Sabra, Adam Abdelhamid, 2002 Assistant Professor of History
A.B., Harvard; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton
Sachs, Dianna, 2006, Assistant Professor of University Libraries
B.A., Hamilton; M.L.S., Rhode Island
Sadler, Judith, 1998, Associate Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., Northern Michigan; M.S., Michigan; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Milwaukee)
Sahin, Iskender, 1984, Professor of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
B.S.M.E., Technical University of Istanbul; M.S., Michigan; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; P.E.
Saillant, John, 1997, Professor of English and of History
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Brown
Salisbury, Eve, 2000, Associate Professor of English
B.A., SUNY (Genesco); M.A., Ph.D., Rochester
Samant, Ajay A., 1992, Associate Dean, Haworth College of Business and Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.S., M.A., University of Bombay; Ph.D., Indiana
Santiago-Valles, William F., 2002, Associate Professor of Africana Studies
B.A., Antioch; Ph.D., Simon Fraser; Ph.D., Union Institute
Sauck, William A., 1990, Associate Professor of Geosciences
B.A., St. Olaf; M.S., Ph.D., Arizona
Sauer, Eric M., 2002, Associate Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.S., Michigan State; M.A., Ball State; Ph.D., Michigan State
Scannell, Thomas, 1998, Associate Professor of Management
B.S.E.E., M.B.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan State
Scheu, Tim F., 1983, Associate Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.A., Notre Dame; M.S., Ph.D., Illinois
Schmidt, Christopher J., 1978, Professor of Geosciences
B.A., Oberlin; A.M., Ph.D., Indiana
Schmitt, Peter J., 1965, Professor of History
B.A., Minnesota; M.A. (English), M.A. (History), Iowa; Ph.D., Minnesota
Schoffers, Elke, 1998, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Mainz; M.S., SUNY (Stony Brook); Ph.D., Wayne State
Schrader, David, 2000, Faculty Specialist II, Aviation Sciences
A.A., Northwestern Michigan
Schreiber, Donald R., 1988, Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Florida Institute of Technology; M.S., Kansas; Ph.D., Miami
Schullery, Nancy M., 1997, Associate Professor of Business Information Systems
B.S., SUNY (Cortland); M.B.A., Eastern Michigan; Ph.D., Wayne State
Schulman, Jana, 2002, Associate Professor of English
B.A., Barnard; M.A., Ph.D., Minnesota
Schultz, Roberta, 1999, Associate Professor of Marketing
B.S.B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Missouri
Schuster, David, 2002, Associate Professor of Physics
B.Sc., Witwatersrand; M.S., Wisconsin (Madison); Ph.D., Witwatersrand
Schwartz, Rene‚, 2003, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., Purdue; M.S., Wake Forest
Schwenk, Allen J., 1985, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., California Institute of Technology; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan
Scott, Maria E., 2004, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Maryland; Ph.D., Edward Herbert School of Medicine
Searing, Kimberly, 2003, Faculty Specialist II, Nursing
B.S., M.S.N., Arizona State
Seiler, Ryan, 1999, Faculty Specialist II, Aviation Sciences
B.S., Western Michigan
Sevak, Pravin, 2003, Associate Professor of Art
B.S., Gujarat (India); M.F.A., National Institute of Design (India)
Severance, Frank L., 1985, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S., B.S., M.S., M.S., Ph.D., Michigan State; C.D.P.
