A., J.D., Ph.D., Harvard

Hadley, Wanda, 2014, Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.S., M.A., Ohio State; Ph.D., Dayton

Hagler, Anderson, 2022, Assistant Professor, World Religions and Cultures
Ph.D., Duke

Hahn, Janet S., 2021, Master Faculty Specialist, Interdisciplinary Health Programs
B.S., Kalamazoo College; Ph.D., Minnesota

Hains, Decker B., 2016, Chair of Management; Master Faculty Specialist, Civil and Construction Engineering
B.S., United States Military Academy; M.S., Alaska (Anchorage); M.S., Missouri (Rolla); Ph.D., Lehigh; PMP; P.E.

Hallett, Lucius, 2008, Associate Professor of Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.A., New Hampshire; M.A., Ph.D., Kansas

Hamel, Annette N., 2012, Master Faculty Specialist, Communication
B.A., Michigan State; M.B.A., Lake Superior State; M.A., Ph.D., Ohio 

Hamza, Alen, 2022, Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Wesleyan; M.F.A., Texas (Austin); Ph.D., Utah

Hanson, Nicholas, 2014, Associate Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
B.S., M.S., Nebraska (Omaha); Ph.D., Ohio State

Harnar, Michael, 2017, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., Connecticut; M.A., Ph.D., Claremont Graduate

Hart-Young, Allison, 1996, Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies
B.A., Swarthmore; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan

Hartenberger, Britt, 2022, Faculty Specialist II - Lecturer, Institute for the Intercultural and Anthropological Studies
B.A., Kalamazoo College; M.A., Ph.D., Boston

Hartmann, David J., 1996, Chair and Professor of Sociology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Chicago

Hauptmann, Emily, 1996, Professor of Political Science and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., M.A., Johns Hopkins; M.A., Ph.D., California (Berkeley)

Hazarika, Bidyut, 2016, Associate Professor of Business Information Systems
B.E., Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engg. (India); M.B.A., Toledo; Ph.D., Colorado (Denver)

He, Chansheng, 1995, Professor of Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.S., M.S., Northwestern College of Agriculture, Yangling Shaanxi (China); Ph.D., Michigan State

Hearit, Keith M., 1996, Professor of Communication
B.A.A., M.A., Central Michigan; Ph.D., Purdue

Heasley, Lynne, 2000, Professor of Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.S., Miami (Ohio); M.S., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Heath, Amy E., 2018, Chair and Associate Professor of Physical Therapy
B.S.H.S., D.P.T., Simmons University; Ph.D., Temple

Hega, Gunther M., 1994, Associate Professor of Political Science
Vordiplom, Tubingen (Germany); M.A., Ph.D., Washington (St. Louis)

Heilig, Julian Vasquez, 2022, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; Professor of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology

Henderson, Charles, 2002, Director and Professor of Mallinson Institute for Science Education; Professor of Physics
B.A., Macalester; M.S., Ph.D., Minnesota

Hennlich, Andrew, 2012, Associate Professor of Art
B.A., Minnesota; M.A., North Carolina (Chapel Hill); Ph.D., Manchester

Hermann-Wilmarth, Jill, 2005, Professor of Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies; and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., Agnes Scott College; M.Ed., Ph.D., Georgia

Higgins, Matthew L., 1995, Associate Professor of Economics
B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Illinois

Hock, Nancy, 2011, Chair and Associate Professor, Occupational Therapy
B.S., Ph.D., Western Michigan; M.O.T., Texas Women’s

Holohan, Melinda, 2022, Faculty Specialist II-Professional Specialist, Family and Consumer Sciences
B.A., Columbia College; M.A., Western Michigan

Hong, Guanyue, 2020, Associate Professor of Computer Science
B.Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology; M.Eng., Beihang University; M.LA., Harvard; Ph.D., National University of Singapore

Hoppe, Pamela, 2004, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
B.A., Cornell; Ph.D., Princeton

Horvitz, Brian, 2006, Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., Rutgers; M.S., Pennsylvania; M.S., Ph.D., Indiana

Houshyar, Abdolazim, 1988, Chair and Professor of Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering & Engineering Management
B.S., Shiraz (Iran); M.S., Ph.D., Florida

Howard, Gregory, 1998, Associate Professor of Sociology
B.A., California (Irvine); M.A., Ph.D., SUNY (Albany)

Hrivnyak, Michelle, 2022, Faculty Specialist II - Lecturer, Institute for the Intercultural and Anthropological Studies
B.A., University of Hull (England); M.Sc., Ph.D., University of Sheffield (England)

Hu, Yufeng, 2021, Master Faculty Specialist - Lecturer, Civil and Construction Engineering
B.Sc., M.S., Shanghai Tiedao (China); Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)

Huang, Wei-Chiao, 1985, Professor of Economics
B.A., National Taiwan; M.A., Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara)

Hueng, James C., 2003, Professor of Economics
B.A., National Taiwan; M.A., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Huffman, David L., 2001, Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Jones; M.S., Illinois State; Ph.D., Illinois

Hurwitz, Mark S., 2005, Professor of Political Science
B.A., SUNY (Buffalo); J.D., Brooklyn Law School; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State

Hwang, Geumchan, 2017, Associate Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
B.P.E., Korea University; M.B.A., M.S., Missouri; Ph.D., Minnesota

