The Master of Science in Cybersecurity: Computer Science is an interdisciplinary in-person or online offering concentrating in the growing field of cybersecurity. Two foundation courses, five to six core courses, and two to three elective courses are required to complete the degree.
Students working towards the Master of Science in Cybersecurity: Computer Science must be admitted into the Graduate College. Students must have a bachelor’s degree in either a technical discipline or an appropriate discipline related to information technology and management. Students with other bachelor’s degrees and professional experience will also be considered.
Students admitted via the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences must take at least 18 credits of their classes from the list of CYCS courses listed below. Students admitted via the Haworth College of Business must take at least 18 credits of their classes from the list CIS/CYIS courses listed below.
The Master of Science in Cybersecurity: Computer Science is offered in different instructional delivery modes: asynchronous online, in-person, and fully synchronous online. Students much choose an instructional delivery mode of either online or traditional when applying to the program.
For the online modes students do not need to attend classes at the main or any regional campuses to earn the degree.
For the traditional in-person mode students will need to attend the main campus in Kalamazoo. International students should apply for this option.
Graduate credit is earned for all passing classes.