Sharma, Rameshwar, 1981, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
B.S., Jodhpur (India); M.S., Kansas State; M.B.A., Indiana Northern; Ph.D., Wayne State
Sharp, Helen M., 2005, Assistant Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.Sc., Guelph; M.S., Pittsburh; Ph.D., Iowa
Shen, Jianping, 1996, Professor of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology
B.A., Shanghai Institute of Education; M.A., East China Normal (Shanghai); Ph.D., Washington
Shen, Wuwei, 2002, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
B.S., Beijing Computer Institute; M.E., Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Science; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan
Shields, P. David, 2006, Dean, Haworth College of Business and Professor or Accountancy
B.A., M.B.A., Ohio State; Ph.D., Michigan; C.P.A., Ohio
Shouse, Dennis, 2001, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant
B.S., M.A., Western Michigan
Shrestha, Bade S.O., 2003, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
M.Sc., Ph.D., Calgary (Alberta)
Siebert, Rudolf J., 1965, Professor of Comparative Religion
Ph.D., Mainz
Sievers, Gerald L., 1967, Professor of Statistics
B.A., St. Mary’s; M.S., Ph.D., Iowa
Simon, Larry J., 1993, Associate Professor of History
B.S., Southern Colorado; B.A., Loyola Marymount (Los Angeles); M.A., Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Simpson, C. Dennis, 1978, Director, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program and Professor of Physician Assistant
B.A., M.Ed., Ed.S., Louisville; Ed.D., Indiana
Sims, Lori, 1997, Professor of Music
B.M., Peabody Conservatory; M.M., Yale; Artist Diploma, Hochschule fur Musik und Theater (Hannover, Germany)
Sinclair, Gil, 1999, Faculty Specialist II, Lecturer, Aviation Sciences
B.Sc. Newcastle-upon-Tyne (England)
Sinning, Kathleen E., 1979, Professor of Accountancy
B.S., Fairleigh Dickson; M.B.A., Ph.D., Michigan State
Skellenger, Annette, 1998, Associate Professor of Blindness and Low Vision Studies
B.A., Michigan State; M.A., Western Michigan; Ed.D., Vanderbilt
Slawinski, Scott, 2005, Assistant Professor of English
B.A., SUNY (Buffalo); M.A., Alabama; Ph.D., South Carolina
Slingtom, Jerry L., 2004 Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., University of Arizona; Ph.D., Southern Illinois
Smith, Andrea, 1994, Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies
B.S. Michigan State; M.S.W., Wayne State; Ph.D., Michigan State
Smith, Christine M., 1991, Professor of Music
B.M., Oklahoma; M.M., Michigan State
Smith, David S., 1995, Professor of Music
B.M., Greenville; M.M., Michigan State; Ph.D., Florida State
Smith, Kenneth H., 2005, Assistant Professor of Music
B.A., B.S., King’s College; M.A., Eastman; Ph.D., Illinois
Smith, Ola M., 2000, Associate Professor of Accountancy
B.S., B.A., M.B.A., Detroit/Mercy; ISR, ICPSR, Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan State
Smith, Quentin, 1993, Professor of Philosophy
B.A., Antioch; Ph.D, Boston
Snyder, Zoann K., 1992, Associate Professor of Sociology
B.S., Wayne State; M.A., Nebraska (Lincoln); Ph.D., Arizona State
Solomon, Paul R., 1995, Associate Professor of Art
B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design; M.F.A., Ohio State
Spates, Charles R., 1987, Professor of Psychology
B.S., M.A., Western Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., Illinois
Spielvogel, Laura, 2000, Associate Professor of Anthropology
B.A., Duke; M.Phil., Ph.D., Yale
Spitsbergen, John M., 1996, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Michigan State
Spradling, Robert, 1993, Professor of Music
B.M.E., M.M.E., Ph.D., Florida State
St. Martin, Mark, 2007, Instructor, Counseling and Testing Center
B.A., Alma College; M.A., West Virginia; Ph.D., Western Michigan
Stahl, Mary, 2007, Faculty Specialist II, Nursing
B.S.N., Montana State; M.S.N., St. Joseph’s College of Maine
Stamper, Christina, 2001, Associate Professor of Management
B.B.A., Miami; M.B.A., Ph.D., Michigan State
Stapleton, Susan R., 1989, Professor of Chemistry and Biological Sciences
B.S, Juniata; Ph.D., Miami
Stark, Mary Ann, 2001, Associate Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., Capital; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan
Steel, Matthew, 1984, Associate Professor of Music
B.M., M.M., M.A., Ph.D., Michigan
Steinke, Jocelyn, 1995, Professor of Communication
B.A., Mount Holyoke; M.A., Cornell; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)
Steuer, Susan M.B., 2006, Assistant Professor of University Libraries
B.A., Missouri (Columbia); M.L.S., Indiana; Ph.D., Minnesota
Stevenson, Leo J., 1976, Associate Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.B.A., Western Michigan; J.D., University of Mississippi School of Law
Stoline, Michael R., 1967, Professor of Statistics
B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Iowa
Stoltman, Joseph P., 1971, Professor of Geography
B.A., Central Washington State; M.A.T., Chicago; Ed.D., Georgiac
Straight, Bilinda, 2000, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Women’s Studies
B.A., Lake Erie; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan
Strasser, Dennis, 1991, Associate Professor University Libraries
A.A., Lake Michigan; B.S., M.L.S., Western Michigan
Strom, Jeffrey, 2002, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Pennsylvania State; Ph.D., Wisconsin
Sultan, Mohamed I., 2004, Professor of Geosciences
B.Sc., M.Sc. Cairo; Ph.D., St. Louis
Summy, Sarah, 1999, Associate Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.S., Iowa; M.A., Ed.D., Northern Colorado
Sutkowi, Sally, 1997, Master Faculty Specialist, Nursing
B.S.N., Northern Michigan; M.S.N., Grand Valley State
Swanson, Jacinda, 2004, Assistant Professor of Political Science
B.E., Vanderbilt; M.A., Ph.D., Notre Dame
Swartz, Thomas E., 2000, Master Faculty Specialist Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
B.A., Western Michigan; M.A., Kansas State (Pittsburg)
Swisher, Judy, 2002, Associate Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.S., Indiana; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Swoboda, Deanna L., 2005, Assistant Professor of Music
B.M., Idaho; M.M., Northwestern
Szylvian, Kristin M., 1996, Associate Professor of History
B.A., Massachusetts (Lowell); M.A., Duquesne; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon
Talbot, Donna M., 1992, Professor of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology
B.A., Amherst; M.Ed., Lesley; Ed.S., Florida; Ph.D., Maryland
Tang, Roger, 1988, Upjohn Chair of Business Administration and Professor of Accountancy
B.Comm., National Taiwan; M.B.A., Eastern New Mexico; Ph.D., Nebraska (Lincoln)
Tanis, John A., 1980, Professor of Physics
B.A., Hope College; M.S., Iowa; Ph.D., New York University
Tanner, Ralph, 1986, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
B.S.E., Michigan; M.S.E., Southern Methodist; Ph.D., Oakland; P.E., CMFGE
Tarbox, Gwen, 1999, Associate Professor or English
B.A., Michigan (Flint); M.A., London; M.A., Ph.D., Purdue
Targowski, Andrew S., 1985, Professor of Business Information Systems
B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., Warsaw Polytechnic
Tarn, Mike, 1999, Associate Professor of Business Information Systems
B.S., National Taiwan Ocean; M.S., Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University
Tasende, Mercedes, 1991, Professor and Chair, Department of Spanish
Licenciada, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain); M.A., Nebraska; Ph.D. Colorado
Tasko, Stephen M., 2002, Associate Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.S., Guelph; M.H.Sc., Toronto; Ph.D., Wisconsin
Teodorescu, Radu, 1997, Master Faculty Specialist, Mathematics
B.S., Cluj (Romania); Ph.D., Bucharest (Romania)
Thomas, Karen, 1996, Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.A., Michigan; M.A., SUNY ( ); Ph.D., Pittsburgh
Thompson, Jeffrey, 2004, Assistant Professor of Art
B.A., Birmingham-Southern (Alabama); M.A., New York; Ph.D., Emory
Thompson, Joyce, 2002, Bernardine M. Lacey Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., M.P.H., Michigan; Dr.P.H., Columbia
Thornburg, Scott W., 1989, Professor of Music
B.M., Miami (Florida); M.M., Juilliard
Thralls, Charlotte, 2004, Professor of English
M.A., Ph.D., Purdue
Tiffany, Grace, 1995, Professor of English
B.A., Duke; M.A., Ph.D., Notre Dame
Tkachuk, Steven W., 2006, Faculty Specialist I, Aviation Sciences