Ikonomov, Pavel G., 2003, Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
M.E., Technical University of Varna (Bulgaria); M.S., Muroran Institute (Japan); Ph.D., Hokkaido (Japan)

Isea, Antonio, 1996, Professor of Spanish
B.A., Tennessee (Chattanooga); M.A., Florida State; Ph.D., Colorado (Boulder)

Isidro, Elizabeth, 2018, Associate Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.S., University of Philippines; M.A., Ph.D., Texas Tech

Jeffers, Lindsay, 2023, Faculty Specialist II - Lecturer, Spanish
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Jehnzen, Kyle, 2019, Faculty Specialist II-Lecturer, Aviation Sciences
B.S., M.B.A., Western Michigan

Johnson, Phillip D., 2001, Associate Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., Virginia Union; M.A., Ph.D., New York University

Jones, Jeffrey, 2008, Professor of Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies
B.A., Colorado; M.A., Adams State; Ph.D., Virginia

Kaczmarek, Stephen E., 2015, Associate Professor of Geological and Environmental Sciences
B.S., Ph.D., Michigan State

Kang, Hyun Bin, 2018, Assistant Professor of Statistics
B.S., Rice; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State

Karowe, David N., 1996, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.A., Harvard; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan

Karpov, Vyacheslav, 1996, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Leningrad; Ph.D., Ohio State

Katrovas, Richard, 2002, Professor of English
B.A., San Diego State; M.F.A., Iowa

Kayani, Asghar N., 2006, Chair and Professor of Physics
M.Sc., M.Phil., Pakistan; Ph.D., Ohio

Kehrer, Lauron, 2019, Associate Professor of Music
B.M., Michigan State; M.A., Ph.D., Rochester

Keil, Mitchel J., 1996, Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.S., Ph.D., Virginia Tech; M.S., Florida Atlantic

Kelley, R. Mark, 2017, Professor of Interdisciplinary Health Programs
B.S.E., John Brown; M.Ed., Ph.D., Arkansas

Kelly, Thomas, 2022, Faculty Specialist II-Lecturer, Marketing
B.A., Notre Dame; M.B.A., Western Michigan

Kim, Edward, 2023, Assistant Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.S., Cornell; MBA, Washington (St. Louis); Ph.D., Temple

Kim, Jinseok, 2017, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., M.E., Hannam University; M.E., Ph.D., Texas A&M

Kim, Ok-Kyeong, 2007, Professor of Mathematics
B.Ed., Taegu; M.Ed., Korea National; M.S.T., Ph.D., Missouri

Kimmel, Jean, 2001, Professor of Economics
B.A., George Washington; M.A., Delaware; Ph.D., North Carolina

Klekar, Cynthia, 2005, Director, School of Communication and Associate Professor of English
B.A., M.A., Texas (San Antonio); Ph.D., West Virginia

Kline, Kathleen, 1997, Professor of Mathematics
B.A., M.A., Ed.D., Michigan

Koelling, Melinda, 2004, Chair and Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Chicago; Ph.D., Michigan

Koestler, Benjamin, 2019, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., Calvin; Ph.D., Michigan State     

Konaté, Mariam K., 2007, Professor of Intercultural and Anthropological Studies
B.A., M.A., Université de Ouagadougou Burkina Faso; Ph.D., Temple

Korista, Kirk T., 1997, Professor of Physics
B.S., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign); Ph.D., Ohio State

Kothman, Keith, 2020, Professor of Music
B.M., M.M., Texas (Austin); Ph.D., California (San Diego)

Kramer, Ronald C., 1978, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Toledo; M.A., Ph.D., Ohio State

Kreuze, Jerry G., 1983, Professor of Accountancy
B.S., Ferris State; M.B.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Missouri; C.P.A., Michigan

Krishnamurthy, R. V., 1991, Professor of Geological and Environmental Sciences
B.Sc., M.Sc., Utkal; Ph.D., Physical Research Laboratory Ahmedabad

Kuchta, Todd, 2004, Chair and Associate Professor of English
B.A., M.A., John Carroll; Ph.D., Indiana

Kuersten, Ashlyn, 1997, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Louisville; M.A., Ph.D., South Carolina

Kujawski, Daniel, 1996, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
M.Sc., D.Sc., Warsaw Technical; Ph.D., Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)

Kuruppu, Sandun, 2022, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.Sc., University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka); M.S., Ph.D., Purdue

Kutzko, David, 2001, Chair and Professor of World Languages and Literatures (Classics)
B.A., Iowa; Ph.D., Michigan

Kutzler, Evan A., 2023, Associate Professor of History
B.A., Centre College, M.A., Ph.D., South Carolina (Columbia)

Kwigizile, Valerian, 2011, Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.Sc., Dar-Es-Salaam; M.Sc., Florida State; Ph.D., Nevada (Las Vegas)

Lambert, Priscilla, 2004, Professor of Political Science
B.A., Trinity; M.A. Keio (Tokyo); M.A., Ph.D., California (San Diego)

Larson, Jil, 1992, Associate Professor of English
B.A., Macalester; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana

Lawoti, Mahendra, 2005, Professor of Political Science
B.Tech., Calicut (India); M.U.R.P., Hawaii; Ph.D., Pittsburgh

