Feb 02, 2025  
Graduate Catalog 2015-16 
Graduate Catalog 2015-16 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Faculty G to L


A-F      G-L    M-R      S-Z  

Gapova, Elena, 2006, Associate Professor of Sociology and Gender and Women’s Studies
Ph.D., Minsk State Institute

Gauthier, Delores R., 1988, Professor of Music
B.S., Eastern Illinois; M.S., Ed.D., Illinois

Gaynor, Scott T., 2001, Associate Professor of Psychology
B.A., Wisconsin (Milwaukee); M.A., Ph.D., North Carolina (Greensboro)

Geier, Brett, 2014, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology
B.A., Hope College; M.A., Grand Valley State; Ed.D., Western Michigan

Geiser, John R., 1999, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., Pittsburgh; Ph.D., Washington

Gejji, Raghvendra, 1987, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S.E.E., India; M.S.E.E., Ph.D. (E.E.), Notre Dame

Gershon, Richard A., 1989, Professor of Communication
B.A., Goddard; M.Ed., Vermont; Ph.D., Ohio

Gesink, John W., 1984, Professor and Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S.M.E., M.S.B.E., M.S.E.E., Ph.D., Michigan

Ghantasala, Muralidhar, 2003, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., M.S., Andhra; M.S., Ph.D., Indian Institute of Science

Gigante, Maria, 2012, Assistant Professor of English
B.A., State University of New York; M.A., Ph.D., Maryland

Gill, Sharon, 2008, Assisant Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Manitoba (Canada); Ph.D., York (U.K.)

Gogan, Brian J., 2011, Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Xavier; M.A., Marquette; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Gorczyca, Thomas W., 1997, Professor of Physics
B.S., Massachusetts (Amherst); Ph.D., Colorado (Boulder)

Grant, Theresa, 1996, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Saint Peters College; M.A., Maryland; Ph.D., Delaware

Grantner, Janos, 1994, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
M.Sc., Ph.D., Technical University (Budapest); Candidate of Technical Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Gray, Esther, 2001, Associate Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.A., M.S., Kansas State; Ph.D., Indiana

Greene, Timothy J., 2005, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.S., M.S., Ph.D, Purdue

Gribbin, Donald W., 2006, Professor and Chair, Department of Accountancy
B.A., Bethel College; M.S.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Oklahoma State, C.P.A., Michigan

Grinnell, Richard M., 2004, Professor of Social Work
M.A., Chicago; B.A., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Grunert, Megan L., 2011, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Indianapolis; M.S., Ph.D., Purdue

Gu, Chien-Juh, 2007, Associate Professor of Sociology and Gender and Women’s Studies
Ph.D., Michigan State

Guda, Ramakrishna, 2008, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
B.Sc., Nagajuna Govt Degree College (India); M.Sc., Hyberbad (India); Ph.D., Mumbai (India)

Gullon-Rivera, Angel, 2012, Assistant Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences
B.A., University of Puerto Rico; M.S., Ph.D., Wisconsin

Gupta, Ajay, 1989, Professor of Computer Science
B.E., B.I.T.S. (Pilani, India); M.S., Ph.D., Purdue

Gustafson, Peter, 2008, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan

Haas, Johnson, 2000, Associate Professor of Geosciences and Environmental and Sustainability Studies
B.Sc., Auburn; Ph.D., Washington (St. Louis)

Hadden, Sally E, 2009, Associate Professor of History
B.A., North Carolina (Chapel Hill); M.A., J.D., Ph.D., Harvard

Hadley, Wanda, 2014, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology
B.S., M.A., Ohio State; Ph.D., Dayton

Haight, Bruce M., 1970, Professor of History and Africana Studies
B.A., Kalamazoo College; M.A., Ph.D., Northwestern

Hallett, Lucius, 2008, Assistant Professor of Geography
B.A., New Hampshire; M.A., Ph.D., Kansas

Hampton, Duane R., 1986, Associate Professor of Geosciences
B.S., Michigan State; M.S., Auburn; Ph.D., Colorado State

Han, Bernard, 1998, Professor of Business Information Systems
B.S., National Chiao-Tung; M.B.A., Arizona State; Ph.D., Washington

Harris, Barbara Loss, 1975, Associate Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies
B.A., M.Ed., Florida; Ph.D., Wayne State