B.S., Western Michigan
Toledo Pereyra, Luis H., 1990, Adjunct Professor of History and of Biological Sciences
B.S., Colegio Regis (Mexico); M.S., M.D., Mexico Nacional; Ph.D., (Surgery), Ph.D., (History of Medicine), Minnesota
Torano, Vince J., 1997, Associate Professor of Art
B.A., M.A., California State (San Diego); M.F.A., Ohio
Torres, Benjamín, 1990, Professor of Spanish
B.A., Washington; M.A., Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Totton, Mary-Louise, 2004, Assistant Professor of Art
B.F.A., Wayne State; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan
Treiman, Jay, S., 1985, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., California (Davis); M.S., Ph.D., Washington
Trenary, Robert, 1981, Associate Professor of Computer Science
B.A., Kalamazoo College; M.A., Maryland; M.S., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Wayne State
Tripp, Brian, 2001, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., Colorado School of Mines; Ph.D., Utah
Turner, Neal T., 2001, Faculty Specialist I Finance and Commercial Law
B.A., Michigan State; M.B.A., Western Michigan
Tyler, Ann A., 2007, Chair and Professor, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.S., New Hampshire; M.S., Ph.D., Syracuse
Uchimura, Bruce J., 1987, Professor of Music
B.M., Juilliard School of Music; M.M., Cleveland Institute of Music
Ulin, Robert, 1999, Professor and Chair, Department of Anthropology
B.A., Whittier; M.A., Ph.D., New School for Social Research
Unrau, Yvonne A., 2004, Associate Professor of Social Work
B.A., Lethbridge (Canada); B.S.W., M.S.W., Calgary (Canada); Ph.D., Utah
Unwin, Jay, 1985, Adjunct Associate Professor of Paper Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Imaging
B.S., Washington; M.S., Montana State
Urdarevik, Slobodan, 2004, Faculty Specialist II, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
B.S., M.S., Skopje (Macedonia)
Utz, Richard, 2007, Professor and Chair, Department of English
M.A., Ph.D., Regensburg (Germany)
Van Houten, Ron, 2005 Professor of Psychology
B.A., SUNY (Stony Book); M.A., Ph.D., Dalhousie University (Canada)
Van Zoest, Laura R., 1994, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Calvin; M.S. Wisconsin (Milwaukee); Ph.D., Illinois State
VandenBrink, Dennis, 1984, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
B.S.C.E., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; M.S., Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; P.E.
VanDePolder, James, 1967, Associate Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
B.S., M.A., Western Michigan; M.S., Colorado State
Vander Meer, Patricia Fravel, 1977, Professor University Libraries
B.A., M.L.S., Illinois; M.A. Western Michigan
VanDeusen, Karen, 1999, Associate Professor of Social Work
B.S.W., Western Michigan; M.S.W., Grand Valley State; M.A., Psy.D., Central Michigan
VanEnk, Richard, 2002, Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences
B.A., Calvin; M.S., Western Kentucky; Ph.D., Kansas
Vangsnes, Eric, 1999, Associate Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Physician Assistant
B.S., Weber State; B.S., Western Michigan; M.S., Central Michigan; Ph.D., Western Michigan
VanMeter, Adelia, 1993, Master Faculty Specialist, Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.A., M.S., Michigan
Vann, Robert, 1996, Associate Professor of Spanish
B.A., M.A., Illinois; Ph.D., Texas
VanWesep, Edward 2005, Faculty Specialist II, Economics
B.A., UCLA; M.B.A, Pepperdine; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State
Veeck, Ann, 1998, Associate Professor of Marketing
B.M.E., Denison; M.M.R., Georgia; Ph.D., Louisiana State
Veeck, Gregory, 1999, Professor of Geography
B.A., Denison; M.A., Purdue; Ph.D., Georgia
Vellom, Paul, 2002, Assistant Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies
B.A., California (San Diego); Ph.D., Michigan State
Visser, James, 1990, Associate Professor of Public Affairs and Administration
B.S., Western Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., Oklahoma
Vliem, Sally, 1998, Master Faculty Specialist, Nursing
B.S.N., M.S., Michigan
Vocke, Karen, 2002, Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Ohio Northern; M.A., Eastern Michigan; Ph.D., Toledo
