Sep 27, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2018-19 
Undergraduate Catalog 2018-19 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • DANC 1040 - Beginning Tap

    Elementary tap technique for the general student, emphasizing the basic terminology as well as an investigation of rhythm and improvisation as audibly produced by the feet. Some turns and stylized arm movements may be included.

    Credits: 2 hours

    When Offered: Fall
  • DANC 1100 - Ballet Technique I

    An introduction to the art of ballet, designed for dance majors and minors, primarily concerned with development of ballet technique. Emphasis is placed on basic ballet movement sequences and patterns used to develop control, balance, alignment, musicality, strength and vocabulary at the elementary level. Students will continue in DANC 1100 until advanced to DANC 2100 by the instructor.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 1200 - Jazz Technique I

    An introduction to the art of jazz dance, designed for dance majors and minors, primarily concerned with development of technique. The emphasis is placed on alignment, movement isolation, rhythmic awareness, basic vocabulary and both percussive and free-flow combinations. Students will continue in DANC 1200 until advanced to DANC 2200 by the instructor.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 1210 - Roots of Jazz

    An introduction to the basis for the development of contemporary jazz dance forms through exposure to African dance forms and 20th Century American vernacular dance. Students will explore these forms and their interrelationships to contemporary jazz dance styles through movement explorations, videotapes, historical readings, and discussions. Emphasis will be placed on rhythm, syncopation, movement isolation, and improvisation. Live accompaniment and historic music recordings will be used for classes. Required for dance majors and music theatre performance majors . Recommended for dance minors. Not repeatable for credit.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 2 hours

  • DANC 1250 - Special Studies in Introductory Dance Technique

    A study of areas in introductory dance technique not included in regularly scheduled courses. Examples of possible topics include: Music Theatre Dance Styles, Dance Technique Skill Building, Men’s Ballet, and World Dance Forms.

    Credits: 1 to 6 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit up to 6 hours.
  • DANC 1300 - Modern Technique I

    An introduction to the art of modern dance, designed for dance majors and minors, primarily concerned with development of technique. The emphasis is placed on alignment, range of movement, dynamic quality, rhythmic accuracy and the application of kinesiological principles. Students will continue in DANC 1300 until advanced to DANC 2300 by the instructor.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 1450 - Experiencing Dance

    An introduction to the art of dance through historical and multicultural perspectives including direct experiences in the studio and viewing of live and recorded performances. Readings, lectures, videos/films, discussions, writings, and movement classes will be used to introduce the student to: non-Western dance, ballet, modern, jazz, tap and other theatrical dance forms. The course also addresses training in dance, the development of movement vocabulary, and the creative process from literal and metaphorical perspectives. Activities are designed to stimulate the perception and enjoyment of dance on a kinesthetic, musical and visual level. 

    Credits: 3 hours

    Notes: The course meets Area I, Fine Arts, General Education requirement.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 1800 - The Creative Choreographer

    A practical experience focusing on the choreographer’s creative process for solo dances. Emphasis will be placed on identifying, selecting and utilizing a variety of source material through use of critical evaluation skills for dance, use of choreographic devices, use of improvisation for generating movement, creating meaning through the use of time, space, energy/force, and weight, and creation of a written personal artistic statement.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: DANC 1860 with a grade of “C” or better.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: This course is restricted to the following programs: BA in Dance, BFA in Dance and Dance minors.

  • DANC 1810 - Dance Improvisation

    Exploration of movement through spontaneous problem-solving. The course is designed to evoke the student’s creative individuality and sense of ensemble.

    Credits: 1 hour

    When Offered: Spring
  • DANC 1860 - Music for Dancers

    Designed for dance students, this course addresses the interrelatedness of dance and music as applied to performance, choreography and pedagogy. Students will explore musical concepts through lecture, movement improvisation, choreography and written assignments. Embodies rhythmic skills and applied music fundamentals will be emphasized.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: This course is restricted to the following programs: BA Dance (DACJ), BFA Dance (DAFJ), Dance Minor (DANC).

    When Offered: Fall
  • DANC 1950 - Introduction to Bartenieff Fundamentals(SM)

    This course introduces Irmgard Bartenieff’s theories of functional movement. Through practice students will explore major Fundamentals concepts such as body connections, sequencing, movement initiation, mobility/stability and spatial intent. Students will also learn the “Basic Six,” a series of movement sequences which are distillations of Bartenieff’s theories.

