Mar 31, 2025  
Graduate Catalog 2015-16 
Graduate Catalog 2015-16 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Officers and Faculty

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University Officers


Board of Trustees

Mary Asmonga-Knapp, Battle Creek

Jeanne Carlson, Novi

Michelle Crumm, Ann Arbor

Dana Debel, Ann Arbor

Ronald Hall, Detroit

James Hettinger, Fennville

William Johnston, Portage

Ken Miller, Kalamazoo

Senior Staff

Dr. John M. Dunn, President

Dr. Timothy Greene, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Mr. Lowell Rinker, Vice President for Business and Finance

Dr. Diane Anderson, Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

Mr. Greg Rosine, Senior Vice President for Advancement and Legislative Affairs

Mr. James S. Thomas, Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations

Dr. James A. Gilchrist, Vice Provost for Academic Operations and Chief Information Officer

Dr. Carol Hustoles, Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel

Dr. Daniel Litynski, Vice President for Research

Mr. Dean Honsberger, Associate Vice President for Budget and Planning

Mr. Robert Miller, Associate Vice President for Community Outreach

, Associate Vice President for Institutional Equity

Ms. Cheryl Roland, Executive Director of University Relations

Ms. Kathy Beauregard, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics

Ms. Jamie Jeremy, Executive Director of Alumni Relations

Dr. Martha Warfield, Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion and Director of the Presidential Initiative on Diversity and Multiculturalism

Ms. Betty Kocher, Secretary to the Board of Trustees


Dr. Keith Hearit, Interim Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Captain David Powell, College of Aviation

Dr. Kay Palan, Haworth College of Business

Dr. Ming Li, Dean, College of Education and Human Development

Dr. Houssam Toutanji, Dean, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Dr. Daniel Guyette , College of Fine Arts

Dr. Susan Stapleton, The Graduate College

Dr. Earlie Washington, College of Health and Human Services

Dr. Carla Koretsky, Lee Honors College

Dr. Joseph Reish, University Libraries

Dr. Donald McCloud, Haenicke Institute for Global Education

Dr. Dawn Gaymer, Extended University Programs



A-F    G-L      M-R      S-Z  

Abdel-Qader, Ikhlas, 1996, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S., Kuwait; M.S., San Jose State; Ph.D., North Carolina State

Abdul-Muhmin, 2011, Associate Professor of Marketing
B.Sc., University of Ghana; M.A., Ph.D., Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration

AbuBakr, Said, 2001, Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
B.S., Gubkin Institute of Petroleum; M.S., Ph.D., Michigan State

Abudayyeh, Osama, 1996, Associate Dean, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and Chair and Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.Sc., Kuwait; M.Sc., M.Eng., California (Berkeley); Ph.D., North Carolina State

Ackerson, Kelly, 2008, Assistant Professor of Nursing
M.S.N., Drexel; B.S.N., Ph.D., Michigan

Adams, Jon, 2003, Associate Professor of English
M.A., Montana; Ph.D., California (Riverside)

Adams, Richard, 1997, Professor of Music
B.M. Louisiana State; M.M., Yale; D.M.A., Michigan

Addison, Heather, 2002, Associate Professor of Communication
B.S., M.A., Eastern Michigan; Ph.D., Kansas

Adkison-Bradley, Carla R., 2003, Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.S., Akron; M.S., Dayton; Ph.D., Kent State

Akanmu, Abiola, 2012, Assistant Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.Eng., Bayero (Nigeria); Ph.D., Pennsylvania State

Aktan, Haluk M., 2006, Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.S., M.S., METU (Turkey); Ph.D., Michigan

Alessi, Galen J., 1974, Professor of Psychology
B.S., Maryland; M.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Maryland

Alexander, Donald L., 1991, Professor of Economics
B.S., Bowling Green; Ph.D., Penn State

Aller, Betsy M., 2002, Associate Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Michigan Technological

Allhoff, Fritz, 2005, Associate Professor of Philosophy
B.S., William and Mary; M.A., C. Phil, Ph.D., University of California (Santa Barbara)

Alspector-Kelly, Marc, 2001, Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy
B.A., M.A., Manitoba; Ph.D., Michigan

