Advisor: Jody Brylinsky Ph.D.
4024 Student Recreation Center
A Master of Arts in Coaching Sport Performance is designed to provide 36 graduate credit hours of classroom and field experiences enabling students to develop the skills and knowledge that coaches and related sport clinicians should possess. The M.A. in Coaching Sport Performance clearly supports an athlete-centered philosophy of sport and encourages each student to create a program of study that will enhance their preparation in becoming a high performance coach, maximizing the benefits of sport for all participants. The established curriculum is aligned with the National Standards for Sport Coaches (NASE 2006) and NCACE Accreditation Level 5. Graduate students find positions as coaches in school and community-based sport, as well as instructional staff for coaching education programs.
Admission Requirements
Meet Graduate College admission standards, successful completion of an undergraduate major or minor, or related coaching experience. Students are to submit a letter of intent to include educational and career goals. In some cases an interview or additional qualifications may be required.
Planned Program of Study
Each graduate student is expected to show master level competence in the comprehension and behavioral skills associated with the eight domains of the National Standards for Sport Coaches. In addition, each student is expected to demonstrate the capacity to function effectively in applied settings among diverse populations as well as demonstrate a commitment to fostering a safe and effective sport environment for all participants.