    Credits: 1 hour

  • DANC 1960 - Conditioning for Dancers

    An introduction to the principles of physical conditioning with a focus on specific application of the information to individual needs and capacities. The course covers methods of building strength, flexibility and cardiorespiratory endurance as a means of enhancing dance performance, including instruction on equipment such as rotator disks, Therabands, and the Current Concepts Reformer utilizing the Pilates technique. This course, in combination with DANC 2950, meets the Area VIII Health and Well-being General Education requirement for dance majors.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Dance majors and minors.

    Credits: 2 hours

  • DANC 2100 - Ballet Technique II

    A development of ballet technique continued from DANC 1100. Emphasis is placed in challenging movement sequences used to increase strength, flexibility, musicality, port de bras and vocabulary at the intermediate level. Students will continue in DANC 2100 until advanced to DANC 3100 by the instructor.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 2200 - Jazz Technique II

    A development of jazz technique at the intermediate level. Emphasis is on lyrical integration of isolated movements, sequential combinations involving multiple turns, and skills in performance and quick study. Students will continue in DANC 2200 until advanced to DANC 3200 by the instructor.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 2250 - Special Studies in Intermediate Dance Technique

    A study of areas in intermediate dance technique not included in regularly scheduled courses. Examples of possible topics include: Jazz Skill Building, Repertory, Intermediate Tap, and Contact Improvisation.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 1 to 6 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit up to 6 hours.
  • DANC 2300 - Modern Technique II

    A development of modern technique at the intermediate level. Emphasis is on quick study skills and movement which has contrasting dynamic qualities, varying rhythmic patterns and spatial complexity. Students will continue in DANC 2300 until advanced to DANC 3300 by the instructor.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 2450 - Ballet History

    A survey of the historical development of ballet. Course content includes: roots in 16th century European peasant and court dance forms; refinement and reform in the 17th and 18th centuries; romantic and classic periods in the 19th century; and trends of the 20th century, including modernism, neo-classicism and the influences of other dance forms.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: Sophmore standing and Dance major/minor only.

    When Offered: Spring
  • DANC 2800 - Choreographing for a New Millennium

    A practical experience focusing on the choreographer’s creative process for duet and group forms, and the application of technology to choreography. Emphasis will be placed in choreography for/with/of the camera, including commercial work, site specific study, telematic choreography, and other new technologies that may develop.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: DANC 1800 with a grade of “C” or better.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: This course is restricted to the following programs: BA in Dance, BFA in Dance and Dance minors.

  • DANC 2900 - Dance in the Elementary School

    This course covers the principles, materials, and techniques of teaching creative movement and dance activities to elementary school children as they can be applied in various learning environments. Lecture, observation, and laboratory experiences are provided.

    Credits: 3 hours

  • DANC 2950 - Introduction to Dance Science and Kinesiology

    An introduction to the field of dance science for dance majors. Emphasis is placed on anatomical analysis, conditioning principles and injury prevention, with special attention given to application of information to technique class, rehearsal, choreography and individual anomalies. This course, in combination with DANC 1960, meets the Area VIII Health and Well-being General Education requirement for dance majors.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: Restricted to dance majors and minors.

  • DANC 2960 - Introduction to Laban Movement Analysis

    An overview of the theoretical framework and language for describing movement which was developed by Rudolf von Laban. This course includes the history of the development of Laban Movement Analysis, motif writing, and discussion and practice of the theories of Effort, Space, Shape and their relationship to Bartenieff FundamentalsSM.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Sophomore standing required.

    Credits: 2 hours

  • DANC 3100 - Ballet Technique III

    Ballet technique for the advanced/pre-professional student. Emphasis is placed on complex and sophisticated movement sequences used to develop strength, flexibility, endurance, artistry and vocabulary at the advanced level.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 3200 - Jazz Technique III

    Jazz technique at the advanced/pre-professional level with work on quick-study and theatrical skill. Combinations will address a variety of jazz styles and develop the student’s own dynamic style.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 3250 - Special Studies in Dance Theory

    A study of areas of dance theory not included in existing courses. Examples of possible topics include: writing and criticism; costuming; make-up; technology (e.g., audio and video techniques; computer applications for music, lighting design, notation or choreography); and dance for the exceptional student. May be offered with a visiting instructor or artist-in-residence. Repeatable for credit up to 6 hours.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 1 to 6 hours

  • DANC 3300 - Modern Technique III

    Technique for the advanced/pre-professional student in the modern idiom. Emphasis is placed on the ability to quickly analyze and skillfully reproduce complex movement combinations within the technique. Performance skills are emphasized throughout the course.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 3450 - Twentieth Century American Dance

    A survey of the purposes, functions, and manifestations of American dance from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present. Relationships are examined between dance and general cultural developments in the United States in each decade of this century. Topics covered include: the forerunners and pioneers of modern dance; avant-garde and post-modernists; and artists of jazz, tap, Broadway, movies, and the current media. Students write several short papers and prepare a research paper. Examinations emphasize essay writing.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: Junior standing and Dance major/minor only.