Alvi, Eskander, 1994, Professor of Economics
B.A. Dhaka; M.A., DePaul; M.A., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins

Anderson, Ariel L. H., 1986, Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies
A.B.Ed., Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State

Anderson, Mary L., 2008, Assistant Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., Western Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., Oakland

Anderson, Mary Z., 1995, Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Illinois

Andrasi, Paula, 1996, Associate Professor, Counseling and Testing Center
B.A., Michigan State; M.A., Ed.D., Western Michigan

Andreadis, Nicholas A., 1999, Dean, Lee Honors College and Associate Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., Kent State; M.D., Creighton

Apker, Julie, 2001, Associate Professor of Communication
B.A., Wisconsin; M.A., Ph.D., Kansas

Applegate, Brooks, 1999, Professor of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology
B.S., Wyoming; M.A., Morehead State; Ph.D., Texas A and M

Aravamuthan, Raja G., 1986, Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
B.Sc., Madras University; B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology; M.S., SUNY; Ph.D., Washington

Archer, D. Eric, 2014, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Research and Technology
B.S., Alabama; M.S., Oklahoma State; M.Ed., Illinois (Chicago); Ph.D., Oklahoma State

Areaux, David, 2008, Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant
B.S., M.S., Grand Valley State

Ari-Gur, Judah, 1985, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.Sc., M.Sc., Sc.D., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Ari-Gur, Pnina, 1985, Professor of Mechanical and Aeroanutical Engineering
B.S., Bar-Ilan (Israel); M.Sc., D.Sc., Technion-Israel Institute of Technology

Asefa, Sisay, 1980, Professor of Economics
B.A., Central College (Pella); M.S., Ph.D., Iowa State

Asumadu, Johnson, 1996, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S., University of Science and Technology (Ghana); M.S., Aston (U.K.); M.E.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D., Missouri (Columbia)

Atashbar, Massood, 1999, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S., Isfahan; M.S., Sharif; Ph.D., RMIT

Atchison, Ben, 1999, Professor and Interim Chair of Occupational Therapy
B.S., Western Michigan; M.A., Georgia State; Ph.D., Wayne State

Athappilly, Kuriakose K., 1979, Professor of Business Information Systems
B.Sc., M.Sc., Kerala (India); B.Ph., Dharmaram College (India); B.Ed., Bhopal (India); M.B.A., Guam (U.S.A); Ed.D., Western Michigan

Attanayake, Upul, 2010, Assistant Professor of Civil and Construction Engineering
B.S.E., University of Peradeniya (Sri Lanka); M.Eng., Asian Institute of Technology  (Thailand); Ph.D., Wayne State

Ayers, Suzan F., 2004, Associate Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation
B.S., Winthrop; M.S., Florida; Ph.D., South Carolina

Bafna, Kailash M., 1979, Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.S., Banaras Hindu (India); M.S., Mississippi; Ph.D., Purdue; P.E.

Bailey, Cathryn, 2008, Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies
Ph.D., Missouri

Baker, Kathleen, 2004, Associate Professor of Geography
B.S., Central Michigan; M.S., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan State

Baker, Lisa E., 1991, Associate Professor of Psychology
B.A., New York (Oswego); M.A., Ph.D., Vanderbilt

Balden, Blair, 1996, Associate Professor of Aviation Sciences
B.S., State of New York; M.A., West Virginia; J.D., Thomas A. Cooley

Barcelona, Michael J., 2001, Professor of Chemistry
B.A., St. Mary’s; M.S., Northeastern; Ph.D., Puerto Rico

Barkman, Todd, 2000, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Michigan State; Ph.D., Texas (Austin)

Barnes, David A., 1986, Professor of Geosciences
B.A., San Francisco State; Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara)

Barton, Barbara, 2005, Assistant Professor of Social Work
B.A., M.S.W., Ph.D., Michigan State

Bautista, Manuel A., 2009, Assistant Professor of Physics
B.S., Universidad Simon Bolivar (Venezuela); Ph.D., Ohio State

Bazuin, Bradley, 2000, Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
B.S., Yale; M.S., Ph.D., Stanford

Beach, Andrea, 2004, Professor of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State

Beane, Wendy S., 2013, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
B.A., B.S., Averett; Ph.D., Duke

