Feb 19, 2025
Graduate Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Master of Science in Engineering (Industrial)
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Advisor: Abdolazim Houshyar,
Room E-219 Parkview Campus
Graduates of the Master of Science in Engineering (Industrial) program can look forward to career opportunities with various higher levels of responsibility. Areas of opportunity include: advanced computer integrated manufacturing, total quality management, analysis and design of experiments, ergonomics and human factors, engineering management, facilities planning and design, financial and cost analysis, reliability engineering, operations research, simulation modeling, and project management.
Opportunities for industrial engineers continue to grow with the rapid expansion of the service/information sectors of the economy. Graduates of the program have taken positions with higher levels of responsibility and remuneration.
All required classes are offered in the evening and are arranged so that people employed full time can complete the program in three years.
Admission Requirements
- Possess a baccalaureate degree in engineering or a related discipline. Students without an engineering degree but with appropriate background in mathematics and science will be required to take IEE 5010: Survey of Industrial Engineering Topics.
- Meet Graduate College admission requirements.
- Possess a grade point average of 3.0 or better.
- Submit GRE scores for the General Test.
Program Options and Requirements
1. An approved integrated program with a minimum of 30 hours of graduate work distributed as follows:
a. Eighteen hours, six courses, of core requirements:
c. Six hours of electives
The specified number of electives may be taken from 5000- or 6000-level courses offered within the Department of Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering & Engineering Management. The elective courses must be compatible with the overall program and the career objectives of the student, and must be approved by the program advisor prior to registration. No more than half of the credit hours needed for graduation can be at the 5000-level. 2. Thesis
A written thesis that meets the Graduate College requirements and an oral examination in defense of the thesis. 3. An overall 3.0 grade point average.
1. An approved integrated program with a minimum of 30 hours of graduate work distributed as follows:
a. Eighteen hours, six courses, of core requirements:
b. Twelve hours of electives
At least nine of the 12 credit hours must be from the Department of Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering & Engineering Management. The remaining three credit hours can be any graduate course offered at WMU. The specified number of electives may be taken from 5000- or 6000-level courses offered within the Department of Industrial and Entrepreneurial Engineering & Engineering Management. The elective courses must be compatible with the overall program and the career objectives of the student, and must be approved by the program advisor prior to registration. Included in the approved electives are IEE 6970 which allows students to pursue independent projects and research, and IEE 6990 which allows students to received credit for practical training. No more than half of the credit hours needed for graduation can be at the 5000-level. 2. An overall 3.0 grade point average.
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