Harris, Carolyn J., 1985, Professor of Spanish and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.S., Iowa State; Licenciatura in English Philology, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain); M.A., Ph.D., Iowa

Harrison, Jennifer E., 2011, Faculty Specialist II, Social Work
B.S., Michigan State; M.S.W., Houston

Hartmann, David J., 1996, Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Chicago

Haus, George, 1991, Associate Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.A., Kentucky; M.S., Ph.D., Indiana

Harvey, Kirsten, 2009, Assistant Professor of Dance
B.A., M.F.A., California (Irvine)

Hassan, Wafa, 2013, Assistant Professor of World Languages and Literatures
B.A., King Saud; M.A., Ed.D., George Washington

Hathaway, Richard B., 1977, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., M.S., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Oakland University; P.E.

Hauptmann, Emily, 1996, Professor of Political Science and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., M.A., Johns Hopkins; M.A., Ph.D., California (Berkeley)

Hawker, Norman W., 1994, Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.B.A., J.D., Michigan

Hazel, Debra L., 1992, Professor of Occupational Therapy
B.S. Ed., Northern Illinois; M.O.T., Ph.D., Western Michigan

He, Chansheng, 1995, Professor of Geography
B.S., M.S., Northwestern College of Agriculture, Yangling Shaanxi (China); Ph.D., Michigan State

Heasley, Lynne, 2000, Associate Professor of History and Environmental and Sustainability Studies
B.S., Miami (Ohio); M.S., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Hega, Gunther M., 1994, Associate Professor of Political Science
Vordiplom, Tubingen (Germany); M.A., Ph.D., Washington (St. Louis)

Henderson, Charles, 2002, Associate Professor of Physics
B.A., Macalester; M.S., Ph.D., Minnesota

Hennessy, Tricia, 1988, Professor and Director of Gwen Frostic School of Art
B.A., Cincinnati; B.F.A., Ohio; M.F.A., Basel School of Design (Switzerland)

Henry, James A., 1997, Professor of Social Work
B.A., M.S.W., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan State

Hermann-Wilmarth, Jill, 2005, Associate Professor of Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies, and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., Agnes Scott College; M.A., Ph.D., Georgia

Herrington, Joan, 1996, Professor and Chair, Department of Theatre
B.A., Wesleyan; M.A., City University-Hunter College; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)

Higgins, Matthew L., 1995, Associate Professor of Economics
B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Illinois

Hillenbrand, James M., 1988, Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.S., M.S., Indiana; Ph.D., Washington

Hillenbrand, Kathryn, 1988, Master Faculty Specialist, Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.S., Western Michigan; M.A., Northwestern

Hines, Charles E., 1977, Associate Professor of Accountancy
B.B.A., M.B.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan State; C.P.A., Michigan

Hock, Nancy, 2011, Faculty Specialist II, Occupational Therapy
B.S., Western Michigan; M.O.T., Texas Women’s


Hodge, Terrell, 1999, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Louisville; M.A., Ph.D., Virginia

Hoffmann, Susan, 2000, Professor of Political Science
B.A., Marquette; M.U.P., Wisconsin (Milwaukee); Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Holtzman, Jon, 2003, Associate Professor of Anthropology
B.A., Haverford; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan

Homan, Willem, 1996, Professor of Aviation Sciences
B.S., M.T., Southeastern Oklahoma State; M.B.A., Arizona State; Ed.D., Northern Arizona

Hopfensperger, Jim, 2005, Professor of Art
B.A., Michigan State; M.A., Illinois; M.F.A., Michigan

Hoppe, Pamela, 2004, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
B.A., Cornell; Ph.D., Princeton

Horvitz, Brian, 2006, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., Rutgers; M.S., Pennsylvania; M.S., Ph.D., Indiana

Hovestadt, Alan J., 1985, Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.S., M.S., Ed.D., Northern Illinois

Howard, Gregory, 1998, Associate Professor of Sociology
B.A., California (Irvine); M.A., Ph.D., SUNY (Albany)

Huang, Wei-Chiao, 1985, Professor of Economics
B.A., National Taiwan; M.A., Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara)

Hudson, Jennifer, 2012, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., Cornell; M.S.E., Ph.D., Michigan

Hueng, James C., 2003, Associate Professor of Economics
B.A., National Taiwan; M.A., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Huffman, David L., 2001, Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Jones; M.S., Illinois State; Ph.D., Illinois