Ledyaev, Yuri, 1997 Professor of Mathematics
M.S., Ph.D., Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology; Dr.Sc. Steklov Institute

Lee, Kevin H., 2017, Associate Professor of Statistics
B.S., M.S., Korea University; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State

Lee, Sangwoo, 2015, Associate Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
B.P.E., Kyonggi University; M.S.S., Seoul National University; Ph.D., Texas Women’s

Lee, Tiffany, 2013, Professor of Interdisciplinary Health Programs
B.S., Florida; M.A., Alabama (Birmingham); G.C., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Lemmer, Kristina M., 2012, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S.E., M.S.E., Ph.D., Michigan

Lepisto, Douglas A., 2015, Associate Professor of Management
B.A., Kalamazoo College; M.A., Chicago; M.S., Ph.D., Boston College

Levin, Mariana, 2015, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.A., California (San Diego); M.A., Ph.D., California (Berkeley)

Lewis, James B., 1995, Associate Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
B.A., M.S., Southern Illinois; Ph.D., Indiana

Lewis, Ramona, 2012, Master Faculty Specialist - Lecturer, Department of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology
B.A., Arizona State; M.A., Bowling Green State; Ed.D., Eastern Michigan

Li, Beixi, 2022, Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., Southwest University for Nationalities; MS.ED., Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Georgia

Li, Kecheng, 2016, Chair and Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
B.Sc., M.Sc., Shaanxi University (China); Ph.D., University of Toronto

Linn, Cindy L., 2000, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Illinois; M.A., Ph.D., Rice

Liou, William W., 1997, Chair and Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., National Cheng Kung (Taiwan); M.S., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State

Lisovskaya, Elena, 1996, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Leningrad; Ph.D., Ohio State

Little, Adriane, 2008, Director and Professor of Art
B.S., Buffalo State; M.F.A., University at (Buffalo)

Litvinova, Elena, 2013, Professor of Physics
M.Sc., Obninsk State Technical University; M.Sc., Gorkey Literary Institute; Ph.D., Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics

Liu, Hexu, 2018, Associate Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.Eng., Northwest A&F University; M.Eng., Chang’an University; Ph.D., University of Alberta

Liu, Tianshu, 2004, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., M.S., Nanjing (China); M.S., Ph.D., Purdue

Liu, Yuanlong, 1998, Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
B.S., Inner Mongolia; M.P.E., Ph.D., British Columbia

Lo, Jane-Jane, 2002, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., National Taiwan; M.S., Tsing Hua; Ph.D., Florida State

London-Johnson Wright, Antoinette, 2023, Assistant Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences
B.S., Wayne State; M.S., Oklahoma State; Ph.D., Florida State

Lopez-Jeng, Cassie, 2016, Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Health Programs
B.S., Michigan; M.P.H., Ph.D., Tulane

Lu, Yan, 2011, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Nanjing; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Lyerla, Rob, 2018, Professor of Physician Assistant
B.S., Bradley; M.G.I.S., Pennsylvania State; M.S., Ph.D., Southern Illinois

Lynde-Recchia, Molly, 1993, Professor of World Languages and Literatures (French)
B.A., California (Davis); M.A., Ph.D., Indiana

Lyon-Callo, Vincent, 1998, Professor of Sociology and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., Connecticut; M.A., Ph.D., Massachusetts (Amherst)


Makin, Robert, 2023, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
B.S., Canisius College; M.S., Buffalo, Ph.D., Western Michigan

Manley, R. Adam, 2009, Interim Chair and Associate Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences
B.S., M.S., Ferris State; Ph.D., Virginia Tech

Marquardt, Gary, 2022, Faculty Specialist II - Lecturer, Institute for Intercultural and Anthropological Studies
B.A., Wisconsin (Milwaukee); M.A., Albany; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Marshall, Kaitlin, 2021, Faculty Specialist I - Lecturer, Business Information Systems
B.A., M.S., M.B.A., Western Michigan

Masihi, Simin, 2022, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S., University of Zanjan; M.S., Abiban Insitite of Higher Education; Ph.D. Western Michigan

Masselink, Cara, 2018, Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Maury, Nichole, 2004, Professor of Art
B.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago; M.F.A., Iowa

McCullough, Monica, 2017, Faculty Specialist II-Lecturer, Biological Sciences
B.S., Ph.D., Western Michigan

McDonnell, Kelly A., 2000, Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., Franklin and Marshall; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana

McGee, Heather, 2009, Professor of Psychology
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan

McGrew, Timothy J., 1995, Professor of Philosophy
B.A., Scranton; M.A., Ph.D., Vanderbilt

McIver, Derrick, 2012, Associate Professor of Management
B.S., Ferris State; M.B.A., Texas A&M (Corpus Christi); Ph.D., Texas (San Antonio)

McMorrow, Shannon, 2016, Associate Professor of Interdisciplinary Health Programs
B.S., Miami; M.P.H., San Jose State; Ph.D., Western Michigan

Meeusen, Meghann, 2015, Master Faculty Specialist, English
B.S., M.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Illinois State

Meng, Lei, 2011, Professor of Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.S., Nanjing; M.S., China Agricultural; M.S., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign); Ph.D., Texas A&M

Merati, Parviz, 1986, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., Abadan Institute of Technology (Iran); M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign); P.E.