Vonhof, Maarten, 2004, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies and of Biological Sciences
B.Sc., M.Sc., Calgary (Canada); Ph.D., York (Toronto, Canada)
Vrbanac, John J., 2005 Adjunct Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Michigan State
Wagle, Udaya, 2005, Assistant Professor of Public Affairs and Administration
B.B.A., M.B.A., Tribhuvan (Nepal); M.S., Eastern; Ph.D., Massachusetts (Boston)
Wagner, Bret, 2001, Associate Professor of Management
B.S., Michigan State; M.E.A., George Washington; Ph.D., Michigan State
Wait, Robert F., 1970, Associate Professor of Sociology
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Indiana
Walcott, Delores, 1995, Associate Professor, Counseling and Testing Center
B.A., M.S., Chicago State; Psy.D., Illinois School of Professional Psychology
Walcott, Philip, 2005, Instructor of Physician Assistant
B.S., Aquinas College; M.S., Grand Valley State
Walker, Gay, 1997 Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant
B.F.A., Michigan State; M.A., Antioch University
Walker, Joyce, 2006, Assistant Professor or English
M.A., Southern Illinois; Ph.D. Illinois
Wall-Emerson, Robert, Associate Professor of Blindness and Low Vision Studies
B.Ed., Manitoba (Canada); M.S., North Dakota; Ph.D., George Peabody College of Vanderbilt
Wang, Jung-Chao, 1989, Associate Professor of Statistics
B.S., Tamkang; M.S., National Tsing Hua; Ph.D., Wisconsin
Wang, Xiaojun, 1997, Professor of Chinese
B.A., M.A., Northeast Normal (China); M.A., Ph.D., Arizona
Wanner, Kevin, 2004, Assistant Professor of Comparative Religion
B.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Ph.D., Chicago
Wardrop, Daneen, 1990, Professor of English
B.S, Central Michigan; M.A., M.F.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D, Virginia
Warfield, Charles C., 1972, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology
B.A., M.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Oregon
Warren, Wilson J., 2002, Associate Professor of History
B.A., St. Ambrose; M.A., Iowa; Ph.D. Pittsburgh
Washington, Earlie M., 2000, Dean, College of Health and Human Services and Professor of Social Work
B.A., Tougaloo; M.S.W., Ohio State; Ph.D., Chicago
Washington, Von H., 1989, Professor of Theatre
B.A., M.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Wayne State
Way, Ineke, 2000, Associate Professor of Social Work
B.S., Central Michigan; M.S.W., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Washington University
Webb, Allen, 1992, Associate Professor of English
B.A., Swarthmore; M.A.T., Lewis and Clark; M.A., Ph.D., Oregon
Webber, Caroline, 2005, Assistant Professor Family and Consumer Sciences
B.A., Kirkland College; B.S., California [Berkeley]; M.P.H., Minnesota; Ph.D., Cornell
Wegenke, Gary, 1999, Dean, College of Education and Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
B.A., DePauw; M.S., Indiana; Ph.D., Ohio State
Weideman, Carol A., 2003, Faculty Specialist II, Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
B.S., Grand Valley State; M.Ed., Ph.D., Toledo
Weinger, Susan, 1993, Associate Professor of Social Work
B.A. Brandeis; M.S.W., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign); Ph.D., Illinois (Chicago)
Weinreich, Donna M., 1999, Assistant Professor of Social Work
B.A., Baltimore; M.S.W., Ph.D., Maryland
Weitzel, John E., 2001, Master Faculty Specialist and Lecturer, Marketing
B.A., Kent State; M.B.A., Washington
Weldy, Lance, 2005, Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Bob Jones; M.A., Illinois; Ph.D., Texas A & M
Wertkin, Robert A., 1981, Professor of Social Work
B.A., Washburn; M.S.W., Kansas; D.S.W., Utah
West-Frasier, Jaclyn, 1998, Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy
B.S., M.A., Western Michigan
Whang, Michael, 2002, Assistant Professor University Libraries
B.A., M.L.I.S., Hawaii
Wheeler, Mark V., 1990, Professor of Economics
B.A., Alma; M.A., Ph.D., Kentucky
White, Arthur T., 1969, Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Oberlin; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan State
White, Bob E., 1979, Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
B.S., M.S., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Iowa State; P.E.