Bejcek, Bruce E., 1996, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., B.S., Michigan State; Ph.D., St. Louis

Benac, David T., 2013, Associate Professor of History
B.A., Michigan State; M.A., Indiana/Purdue (Indianapolis); Ph.D., Missouri

Bensley, Robert J., 1993, Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation
B.S., Western Michigan; M.A., Central Michigan; Ph.D., Utah

Bergman, Karen, 2012, Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan State

Berkey, Debra S., 1985, Professor of Health, Physical Education and Recreation
B.S., Slippery Rock; M.S., Ed.D., West Virginia

Berkhofer III, Robert F., 2001, Associate Professor of History
B.A., Cornell; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard

Bertman, Steven B., 1994, Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Union; Ph.D., Yale

Berto, Luigi A., 2007, Assistant Professor of History
B.A., Ph.D., Venice (Italy)

Beyan, Amos J., 2001, Professor of History
B.Sc., Cuttington (Liberia); M.A., Syracuse; Ph.D., West Virginia

Biener, Zvi, 2007, Assistant Professor of Philosophy
B.A., Rutgers; M.A., Ph.D., Pittsburgh









Bierlein-Palmer, Louann, 2003, Professor of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.S., Michigan State; M.Ed., Arizona; Ed.D., Northern Arizona

Biggs, Christopher, 2011, Assistant Professor of Music
B.A., American University; M.M. Arizona; D.M.A., Missouri (Kansas City)

Bischof, Gary H., 1999, Chair of Family and Consumer Sciences; Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., Bethany (West Virginia); M.S., Virginia Tech; Ph.D., Purdue

Blaisure, Karen R., 1992, Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences
B.S., Houghton; M.A., Pennsylvania State; Ph.D., Virginia Technological

Blickle, Peter, 1996, Professor of German and Gender and  Women’s Studies
B.A., Western Michigan; A.M., Ph.D., Michigan

Boerma, Scott, 2013, Associate Professor of Music
B.M., Western Michigan; M.M., Michigan; D.M.A., Michigan State

Bondarchuk, Karen, 2002, Associate Professor of Art
B.F.A., Nova Scotia College of Art and Design; M.A., Ohio State

Borden, Sandra L., 1996, Professor of Communication
B.J., Missouri (Columbia); M.A., Ohio State; Ph.D., Indiana

Borish, Linda J., 1991, Associate Professor of History and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., Skidmore; M.A., Ph.D., Maryland (College Park)

Bowen, Denise, 2007, Assistant Professor of Physician Assistant
B.S., Western Illinois; B.S., Iowa; M.A., Western Michigan

Bradburn, Beth, 2004, Associate Professor of English
M.A., Ph.D., Boston College

Brandão, José Antonio,, 1997, Professor of History
B.A., Toronto; M.A., Ph.D., York

Browning, Christine A., 1988, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Ohio State

Bruey, Cheryl, 2002, Master Faculty Specialist, Theatre
B.A., Western Michigan; M.F.A., Alabama

Burnie, David A., 1987, Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.A., Guelph; M.B.A., Windsor; Ph.D., Syracuse; CCM, CFA

Burns, Clement, 1994, Professor of Physics
B.A., Princeton; M.S., Ph.D., California (San Diego)

Burns, Stephanie, 2012, Assistant Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.F.A., Akron; M.Ed., Ph.D., Kent State

Burt, Walter, 2004, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology
B.A., Alcorn State; M.A., Eastern Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan 

Bush, Jonathan E., 2001, Interim Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; Associate Professor of English
B.A., Bowling Green State; M.A., Northwestern State University of Louisiana; Ph.D., Purdue

Butt, Steven E., 1997, Interim Chair and Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.A., Earlham; M.S., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State

Butterfield, James M., 1988, Professor of Political Science
B.A., Indiana; M.A., Ph.D., Notre Dame

Byrd-Jacobs, Christine A., 1996, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., Avila; Ph.D., Arizona

Cameron, Jacob, 2012, Assistant Professor of Music
B.A., Michigan State; M.A., Rice

Cameron, John H., 1996, Professor of Paper Engineering, Chemical Engineering, and Imaging
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Michigan State

Campos, John, 1987, Director, Western Sound Studios, Music
B.M., Berklee College of Music