Huitema, Bradley E., 1968, Professor of Psychology
B.A., Southern Illinois; M.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Colorado State

Hurwitz, Mark S., 2005, Associate Professor of Political Science
B.A., SUNY (Buffalo); J.D., Brooklyn Law School; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State

Ide, Charles, 1998, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.A., Oregon; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton

Ikonomov, Pavel G., 2003, Associate Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
M.E., Technical University of Varna (Bulgaria); M.S., Muroran Institute (Japan); Ph.D., Hokkaido (Japan)

Isea, Antonio, 1996, Professor of Spanish
B.A., Tennessee (Chattanooga); M.A., Florida State; Ph.D., Colorado

Jacobson, Daniel, 1996, Professor of Music
B.A., Westminster; M.A., California State (Long Beach); Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara)

Jellies, John, 1995, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.A., Blackburn; M.S. Illinois State; Ph.D., Texas (Austin)

Johnson, Dean R., 1980, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S.E.E., Michigan State; M.S.E.E., Illinois; Ph.D., Michigan State

Johnson, Douglas, 2013, Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.S., Central Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Johnson, Lynn Nations, 1989, Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies
B.S., M.Ed., Brigham Young; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)

Johnson, Phillip D., 2001, Associate Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., Virginia Union; M.A., Ph.D., New York

Johnson, Rand H., 1990, Professor of Classics
B.A., M.A., Brigham Young; M.A., Ph.D., UCLA

Johnston, Paul A., Jr., 1989, Professor of English
B.A., Michigan; Ph.D., Edinburgh

Joslin, Katherine, 1987, Professor of English
B.A., Oakland; M.A., Ph.D., Northwestern

Joyce, Margaret, 1996, Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., North Carolina State

Joyce, Thomas W., 1996, Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
B.S., Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology; M.S., Ph.D., Purdue; J.D., North Carolina Central; P.E.

Junger, Richard, 1996, Associate Professor of Communication
B.A., Minnesota; M.A., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Kachun, Mitch A., 2001, Associate Professor of History
B.A., Pennsylvania State; M.S., Illinois State; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell

Kahn, Adam, 2013, Assistant Professor of School of Communication
B.A., B.S., M.A., Stanford; M.A., Ph.D., Southern California

Kamber, Emanuel Y., 1989, Professor of Physics
B.Sc., Al-Mustansiriyah (Iraq); Ph.D., University of London (U.K.)

Kane, Donald, 2005, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
Ph.D., Oregon

Kapenga, John, 1981, Associate Professor of Computer Science
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Karowe, David N., 1996, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.A., Harvard; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan

Karpov, Vyacheslav, 1996, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Leningrad; Ph.D., Ohio State

Katerattanakul, Pairin, 2000, Associate Professor of Business Information Systems
M.B.A., Thammasat (Bangkok); M.A., Ph.D., Nebraska (Lincoln)

Katrovas, Richard, 2002, Director, Prague Summer Program and Professor of English
B.A., San Diego State; M.F.A., Iowa

Kayani, Asghar N., 2006, Accelerator Physicist, Department of Physics
M.Sc., M.Phil., Pakistan; Ph.D., Ohio

Keaveny, Richard, 1968, Professor of Art
B.S., Massachusetts College of Art; M.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design

Keele, Denise, 2009, Assistant Professor of Political Science and Environmental Sciences
B.S., M.S., Tennessee (Knoxville); Ph.D., SUNY (ESF)

Kehew, Alan E., 1986, Professor of Geosciences
B.S., Bucknell; M.S., Montana State; Ph.D., Idaho

Keil, Mitchel J., 1996, Associate Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.S., Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute; M.S., Florida Atlantic

Kerstetter, Mark Charles, 1977, Associate Professor of Computer Science
B.A., LaSalle College; M.S., Johns Hopkins; Ph.D., Northwestern

Kiddle, James, 2002, Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.A., Drake; M.S., Illinois-Chicago; Ph.D., Loyola-Chicago

Kim, Dae Shik, 2009, Assistant Professor of Blindness and Low Vision Studies
M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan University

Kim, Ok-Kyeong, 2007, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.Ed., Taegu; M.Ed., Korea National; M.S.T., Ph.D., Missouri