Whittaker, Lisa, 2000, Associate Professor of Aviation Sciences
B.S., M.S., Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
Whitten, Elizabeth, 1994, Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.S., M.Ed., Eastern Illinois, Ph.D., Illinois
Whittles, Jim, 2001, Faculty Specialist II, Aviation Sciences
B.S., Indiana State
Wicklund, Karen, 1997, Associate Professor of Music
B.A., Saint Olaf; M.M., Michigan; D.M., Northwestern
Wiebold, Jennipher L., 1999, Associate Professor of Blindness and Low Vision Studies and of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.S., M.S., Minnesota (Mankato); Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)
Wielhouwer, Peter W., 2005, Assistant Professor of Political Science
B.S., Heidelberg College; M.A., Ph.D., Georgia
Wilhite, Lindsey, 1965, Assistant Professor of French
B.A., M.A., Western Michigan
Wilson, Brian C., 1996, Professor of Comparative Religion
B.S., Stanford; M.A., Monterey Institute of International Studies; M.A., Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara)
Wilson, Brian L., 1975, Professor of Music
B.M., M.M., Florida State
Wilson, Paul T., 1986, Associate Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.A., M.A., Toronto; Ed.S., Ed.D., Virginia
Winfield, Evelyn B., 1999, Associate Professor, Counseling and Testing Center
B.A. Dillard; M.A., Northern Iowa; Ph.D., Southern Illinois
Winter, Ronald J., 1969, Associate Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation
B.S., M.A., Michigan State
Wirtz, Kristina, 2005, Assistant Professor of Anthropology
B.A., M.S., Cornell University; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Witschi, Nicolas S., 2000, Associate Professor of English
B.F.A., Tisch School of the Arts, NYU; M.A., Colorado; Ph.D., Oregon
Wolfinbarger, Stephen M., 1986, Associate Professor of Music
B.M.Ed., Evangel College; M.M., D.M.A., North Texas
Wong, Bradley, 1983, Professor of Music
B.M., M.M., Michigan
Wong, Kathleen, 2005, Instructor of Communication
B.A., California State; M.A. Arizona State
Wood, Jay, 2000, Professor of Mathematics and Interim Chair, Department of Statistics
A.B., Notre Dame; M.A., Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Wright Jr., Lester W., 1996, Associate Professor of Psychology
B.S., Florida International; M.S., Ph.D., Georgia
Wuosmaa, Alan, 2002, Associate Professor of Physics
B.A., Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Xiong, Victor C., 1989, Professor of History
B.A., Beijing; M.S., Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Ph.D., Australian National
Yaman, Devrim, 2000, Associate Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.S., Middle East Technical (Turkey); M.S., Lancaster (U.K.); M.A., Ph.D., New Orleans
Yang, Li, 2000, Professor of Computer Science
B.S., Shandong; M.S., Ph.D., University of Science and Technology of China (Hefei)
Yang, Zijiang, 2003, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
B.S., Science and Technology of China; M.S., Rice; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Yehia, Sherif, 2003, Associate Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.Sc., M.Sc., AinShams (Egypt); Ph.D., Nebraska (Lincoln)
Yin, Jordan, 2002, Assistant Professor of Geography
B.A., Cleveland State; M.R.P., Ph.D., Cornell
Yoshida, Takashi, 2002, Assistant Professor of History
B.A., Aoyama Gakuin (Tokyo); B.A., Illinois (Chicago); M. Phil., Ph.D., Columbia
Young, Allison Kelaher, 1997, Associate Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies
B.A., Swarthmore; A.M., Ph.D., Michigan
Zagarell, Allen, 1987, Professor of Anthropology and of Women’s Studies
B.A., City College of New York; Ph.D., Freie Universitaet of West Berlin
Zegree, Stephen, 1978, Professor of Music
B.M., Miami; M.M., Indiana; D.M.A., Missouri
Zhang, Charles, 1999, Adjunct Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.B.A., M.B.A., Shanghai; M.A., Western Michigan
Zhang, Jiabei, 1997, Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation
B.S., M.Ed., Wuhen Institute of PE (China); M.S., Wisconsin (La Crosse); Ed.D., Georgia
Zhang, Ping, 1996, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Wuhan; M.S., Jordan; Ph.D., Michigan State
Zhou, Huizhong, 1990, Professor of Economics
B.A., Fudan (China); M.S., Ph.D., Northwestern
Zhu, Qiji, 1994, Professor of Mathematics
B.E., Jilin University of Technology (China); M.S., Zhejiang (China); Ph.D., Northeastern
Ziebarth, Steven, 1997, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Nebraska (Omaha); M.S., M.A., Lehigh; Ph.D., Iowa
Zinser, Richard W., 1998, Associate Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences
B.A., M.A., Oakland; M.A., Ed.D., Western Michigan