Cannon, Alexander M., 2013, Assistant Professor of Music
B.A., Pomona College; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan

Carlson, Susan M., 1993, Associate Professor of Sociology
B.A., Central Florida; M.S., Ph.D., Florida State

Carr, Joetta L., 1999, Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., Miami; M.A., Ph.D., Florida State

Carr, Steven, 2012, Professor and Chair of Computer Science
B.S., Michigan Technological; M.S., Ph.D., Rice

Cassidy, Daniel P., 1998, Associate Professor of Geosciences
B.S., Wisconsin; M.S., Indiana; Ph.D., Notre Dame

Chajecki, Zbigniew, 2014, Assistant Professor of Physics
M.Sc., Warsaw University of Technology; M.S., Ph.D., Ohio State

Charland, William, 2006, Assistant Professor of Art
B.F.A., M.F.A., Michigan; M.A., Ph.D., California (Berkeley)

Chase, Carla, 2006, Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy
B.S., Indiana; M.S., Ed.D., Ball State

Chateauneuf, John E., 1996, Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Salem State; Ph.D., Tufts

Cheatham, Christopher C., 2003, Interim Associate Dean for Academic Services, College of Education and Human Development and Associate Professor of Physical Education and Recreation
B.S., Miami (Ohio); M.S., Ball State; Ph.D., Kent State

Chen, Kuanchin, 2001, Associate Professor of Business Information Systems
B.B.A., Tunghai; M.S., Colorado; D.B.A., Cleveland State

Chiarappa, Michael J., 1995, Associate Professor of History and Environmental and Sustainability Studies
B.A., Ursinus; M.A., Ph.D., Pennsylvania

Chin, Christina D., 2010, Assistant Professor of Art
B.A., Michigan State; M.S., Northwestern; M.A., Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)

Cho, Christopher, 1984, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
B.S.M.E., Seoul National; M.S.M.E., Ph.D., SUNY (Stonybrook); P.E.

Choudhury, Alamgir, 2001, Asociate Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.S., BUET (Dhaka); M.S., Ph.D., New Mexico State; P.E.

Christian, Sue Ellen, 2001, Associate Professor of Communication
B.A., Hope; M.A., Michigan

Chung, Sung G., 1986, Professor of Physics
B.En., Tokyo Institute of Technology; M.S., Ph.D., Tokyo 

Ciccantell, Paul S, 2000, Professor of Sociology
B.A., Trinity; M.S., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)

Clark, John A., 1998, Professor of Political Science
A.B., Wabash; Ph.D., Ohio State

Clark, Sara E., 2013, Faculty Specialist I - Clinical, Occupational Therapy
A.B., M.S., Washington

Clements, Paul, 1996, Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science
B.A., Harvard; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton

Cobern, William, 1997, Director, Mallinson Institute for Science Education and Professor of Biological Sciences
M.A., San Diego State; Ph.D., Colorado

Code, David Loberg, 1992, Professor of Music
B.S., M.M., Illinois; Ph.D., Maryland

Colson, David, 2007, Professor, School of Music
B.M., Michigan; M.A., Iowa; D.M.A., Rice

Connors, Elyse, 2013, Assistant Professor of Blindness and Low Vision Studies
B.S., Minnesota; M.A., Asbury Seminary; M.A., Western Michigan University 

Cooney, Donald F., 1977, Associate Professor of Social Work
B.A., M.Div., Mary Immaculate; M.A., Fordham; Ph.D., Bryn Mawr

Coons, Lisa, 2012, Assistant Professor of Music
B.M., Missouri (Kansas City); M.A., State University of New York (Stony Brook); M.F.A., Ph.D., Princeton

Corder, J. Kevin, 1995, Professor of Political Science
B.A., Chicago; M.A., Ph.D., Washington (St. Louis)

Coryell, Janet L., 1991, Professor of History and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., SUNY (Cortland); M.A., Delaware; Ph.D., William and Mary

Councell-Vargas, Martha, 2010, Assistant Professor of Music
B.M., Oberlin; M.M., Rice; Ph.D., Iowa

Covell, Stephen, 2003, Associate Professor of Comparative Religion
B.A., California (San Diego); M.A., Hawaii (Manoa); Ph.D., Princeton