Metro-Roland, Dini, 2008, Professor of Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies
B.A., Loyola Marymount; M.A., Indiana; Ph.D., Indiana (Bloomington)

Meyer, Richard T., 2015, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., M.S., Missouri (Rolla); Ph.D., Purdue; P.E.

Mezei, Gellert, 2007, Professor of Chemistry
B.S., M.S., Babes-Bolyai (Romania); Ph.D., Puerto Rico

Michael, Timothy J., 2000, Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
B.S., Temple; M.S., Texas Christian; Ph.D., Pittsburgh

Miller, Damon, 1997, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S., M.Engr., Ph.D., Louisville

Miller, John B., 1995, Professor of Chemistry
B.A., Harvard; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton

Miller, Michael G., 2002, Chair and Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
B.S., California Univ of Pennsylvania; M.S., Ed.D., West Virginia; M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Mingus, Matthew S., 1998, Director and Professor of Public Affairs and Administration
B.A., Denver; M.P.A., Victoria; Ph.D., Colorado (Denver)

Mingus, Tabitha, 1998, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Western Michigan; M.A., Central Michigan; Ph.D., Northern Colorado

Miron, Gary, 1997, Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.S., Northern Michigan; D.S.S., Ph.D., Stockholm

Mirzeler, Mustafa, 2003, Professor of English
B.A., California State (San Bernardino); M.A., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Moe, Angela, 2002, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Wisconsin (Eau Claire); M.S., Wisconsin (Milwaukee); Ph.D., Arizona State

Montilla, Patricia, 2000, Associate Professor of Spanish
B.A., Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., Chicago

Moon, Jongho, 2022, Assistant Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
B.A., M.A., Gwangju National University of Education; Ph.D., South Carolina

Moser, Christine, 2005, Professor of Economics
B.A., Missouri (Columbia); M.A., Ph.D., Cornell

Mousavi, Reza, 2016, Associate Professor of Business Information Systems
B.Sc., Isfahan; Masters, Sharif University of Technology; Ph.D., North Texas

Mu, Ting-Yu, 2018, Faculty Specialist II-Professional Specialist, Business Information Systems
M.S., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Muchmore, James, 1998, Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies
B.S., M.Ed., Vanderbilt; Ph.D., Michigan

Mughazy, Mustafa, 2003, Professor of World Languages and Literatures (Arabic)
B.A., Alexandria (Egypt); M.A., Georgia State; M.A., Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)

Mukherjee, Debasri, 2002, Professor of Economics
B.Sc., M.Sc., Calcutta; Ph.D., California (Riverside)

Nagle, Christopher C., 2001, Associate Professor of English and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A. Albright; M.A., Virginia; Ph.D., SUNY (Stony Brook)

Naranjo, Joshua, 1989, Professor of Statistics
B.S., M.S., Philippines; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State

Nash, Ilana, 2003, Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., M.A., California (Los Angeles); Ph.D., Bowling Green

Naugle, Amy E., 2000, Professor of Psychology
B.A. St. Thomas; Ph.D., Nevada (Reno)

Nelson, Regena Fails, 1994, Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies
B.S., Loyola (Chicago); Ph.D., Michigan

Newell, Stephen J., 2002, Associate Dean, Haworth College of Business and Professor of Marketing
B.B.A., Michigan State; M.B.A., Indiana; Ph.D., Florida State

Ngadjui, Olivia Theresa, 2021, Assistant Professor, Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.S., Virginia Commonwealth; M.A., George Washington; Ph.D., Idaho State

Ngo, Duy, 2019, Assistant Professor of Statistics
B.A., California State (Fullerton); Ph.D., California (Irvine)

Nissen, Thisbe, 2010, Professor of English
B.A., Oberlin; M.F.A., Iowa

O’Hara, Andrew, 2023, Assistant Professor of Physics
B.S., Haverford College; Ph.D., Texas (Austin)

O’Reilly, Kelley, 2011, Chair and Professor of Marketing
B.S., M.B.A., Western Washington; Ph.D., Utah State

Ofori-Amoah, Benjamin, 2006, Director and Professor of School of Environment, Geography and Sustainability 
B.A., Ghana; M.Sc., University of Science and Technology (Kumasai, Ghana); M.A., Exeter (U.K.); Ph.D., Simon Fraser (Canada)

Oh, Jun-Seok, 2004, Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.Sc., M.Eng., Hanyang (Korea); Ph.D., California (Irvine)

Ohanna, Natalio, 2009, Associate Professor of Spanish
B.A., Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Ph.D., McGill (Canada)

Omilion-Hodges, Leah, 2011, Professor of Communication
B.A., M.A., Grand Valley State; Ph.D., Wayne State

Orbe, Mark P., 1997, Professor of Communication
B.S., Ohio; M.A., Connecticut; Ph.D., Ohio

Ouyang, Ping, 2018, Assistant Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences
B.S., Beijing Agricultural University; M.S., Ph.D., Kansas State

Ozyurek, Abdullah Selim, 2021, Assistant Professor, Aviation Sciences
M.S., Ph.D., Florida Institute of Technology

Padilla, Nicholas, 2019, Assistant Professor of Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.A., St. Norbert College; M.S., Texas State (San Marcos); Ph.D., Wisconsin (Milwaukee)

