Undergraduate Catalog 2011-12 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Marc Alspector-Kelly, Chair
Main Office: 3004 Moore Hall
Telephone: (269) 387-4389
Fax: (269) 387-4390
Fritz Allhoff
Kent Baldner
John Dilworth
Timothy McGrew
Michael Pritchard
Quentin Smith
Undergraduate Advisor: Kent Baldner
Room 3013, Moore Hall
Students majoring in philosophy may go into teaching, law, medicine, journalism, government, computer programming, business or any number of other careers. Philosophy is attractive to those who are prepared to search for understanding for its own sake, who do not expect ready-made answers or easy solutions, and who are willing to subject their assumptions to critical scrutiny. Prospective philosophy teachers, whether at the university, junior college, or even high school level, should anticipate continuing for an advanced degree.
The Philosophy Department offices are located on the third floor of Moore Hall. Students are invited to visit the department office and the offices of faculty at any time.
3000-level courses: Each semester detailed course descriptions are posted outside the department office prior to pre-registration. If you are in doubt about whether you have adequate background for taking a course, talk with the instructor.
Undergraduates with junior standing and 12 hours of Philosophy may enroll in 5000-level courses. Specific prerequisites may be added to individual courses.
Robert Friedmann Philosophy Prize
A prize named in honor of Dr. Friedmann, the first person to teach philosophy at Western, is awarded annually to an outstanding senior philosophy student.
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