Cowan, Scott, 2001, Assistant Professor of Music
B.M., M.M., New England Conservatory of Music; D.M.A., Miami

Craig, Stephen E., 1999, Associate Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., Texas Tech; M.S., Texas A & M (Commerce); Ph.D., North Texas

Croteau, James M., 1990, Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., Loyola (New Orleans); M.A., Ph.D., Southern Illinois

Crumpton, Teresa, 1991, Master Faculty Specialist, Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.A., Michigan State; M.A., Western Michigan; Au.D., Florida

Cruz, Minerva, 2014, Assistant Professor of Public Affairs and Administration
M.A., University of Puerto Rico; Ph.D., Purdue

Cummings, Katharine E., 1999, Associate Dean, College of Education and Human Development, and Associate Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies
B.S., Moorhead State; M.A., North Dakota State; Ph.D., Illinois (Champaign-Urbana)





Curtis, Amy, 2005, Professor of Physician Assistant
B.A., M.P.H., Ph.D., Michigan

Curtis-Smith, Curtis, 1968, Professor of Music
B.M., M.M., Northwestern

Damashek, Amy L., 2009, Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.S., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign); Ph.D., Missouri (Columbia)

Dannison, Linda L., 1981, Professor and Chair, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
B.S., Western Michigan; M.S., Ph.D., Kansas State

Datta-Sandhu, Suhashni, 1971, Associate Professor of Political Science and Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., M.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Nairobi (Kenya)

Davidson, Douglas V., 1991, Associate Professor of Sociology
B.S., Tougaloo; M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)

Davis, Jon, 2004, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S. Wisconsin (Eau Claire); M.S., Wisconsin (Madison); Ph.D., Minnesota

Davis, William, 2004, Associate Professor of Art
B.F.A., Ohio State; M.F.A., Tyler School of Art

DeChano-Cook, Lisa, 2001, Associate Professor of Geography
B.A., Juniata; M.S., North Dakota; M.A., Ohio; Ph.D., Southwest Texas State

deDoncker, Elise, 1982, Professor of Computer Science
Licentiate in Mathematics, Vrije Universiteit (Brussels); Ph.D., Katholieke Universiteit (Leuven)

DeMello, James, 1987, Professor of Finance and Commercial Law
B.Comm, Bombay (India); M.B.A., D.B.A., Kent State

dePeaux, Richard, 1969, Professor of Art
B.S., M.S., M.F.A., Wisconsin (Madison)

Diaz, Hector L., 2013, Director and Professor of Social Work
B.A., Antillean College; M.S., Case Western Reserve; Ph.D., Illinois (Chicago)

Dickey, E. Bryce, 1998, Faculty Specialist II, Family and Consumer Sciences
B.A., Texas (Austin); M.S., Texas (Arlington)

Dickinson, Alyce M., 1984, Professor of Psychology
B.A., Lycoming; M.A., Fairleigh Dickinson; Ph.D., Western Michigan

Dilworth, John B., 1968, Professor of Philosophy
B.A., Ph.D., Bristol (U.K.)

Dirette, Diane, 1999, Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy
B.S., Eastern Michigan; M.A, Ph.D., New York

Docherty, Kathryn M., 2011, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., Marist College; Ph.D., Notre Dame

Dove, Linda A., 2011, Faculty Specialist I, Family and Consumer Sciences
B.A., M.A., Western Michigan

Dudek, Andrzej, 2011, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Adam Mickiewicz (Poland); M.S., Ph.D., Emory

Duncan Lane, Crystal, 2015, Assistant Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State; M.S., East Carolina; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State

Dupuis, Margaret, 2001, Master Faculty Specialist, English
B.A., Willamette; M.A., Ph.D., Oregon

Durham, Lofton L. III, 2009, Assistant Professor of Theatre
B.A., Transylvania; M.A., Ph.D., Pittsburgh

Dykxhoorn, Hans J., 1979, Professor of Accountancy
B.B.A., Western Michigan; M.B.A., Ph.D., Michigan State; C.P.A., Michigan

Ealy, Clifton, 1989, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Michigan; M.A., Wayne State; Ph.D., Chicago