Palmer, Timothy, 2000, Professor of Management
B.S.F., New Hampshire; M.B.A., Northern Arizona; Ph.D., Arizona State

Palmitessa, James R., 1997, Associate Professor of History
M.A., Boston College; B.A., Ph.D., New York

Pancella, Paul V., 1990, Professor of Physics
B.A., St. Louis; M.A., Ph.D., Rice

Pastrana-Pérez, Pablo, 2002, Chair and Associate Professor of Spanish
Diplomatura, U. de Valladolid; B.A., Western Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Paul, David, 2017, Chair and Master Faculty Specialist, Philosophy
B.A., M.A., Western Michigan

Paulius, Lisa, 1993, Professor of Physics
A.B., Chicago; M.S., Ph.D., California (San Diego)

Pekarovicova, Alexandra, 1999, Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
M.Sc., Ph.D., Slovak Technical

Penner, James, 2011, Chair and Associate Professor of Accountancy
B.A., M.A., Michigan State; Ph.D., Virginia Tech; C.P.A., Michigan

Pérez de la Cruz, Mariola, 1999, Master Faculty Specialist, Spanish
Licenciatura, Ph.D., Universidad de Alcalá (Spain)

Pérez-Villa, Ángela, 2019, Assistant Professor of History
B.A., The City College of New York (CUNY), M.A., Ph.D., Michigan

Perkins, Alisa M., 2013, Associate Professor of World Religions and Cultures
B.A., Wesleyan; M.A., Ph.D., Texas (Austin)

Perryman-Clark, Staci, 2010, Director of Institute for Intercultural and Anthropological Studies; Professor of English and Intercultural and Anthropological Studies
B.A., Michigan; M.A., Eastern Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan State

Petcovic, Heather L., 2004, Chair and Professor of Geological and Environmental Sciences and Professor of Mallinson Institute for Science Education
B.A., Northampton; M.S., Ph.D., Oregon (Corvallis)

Peterson, Stephanie M., 2009, Associate Dean; College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Psychology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Iowa

Petrovic, John S., 1996, Professor of Mathematics
B.A., M.S., Belgrade; Ph.D., Michigan

Piazza, Susan, 2005, Chair of Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies and Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.A., B.Ed., Windsor; M.Ed., Ph.D., Wayne State

Pietras, Cynthia J., 2003, Professor of Psychology
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Florida

Pinkelman, Sarah, 2022, Associate Professor of Psychology
B.S., Bowling Green State; M.S., North Texas; Ph.D., Oregon

Pitts, Brianne, 2021, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies
Ph.D., Wisconsin

Pleasants, Brandy Ann, 2008, Faculty Specialist II, Mallinson Institute for Science Education
M.S., Northern Michigan; Ph.D., Western Michigan

Poling, Alan, 1978, Professor of Psychology
B.A., Alderson-Broaddus College; M.A., West Virginia; Ph.D., Minnesota

Popkova, Anna, 2015, Associate Professor of Communication
B.A., North Dakota; Specialist, Siberian State Aerospace University; M.A, Ph.D., Minnesota

Pozo, Susan, 1982, Professor of Economics
B.A., Barnard College; Ph.D., Michigan State

Protacio, Maria Selena, Chair and Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.A., University of the Philippines-Diliman; M.Ed., Nebraska (Lincoln); Ph.D., Michigan State

Qi, Dewei, 1995, Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
B.S., Light Industrial Institute of Beijing; M.S., Science and Technology of China; Ph.D., Waterloo

Rafacz, Sharlet, 2022, Associate Professor of Psychology
B.S., Utah State; M.A., Ph.D., Nevada (Reno)

Ramrattan, Sam N., 1992, Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.S., M.S., Wisconsin; Ph.D., Iowa State

Rantz, William, 1995, Professor of Aviation Sciences
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Rashid, Khandakar Mamunur, 2022, Assistant Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.Sc., Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology; M.Sc., Missouri State; Ph.D., Oregon State

Rathbun, Andrew, 2012, Professor of Music
B.A., Queen’s; M.A., New England Conservatory; D.M.A., Manhattan School of Music

Rawls, Glinda, 2007, Associate Professor, Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., DePaul; M.E., Grand Valley State; M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Reeser, Linda C., 1981, Professor of Social Work
B.A., M.S.W., Temple; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr

Reeves, Donald M., 2016, Professor of Geological and Environmental Sciences
B.S., Montana State; M.S., Montana (Missoula); Ph.D., Nevada (Reno)

Reichel, Lori, 2021. Assistant Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
B.A., M.A., State University of New York (Stony Brook); Ph.D., Texas A & M

Reinhart, Meredith, 2022, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies
B.Ed., M.Ed., Ph.D., Toledo

Rice, Carter, 2018, Associate Professor of Music
B.M., Concordia; M.M., Bowling Green; D.M.A., Ball State

Rice McCray, Veronica A., 2018, Faculty Specialist II, Business Information Systems
B.A., Bowling Green; M.A., M.B.A., Findlay

Richardson, Jennifer, 2015, Associate Professor of Intercultural and Anthropological Studies
B.A., Quincy; M.A., DePaul; Ph.D., Loyola (Chicago)

Richter, David, 2004, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.A., St. Cloud; Ph.D., Minnesota