Kimmel, Jean, 2001, Professor of Economics
B.A., George Washington; M.A., Delaware; Ph.D., North Carolina

King-Barry, Susan, 2008, Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant
B.S.N., Illinois; B.S.M., Western Michigan; M.P.A., Nebraska

Klekar, Cynthia, 2005, Associate Professor of English
B.A., M.A., Texas (San Antonio); Ph.D., West Virginia

Kline, Andrew, 2001, Associate Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
B.S., Ch.E., Ph.D., Michigan Technological

Kline, Kathleen, 1997, Professor of Mathematics
B.A., M.A., Ed.D., Michigan

Kness, Karen, 2012, Assistant Professor of Music
B.M., M.M., Nebraska; A.B.D., Indiana

Knific, Renata, 1987, Professor of Music
Ung. Academic and Violin Diplomas; K. Szymaniwski Liceum (Warsaw); Post-graduate Diploma, Royal College of Music (London); Artist Diploma, Cleveland Institue of Music

Knific, Thomas, 1987, Professor of Music
B.M., Cleveland Institute of Music; M.M., Akron; Artist Diploma, Academia Chigiana (Italy)

Koelling, Melinda, 2004, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Chicago; Ph.D., Michigan

Kohler, Paula D., 1999, Associate Vice President for Research and Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.S., M.A., Florida; Ph.D., Illinois


Kohler, Steven L., 2001, Director, Environmental and Sustainability Studies Program and Associate Professor of Biological Sciences and Environmental and Sustainability Studies
B.S., Wichita State; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan

Kominz, Michelle A., 1997, Professor of Geosciences
B.A., Colby College; M.S., Rhode Island; Ph.D., Columbia

Konate, Mariam, 2007, Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., M.A., (Universite deOuagadougou) Burkina Faso; M.A., Ph.D., Temple

Koretsky, Carla M., 2000, Associate Professor of Geosciences and Environmental and Sustainability Studies
B.S., Washington; B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins

Korista, Kirk, 1997, Professor of Physics
B.S., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign); Ph.D., Ohio State

Koshmanova, Tetyana, 2001, Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies
B.A., Drogobych Pedagogical Institute; M.A., Ph.D., Lviv (Ukraine)

Kramer, Ronald C., 1978, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Toledo; M.A., Ph.D., Ohio State

Krawutschke, Peter W., 1967, Professor of German
ABITUR, Goethe Gymnasium Karlsruhe (Germany); B.A., M.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan

Kretovics, Joseph, 1996, Professor of Educational Leadersip, Research, and Technology
B.S., Ohio; Ed.M., Bowling Green; Ph.D., Miami (Ohio)

Krishnamurthy, R. V., 1984, Professor of Geosciences
B.Sc., M.Sc., Utkal; Ph.D., Physical Research Laboratory Ahmedabad

KrishnaSwamy, C. R., 1983, Associate Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.S.E.E., Bangalore (India); M.B.A., Western Carolina; D.B.A., Tennessee

Kuchta, Todd, 2004, Associate Professor of English
M.A., John Carroll; Ph.D., Indiana

Kuersten, Ashlyn, 1997, Associate Professor of Political Science and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., Louisville; M.A., Ph.D., South Carolina

Kujawski, Daniel, 1996, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
M.Sc., D.Sc., Warsaw Technical; Ph.D., Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw)

Kutzko, David, 2001, Associate Professor of Classics
B.A., Iowa; Ph.D., Michigan

Kwigizile, Valerian, 2011, Assistant Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.Sc., Dar-Es-Salaam; M.Sc., Florida State; Ph.D., Nevada (Las Vegas)

Lagerwey, Mary, 1995, Director and Professor of Nursing
B.A., Calvin; B.S., Grand Valley State; M.S., Michigan State; Ph.D., Western Michigan

Lambert, Priscilla, 2004, Associate Professor of Political Science and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., Trinity; M.A. Keio (Tokyo); M.A., Ph.D., California (San Diego)

Larson, Jil, 1992, Associate Professor of English
B.A., Macalester; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana

Lawoti, Mahendra, 2005, Associate Professor of Political Science
B.Tech., Calicut (India); M.U.R.P., Hawaii; Ph.D., Pittsburgh

Lawson, Gary D., 1978, Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.A., M.A., Tennessee (Knoxville); Ph.D., Michigan State

