Mar 10, 2025
BIOS 5750 - Stem Cells and Regeneration This course is a survey of the literature in stem cell and regeneration research, specifically focusing on model organisms (e.g. planaria, salamanders, frogs, zebrafish, hydra, mice, Arabidopsis). Topics include the role of stem cell regulation, the immune system, scarring, and innervation in regeneration; as well as age dependent-regeneration, the connection between regeneration and cancer, and the regenerative capability of humans. This is an oral intensive course: for each class, student(s) will present findings from assigned readings, followed by class discussion. Students will write a final original research proposal based on course content/discussions.
Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: Junior standing and at least 12 credits in biology, or instructor approval. (BIOS 2600 or BIOS 5740 is recommended but not required.)
Credits: 3 hours
Notes: Open to upperclass and graduate students. Satisfies Capstone Requirements.
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