Rigley, Katherine, 2020, Faculty Specialist II, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
B.S., M.A., Central Michigan

Rimal, Gaurab, 2023, Assistant Professor of Physics
B.S., Truman State; Ph.D., Wyoming

Ro, Kapseong, 2003, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., M.S., Drexel; Ph.D., Maryland

Roberts, LaSonja, 2018, Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., Loyola Marymount; M.A., UCLA; Ph.D., South Florida

Roche-Dean, Maria, 2019, Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S., M.S., State University of New York Institute of Technology; Ph.D., Colorado (Denver)

Rodriguez, Jorge, 1996, Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.S., Tecnologico de Monterrey-ITESM (Monterrey, Mexico); M.B.A., Rutgers; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Ross, Matthew, 2014, Associate Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.S.E., Michigan; M.B.A., Drexel; Ph.D., Wayne State

Rossbach, Silvia, 1995, Chair and Professor of Biological Sciences
M.S., Münster (Germany); Ph.D., Cologne and Max-Planck Institute for Plant Breeding (Germany)

Roy, Shrabanti, 2023, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.Sc., Military Institute of Science and Technology (Bangladesh); M.Sc., Prairie View A & M; Ph.D., Mississippi State

Rubin, Eli, 2004, Professor of History
B.A., Swarthmore; M.A., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Rudge, David W., 1999, Professor of Biological Sciences and Mallison Institute for Science Education
B.S., Duke; M.S., M.A., Ph.D., Pittsburgh

Ryan, Michael J., 2000, Chair and Professor of Economics
B.A., St. Norbert; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana


Saillant, John, 1997, Professor of English and History
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Brown

Saini, Jagjit, S., 2009, Professor of Accountancy
B.S., MLS University (India); M.S., Devi Ahilya University (India); M.S., Mississippi; Ph.D., Oklahoma State

Sanders, Tova, 2023, Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., George Washington; M.A., Maryland (College Park); Ph.D., George Washington

Sauer, Eric M., 2001, Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.S., Michigan State; M.A., Ball State; Ph.D., Michigan State

Sawalha, Lina, 2014, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S. Jordan University of Science and Technology; B.S., Ph.D., Oklahoma

Schriever, Tiffany, 2019, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences and Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.Sc., Winona State; M.Sc., Southeastern Louisiana; Ph.D., Toronto

Schroeter, Daniela C., 2015, Associate Professor of Public Affairs and Administration
M.A., Friedrich Schiller; Ph.D., Western Michigan

Schulman, Jana, 2002, Professor of English
B.A., Barnard; B.Isl. Phil., University of Iceland; M.A., Ph.D., Minnesota

Schultz, Thomas, 2012, Associate Professor of Accountancy
B.B.A., Loyola (Chicago); M.A., Northern Illinois; Ph.D., Arizona

Shao, Xiaoyun, 2008, Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.Sc., M.S., Tongji (China); Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)

Sharma, Priyanka, 2022, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
B.Sc., M.Sc., University Rajasthan (India); Ph.D., SCIR-National Chemical Laboratory (India)

Shen, Jianping, 1996, Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., Shanghai Institute of Education; M.A., East China Normal (Shanghai); Ph.D., Washington

Shrestha, Bade, 2003, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
M.Sc., Ph.D., Calgary (Canada); P.Eng.

Simon, Larry J., 1993, Associate Professor of History
B.S., Southern Colorado; B.A., Loyola Marymount (Los Angeles); M.A., Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)

Simpson, C. Dennis, 1978, Director, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program and Professor of Interdisciplinary Health Programs
B.A., M.Ed., Ed.S., Louisville; Ed.D., Indiana

Sims, Lori, 1997, Professor of Music
B.M., Peabody Conservatory; M.M., Yale; Artist Diploma, Hochschule fur Musik und Theater (Hanover, Germany)

Singh, Chitra, 2019, Assistant Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences
B.S., GNDU (India); M.A., NIFT (India); Ph.D., Oklahoma State

Singleterry, Lisa, 2015, Director and Associate Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., M.S.N., Ph.D., Michigan State

Sinn, Ekkehard, 2007, Professor of Chemistry
B.A., M.A., Sydney (Australia); Ph.D., New South Wales (Australia)

Slawinski, Scott, 2005, Associate Professor of English
B.A., SUNY (Buffalo); M.A., Alabama; Ph.D., South Carolina

Smith, Andrea, 1994, Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies and Family and Consumer Sciences
M.S.W., Wayne State; B.S., Ph.D., Michigan State

Smith, Jesse, 2013, Associate Professor of Sociology
B.S., Utah Valley; M.A., Colorado; Ph.D., Colorado (Boulder)

Smith-Ayers, Suzan F., 2004, Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
B.S., Winthrop; M.S., Florida; Ph.D., South Carolina

Snyder, Zoann K., 1992, Associate Professor of Sociology
B.S., Wayne State; M.A., Nebraska (Lincoln); Ph.D., Arizona State

Solomon, Paul R., 1995, Professor of Art
B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design; M.F.A., Ohio State

Spitsbergen, John M., 1996, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Michigan State

Springstead, James, 2012, Associate Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
B.S., Pennsylvania; M.S., Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)

Spybrook, Jessaca, 2008, Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Michigan