Edmonds, Thomas, 2008, Faculty Specialist II, Finance and Commercial Law
B.B.A., Western Michigan; J.D., Wayne State

Edwards, Autumn 2005, Associate Professor of Communication
B.S., Texas Tech; M.A., Kansas; Ph.D., Ohio

Edwards, Chad, 2005, Associate Professor of Communication
B.A., M.A., Texas Tech; Ph.D., Kansas

Egan, Philip J., 1984, Associate Professor of English
B.A., College of the Holy Cross; M.A., Ph.D., Kansas

Eimers, Nancy, 1989, Professor of English
B.A., Iowa; M.A., Indiana; M.F.A., Arizona; Ph.D., Houston

Elder, E. Rozanne, 1968, Director, Institute of Cistercian Studies and Professor of History
B.A., M.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Toronto

Emerson, Charles, 1999, Associate Professor of Geography
B.S., Georgia; M.A., Ph.D., Iowa

Eng, Jacqueline, 2008, Assistant Professor of Anthropology
B.S., California (Davis); M.A., Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara)

Engelmann, Paul V., 1987, Professor, Department of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.S., M.A., Ed.D., Western Michigan

Enyedi, Alexander, 1993, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Guelph; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State

Essani, Karim, 1989, Professor of Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Karachi (Pakistan); Ph.D., Western Ontario (Canada)

Eversole, Robert R., 2003 Master Research Faculty Specialist, Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan State

Fajardo, Claudia M., 2007, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aeronatuical Engineering
B.S., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan

Falan, Sharie L., 2007, Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., Western; M.S.N., Ph.D., Michigan

Farber, Paul, 1986, Professor of Teaching, Learning and Educational Studies
B.A., M.S.Ed., Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)

Farrell, Dan, 1980, Professor of Management
B.A., Aquinas; M.A., Central Michigan; Ph.D., Iowa

Fedotov, Igor, 1998, Professor of Music
B.M., Azerbaijan State Musical College; M.M., Azerbaijan State Conservatory

Feffer, Steve, 2003, Associate Professor of English
M.F.A., Iowa; Ph.D., Wisconsin

Felkel, Robert W., 1971, Professor of Spanish
B.S., M.A., Boston College; Ph.D., Michigan State

Fenn, William H., 1994, Professor of Physician Assistant
B.S. Oklahoma; B.S., SUNY; M.S., Aquinas; Ph.D., Pacific Western

Fetters, Marcia, 2001, Interim Associate Dean, College of Education and Human Development; Associate Professor of Teaching, Learning, and Educational Studies
B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Michigan State

Flamme, Gregory A., 2005, Associate Professor of Speech Pathology and Audiology
B.A., Doane; M.A., Ph.D., Memphis

Flanagan, David J., 1992, Professor of Management
B.S., Illinois (Urbana); Ph.D., Indiana

Fleming, Paul D., 1996, Professor of Chemical and Paper Engineering
B.Sc., Ohio State; A.M., Ph.D., Harvard

Ford, Leigh A., 1999, Professor and Director, School of Communication
B.S., Eastern Michigan; M.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Purdue

Ford, Yvonne, 2009, Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., M.S.N., Ph.D., Michigan

Foster, Jennifer, 2012, Assistant Professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology
B.A., Cedarville; M.S., Palm Beach Atlantic; Ph.D., Central Florida

Foulk, Lin, 2003, Associate Professor of Music
B.M., Missouri (Kansas City); M.M., D.M.A., Wisconsin (Madison)

Frazier, Barbara J., 1999, Associate Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences
B.A., M.B.A., Western Michigan; Ph.D., Michigan State

Fredericks, Tycho K., 1995, Professor of Engineering Design, Manufacturing, and Management Systems
B.S., Ursinus; M.S., Ph.D., Wichita State

Freedman, Lauren, 1997, Professor of Special Education and Literacy Studies
B.A., Arizona State; M.Ed., Ph.D, Arizona

Freeman, Susan, 2010, Assistant Professor and Chair of Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., Furman; M.A., Cincinnati; Ph.D., Ohio State

Frieder, Jessica E., 2011, Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.S., Allegheny College; M.A., Ohio State; Ph.D., Utah State

Fuqua, R. Wayne, 1976, Professor of Psychology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Florida