Ledyaev, Yuri, 1997 Professor of Mathematics
M.S., Ph.D., Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology; Dr.Sc. Steklov Institute

Lee, Donna B., 2009, Assistant Professor of Blindess and Low Vision Studies
B.S., M.A., Western Michigan; A.B.D., Louisville

Lee, Helen, 2007, Assistant Professor of Blindess and Low Vision Studies
B.F.A., Center for Creative Studies; M.A., Wayne State; M.A., Ed.D., Western Michigan

Lee, Ho Sung, 1999, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., Korea Maritime; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan

Lee, Tiffany, 2013, Assistant Professor, Physician Assistant
B.S., Florida; M.A., Alabama (Birmingham); G.C., Ph.D., Western Michigan

Leingpibul, Thaweephan, 2005, Assistant Professor of Marketing
B.S., Kasetsart; M.B.A., Southwest Missouri State; Ph.D., Tennessee (Knoxville)

Leja, James, 1997, Professor and Chair, Blindness and Low Vision Studies
B.S., M.S., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Southern Illinois

Lemberg, David S., 1997, Associate Professor of Geography
A.B., California (Berkeley); M.R.P., North Carolina (Chapel Hill); Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara)

Lemmer, Kristina M., 2012, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S.E., M.S.E., Ph.D., Michigan

Leneway, Robert, 2004, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., M.A., Michigan State; M.A., D.P.A., Western Michigan

Lewis, James B., 1995, Associate Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation
B.A., M.S., Southern Illinois; Ph.D., Indiana

Lewis-Ginebaugh, Kathryn, 2002, Associate Professor of Counseling and Testing Center
B.A., Macalaster; M.A., Psy.D., Nova Southwestern

Liggett, Barbara S., 1996, Director and Associate Professor, School of Public Affairs and Administration
B.A., Hope; M.A., Ed.D., Western Michigan

Lilien, Leszek, 2005, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
M.S., Poland; M.S., Ph.D., Pennsylvania

Linn, Cindy L., 2000, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Illinois; M.A., Ph.D., Rice

Lipkin, Steven N., 1981, Professor of Communication
B.S., Northwestern; M.A., Ph.D., Iowa

Lisovskaya, Elena, 1996, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Leningrad; Ph.D., Ohio State

Little, Adriane, 2008, Faculty Specialist II, Frostic School of Art
B.S., Buffalo State College; M.F.A., Suny (Buffalo)

Little, David E., 1987, Professor of Music
B.M., Eastern Illinois; M.M., Illinois State; D.M.A., Indiana

Litvinova, Elena, 2013, Assistant Professor of Physics
M.Sc., Obninsk State Technical University; M.Sc., Gorkey Literary Institute; Ph.D., Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics

Litynski, Daniel M., 1999, Vice President for Research and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
M.S., Rochester; B.S., Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic

Liu, Tianshu, 2004, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S., M.S., Nanjing (China); M.S., Ph.D., Purdue

Liu, Yuanlong, 1998, Interim Chair and Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation
B.S., Inner Mongolia; M.P.E., Ph.D., British Columbia

Lo, Jane-Jane, 2002, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., National Taiwan; M.S., Tsing Hua; Ph.D., Florida State

López, Irma, 1994, Professor of Spanish and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., Weber State; M.A., Utah; Ph.D., Kansas

Lu, Yan, 2011, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Nanjing; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Luqmani, Mushtaq, 1977, Professor and Chair, Department of Marketing
B.S., Karachi (Pakistan); B.S., Indiana Institute of Technology; M.B.A., Ph.D., Michigan State

Lychner, John, 1995, Professor of Music
B.M., M.A., Northeast Missouri State; Ph.D., Florida State

Lynde-Recchia, Molly, 1993, Chair of World Languages and Literatures and Professor of French
B.A., California (Davis); M.A., Ph.D., Indiana

Lyon-Callo, Vincent, 1998, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., Connecticut; M.A., Ph.D., Massachusetts (Amherst)

Lyon-Jenness, Cheryl H., 2000, Master Faculty Specialist, History
B.A., Kalamazoo College; M.S., Michigan; Ph.D., Western Michigan

Lyth, David M., 1987, Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.S., Michigan Technological; M.S., Western Michigan; Ph.D. Michigan State; CQE