Undergraduate Catalog 2012-13 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Paper Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Imaging
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Said AbuBakr, Chair
Main Office: A-217 CEAS (Parkview Campus)
Telephone: (269) 276-3500
Fax: (269) 276-3501
Larry Ahleman
Raja G. Aravamuthan
John H. Cameron
Paul D. Fleming
Margaret Joyce
Thomas W. Joyce
Andrew Kline
Lois Lemon
Alexandra Pekarovicova
Kalyana C. Pingali
Dewei Qi
James Springstead
Brian Young
The Department of Paper Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Imaging offers four B.S. programs (paper engineering, paper science, chemical engineering, and graphic and printing science), an M.S. program, and a Ph.D. program in Paper and Imaging Science and Engineering, which provide extensive scientific and technical education. In addition, the department offers an M.S. program in Chemical Engineering and a Ph.D. program in Engineering. These programs prepare graduates for professional employment in research and development, manufacturing, process engineering, marketing, and management. The paper program focuses on pulp, paper, environmental, and allied fields. The graphic and printing science program emphasizes printing science, prepress operations, inks, and related fields. The chemical engineering program focuses on the chemical process industries, with emphasis on energy management, inks and imaging, life sciences, pollution prevention, and pulp and paper.
Academic Advising
Students should contact the Paper Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Imaging academic advisors as early as possible. An advisor is available to assist in individual program planning, recommend electives appropriate to a student’s educational objectives, discuss employment opportunities, and to help solve academic problems. Substitutions and transfer credit must be approved by a departmental advisor. The academic advisor for Paper Engineering, Paper Science, and Chemical Engineering is Dr. Raja Aravamuthan. The academic advisor for Graphic and Printing Science is Dr. Alexandra Pekarovicova. Appointments can be made by calling the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Advising Office at (269) 276-3270.
Work Experience
Industrial experience is encouraged through employment by paper, chemical processing, printing, or related companies for at least one of the three summers, as well as through employment in the outstanding pilot plants. The pilot plants and laboratory facilities are among the best in the world. In addition, co-op experience through a contiguous academic semester is encouraged. The department assists the students in obtaining summer internships as it is a required curricular component in three of the four programs. Industrial internship is a required part of the curriculum in Paper Engineering, Paper Science and Graphic and Printing Science programs.
Additional Information
General information regarding advising, scholarships, and special programs of interest to students in this department may be found in the beginning of the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences’ section of this catalog.
Students graduating with a major or minor in any of the departmental programs, must earn a grade of “C” or better in all CHEG and GPS and PAPR prefixed prerequisite courses or their equivalent.
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