Srof, Brenda J., 2021, Associate Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., Goshen College; M.S.N., Oral Roberts; Ph.D., Loyola (Chicago)

St. Martin, Mark, 2007, Associate Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., Alma College; M.A., West Virginia; Ph.D., Western Michigan

Stamper, Christina, 2001, Professor of Management
B.B.A., Miami; M.B.A., Ph.D., Michigan State

Steuer, Susan M.B., 2006, Professor, University Libraries
B.A., Missouri (Columbia); M.L.S., Indiana (Bloomington); Ph.D., Minnesota

Stitt, Wayne, 2022 Faculty Specialist II, Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.S., Indiana; M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Straight, Bilinda, 2000, Professor of Environment, Geography, and Sustainability and Professor of Anthropology
B.A., Lake Erie; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan

Strom, Jeffrey, 2002, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Pennsylvania State; Ph.D., Wisconsin

Strong, Anise K., 2011, Associate Professor of History
B.A., Yale; M.A., M.Phil; Ph.D., Columbia

Stull, Frederick, 2019, Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., South Florida; Ph.D., Michigan

Suarez, Michelle A., 2011, Professor of Occupational Therapy
B.S., M.O.T., Eastern; Ph.D., Western Michigan

Sultan, Mohamed I., 2004, Professor of Geological and Environmental Sciences
B.Sc., M.Sc. Cairo; Ph.D., St. Louis

Summy, Sarah, 1999, Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.S., Iowa; M.A., Ed.D., Northern Colorado

Szabla, David, 2018, Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.F.A., Wayne State; Ed.M., Boston; Ed.D., George Washington

Tabor, Nathan, 2017, Assistant Professor of History
B.A., Redlands; M.M., Ph.D., Texas (Austin)

Talbot, Donna M., 1992, Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., Amherst; M.Ed., Lesley; Ed.S., Florida; Ph.D., Maryland

Tarbox, Gwen, 1999, Professor of English
B.A., Michigan (Flint); M.A., London (U.K.); M.A., Ph.D., Purdue

Tasende, Mercedes, 1991, Professor of Spanish
B.A., Santiago de Compostela (Spain); M.A., Nebraska; Ph.D. Colorado (Boulder)

Teichert, Laura, 2019, Assistant Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.A., M.Ed., University of Western Ontario; Ph.D., University of British Columbia

Terpstra, Jeff, 2008, Chair and Professor of Statistics
B.S., Grand Valley State; M.S.; Ph.D., Western Michigan

Thaviphoke, Ying, 2023, Assistant Professor of Industrial & Entrepreneurial Engineering and Engineering Management
B.Eng. Chiang Mai University; M.E.M., Ph.D., Old Dominion University

Thompson, Andrew, 2022, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., Clarion; Ph.D., George Washington

Tierney, Katherine, 2020, Assistant Professor of Sociology
B.A., Wellesley College; M.A., Ph.D., North Carolina (Chapel Hill)

Tiffany, Grace, 1995, Professor of English
B.A., Duke; M.A., Ph.D., Notre Dame

Torres, Benjamín, 1990, Professor of Spanish
B.A., Washington; M.A., Ph.D., Pennsylvania

Totton, Mary-Louise, 2004, Professor of Art
B.F.A., Wayne State; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan

Treiman, Jay, S., 1985, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., California (Davis); M.S., Ph.D., Washington

Triplett, Kyle, 2019, Assistant Professor of Art
B.F.A., Southeast Missouri State; M.F.A., Ohio

Tripp, Brian, 2001, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., Colorado School of Mines; Ph.D., Utah

Tubino Blanco, Mercedes, 2014, Associate Professor of Spanish
B.A., Sevilla (Spain), M.A., Ph.D., Arizona

Tuttle, Robert, 2021, Associate Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D., Missouri University of Science and Technology

Van Deusen, Karen, 1999, Professor of Social Work
B.S.W., Western Michigan; M.S.W., Grand Valley State; M.A., Psy.D., Central Michigan

Van Houten, Ron, 2005, Professor of Psychology
B.A., SUNY (Stony Book); M.A., Ph.D., Dalhousie (Canada)

Van Zoest, Laura R., 1994, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Calvin; M.S., Wisconsin (Milwaukee); Ph.D., Illinois State

VanDerwall, Rena, 2023, Assistant Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.S., M.A., Ed.D., Western Michigan

Vann, Robert, 1996, Professor of Spanish
B.A., M.A., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign); Ph.D., Texas (Austin)

Veeck, Ann, 1998, Professor of Marketing
B.M.E., Denison; M.M.R., Georgia; Ph.D., Louisiana State

Venter, Andre, 2008, Professor of Chemistry
B.S., B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Pretoria (South Africa)

Vidic, Zeljka, 2012, Associate Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Idaho

Visscher, Cynthia, 2014, Master Faculty Specialist, Lecturer, World Religions and Cultures
B.A., M.B.A., Grand Valley State; M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Voice, Peter, 2020, Faculty Specialist II-Lecturer, Geological and Environmental Sciences
B.S., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Virginia Tech

Vonhof, Maarten, 2004, Professor of Biological Sciences and Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.Sc., M.Sc., Calgary (Canada); Ph.D., York (Canada)

Wallace, Luchara, 2010, Dean, Merze Tate College; Associate Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.A., North Carolina (Chapel Hill); M.A., M.Ed., Loyola; Ph.D., Kansas

