The major in health education allows students to choose one of two professional preparation options:
- School emphasis, 39 hours
- Community emphasis, 45 hours
Successful completion of the school emphasis makes the candidate eligible for K-12 teacher licensure in Michigan. Successful completion of the community emphasis prepares candidates to assume careers in non-school settings such as community health agencies and private health-related organization. Students completing the community emphasis are not eligible for a teaching license.
Students must complete the education sequence required by the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies, including the intern teaching experience. Subject area tests of competence administered by the Michigan Department of Education must be passed prior to certification by that agency. In addition, School Health and Community Health majors must serve as a teaching assistant for one semester in a content specific course (i.e., HPER 1110, 1810, 2200, 2210, 2220, 3160, 3170, 3810). Students must complete HPER 1550, 2200, 2210, and 2220 prior to application for teaching assistantship. Candidates should obtain teaching assistant applications from the Human Performance and Health Education department office to register for this experience. School Health and Community Health majors are expected to have valid first aid and CPR certificates prior to intern teaching or an internship.