Wang, Chen, 2020, Assistant Professor of Management
B.B.A., Qingdao University; B.A., IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems; M.I.B., Ph.D., Florida International University

Wang, Xiaodan, 2011, Associate Professor of Management
B.A., International Business and Economics (Beijing, China); M.B.A., Ohio; Ph.D., Texas Tech

Wang, Yuan-Kang, 2008, Professor of Political Science
B.A. National Chengchi University; M.A., Johns Hopkins; Ph.D., Chicago

Wanner, Kevin, 2004, Chair and Professor of World Religions and Cultures
B.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Ph.D., Chicago

Warren, Wilson J., 2002, Professor of History
B.A., St. Ambrose; M.A., Iowa; Ph.D. Pittsburgh

Webb, Allen, 1992, Professor of English
B.A., Swarthmore; M.A.T., Lewis and Clark; M.A., Ph.D., Oregon

Weideman, Carol A., 2003, Master Faculty Specialist, Human Performance and Health Education
B.S., Grand Valley State; M.Ed., Ph.D., Toledo

Weir, Rodney, 2018, Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy
B.S., Michigan; M.P.T., Northwestern; D.P.T., Alabama State; D.H.S., Midwestern

Wells, Lee, 2015, Associate Professor of Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering & Engineering Management
B.S., M.S., Michigan Technological; Ph.D., Virginia Tech

White, Bob E., 1973, Professor of Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering & Engineering Management
B.S., M.S., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Iowa State; P.E.

White, Robert, 2014, Associate Professor of Music
B.M., Western Michigan; M.M., D.M.A., Indiana

Whitehurst, Geoffrey, 2008, Professor of Aviation Sciences
B.Sc., Queen Mary College (U.K.); M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Wiebold, Jennipher L., 1999, Associate Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.S., M.S., Minnesota (Mankato); Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Wilson, Brian C., 1996, Professor of World Religions and Cultures
B.S., Stanford; M.A., Monterey Institute of International Studies; M.A., Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara)

Wilson, Patrick, 2018, Associate Professor of Art
B.A., Gustavus Adolphus; M.F.A., San Francisco Art Institute

Wirtz, Kristina, 2005, Professor of Spanish
B.A., M.S., Cornell; Ph.D., Pennsylvania

Witschi, Nicolas S., 2000, Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of English
B.F.A., Tisch School of the Arts, NYU; M.A., Colorado; Ph.D., Oregon

Wittenberg, Kelly, 2014, Associate Professor of Communication
B.A., Nevada (Reno); M.F.A., Syracuse

Wu, Qingliu, 2017, Associate Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
Ph.D., Kentucky

Xiong, Victor C., 1989, Professor of History
B.A., Beijing; M.S., Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Ph.D., Australian National

Yaman, Devrim, 2000, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, Haworth College of Business; Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.S., Middle East Technical (Turkey); M.S., Lancaster (U.K.); M.A., Ph.D., New Orleans

Yang, Li, 2007, Associate Professor of Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.S., M.S., Yunnan (China); Ph.D. Waterloo (Canada)

Yang, Shu, 2017, Associate Professor of World Languages and Literatures (Chinese)
B.A., M.A., Beijing Normal University; Ph.D., Oregon

Yoshida, Takashi, 2002, Professor of History
B.A., Aoyama Gakuin (Tokyo); B.A., Illinois (Chicago); M. Phil., Ph.D., Columbia

Zakharov, David, 2022, Assistant Professor of Geological and Environmental Sciences
B.S. Russian State Geological Prospecting University; Ph.D., Oregon

Zárate-Sández, German, 2015, Associate Professor of Spanish
B.A., Universidad Nacional de San Juan; M.S., Scranton; M.S., Ph.D., Georgetown

Zhang, Jiabei, 1997, Professor of Human Performance and Health Education
B.S., M.Ed., Wuhen Institute of PE (China); M.S., Wisconsin (La Crosse); Ed.D., Georgia

Zhang, Ping, 1996, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Wuhan; M.S., Jordan; Ph.D., Michigan State

Zhang, Ya, 2017, Associate Professor of Education Leadership, Research and Technology
B.S., M.A., East China Normal University; M.A., Ph.D., Pittsburgh

Zhang, Yingying, 2022, Assistant Professor of Statistics
B.S., Nanchang University; M.S., Stonybrook; Ph.D., Alabama

Zhu, Laiyin, 2015, Associate Professor of Environment, Geography and Sustainability
B.S., Nanjing Forestry University (China); M.S., Beijing Normal University (China); Ph.D., Texas A&M

Zhu, Qiji, 1994, Professor of Mathematics
B.E., Jilin University of Technology (China); M.S., Zhejiang University (China); Ph.D., Northeastern

Zolp, Andrew, 2018, Chair and Associate Professor of Physician Assistant
M.S.M., PA-C, Western Michigan

Zufelt, Amy, 2023, Faculty Specialist I-Lecturer, Business Information Systems
B.A., Wisconsin (Madison); M.A., Westminster College; M.S., Concordia

Zwanka, Russell J., 2020, Associate Professor of Marketing
B.S., South Carolina; M.S., Southern Wesleyan; D.B.A., International School of Management-Paris