    Notes: This course is approved as a writing-intensive course which may fulfill the baccalaureate-level writing requirement of the student’s curriculum.
    When Offered: Fall
  • DANC 3510 - Dancer Wellness

    The proposed course explores the principles of wellness concepts specifically for dancers and covers nutrition for optimal energy intake, exercise components and energy expenditure, eating disorders, weight management, the female athlete triad, injury prevention and first aid.

    Credits: 3 hours

  • DANC 3520 - Dance Studio Management

    An introduction to the principles of dance studio management through the presentation of business philosophies, practical theories, and strategies crucial to managing a successful dance studio business. Topics may include: entrepreneurship, business entities and creating a business plan, studio location and facility considerations, marketing strategies for growing your business, and record keeping and basic financial statements.

    Credits: 3 hours

  • DANC 3530 - Employee Client Relations

    The proposed online education course explores incorporating practical application of theories to assist in the daily interactions with clients and staff that includes hiring practices and legalities, training staff, payroll and compensation, client retention, and communication with parents.

    Credits: 3 hours

  • DANC 3540 - Recital Preparation/Production

    This proposed course is an introduction to the principles of recital preparation and production as it pertains specifically to a dance studio. This course covers organizing, music selection and copy-write issues, costume ordering and inventory, financing your recital for profitability, recital services and production.

    Credits: 3 hours

  • DANC 3550 - Training Theories for Dancers

    This proposed course explores the training principles of specificity, overload, recovery, adaptation and reversibility as they apply specifically for dancers studying seriously. The content addresses the subjects of anatomical consideration for dance; appropriate warm up, stretching, flexibility and endurance training; the importance of recovery and restoration; motor learning and progression along with physiological development for point work, developing hip joint flexibility and turn out as well as neuromuscular coordination for balance.

    Credits: 3 hours

  • DANC 3560 - Curriculum Development - Dance

    The practical application of theories in dance studio curriculum development for ages 3-adult. Specific attention will be given to the development of age appropriate movement, physiological skill development, and logical progression of skill acquirement with pragmatic utilization in multiple dance styles.

    Credits: 3 hours

  • DANC 3800 - The Choreographer in the Community

    A practical experience focusing on the choreographer’s creative process for advanced choreographic work. Emphasis includes writing descriptive statements for thesis and grant proposals for choreographic work, running auditions and rehearsals, developing leadership/collaborative styles and articulating artistic visions. Focus is on complex group forms and devices as well as development and structuring of sophisticated choreographic works.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in DANC 2800.

    Credits: 3 hours

    When Offered: Fall
  • DANC 3890 - Lighting and Staging for Dance

    An introduction to dance production from a lighting and staging viewpoint. Course content includes: stage equipment and terminology; stage management; lighting instruments, distribution, and color, and lighting control. Students will have hands-on experience in producing dance concerts through crew assignments completed outside of class. The culminating assignment for the course is designing and executing lighting for a dance.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 2 hours

    When Offered: Spring
  • DANC 4000 - Practicum

    An individual approach to a practical field experience in dance. The student must file an approved application for his/her project with the dance academic advisor prior to registration for the course. Through reading and practice, the student will have an opportunity to explore a topic of interest in dance.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 1 to 4 hours

    Notes: Repeatable for credit up to 4 hours.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 4100 - Supplemental Ballet Technique

    Advanced ballet technique for the upper-level dance major.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: Dance major or minor with Junior standing and advisor approval.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 4200 - Supplemental Jazz Technique

    Advanced jazz technique for the upper-level dance major.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites:  Dance major or minor with Junior standing and advisor approval.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 4250 - Advanced Technique

    A study of areas in advanced dance technique not included in regularly scheduled courses. Examples of possible topics include: Pointe and Variation, Partnering, Advanced Tap, and Senior Technique. Repeatable for credit up to 6 hours.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 1 to 6 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit up to 6 hours.
  • DANC 4300 - Supplemental Modern Technique

    Advanced modern technique for the upper-level dance major.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: Dance major or minor with Junior standing and advisor approval.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 4400 - Teaching Dance Technique

    This course is designed to develop the skills to teach introductory ballet, jazz and modern dance techniques to children and adults in both academic and private studio environments. Topics will include developing creative teaching skills, methods of class preparation, ways of communicating and correcting, preparing age-appropriate material, choosing music, use of imagery and issues of body image for dance students.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Dance major only and Junior standing.

    Credits: 2 hours

    When Offered: Fall
  • DANC 4450 - Senior Seminar

    An exploration of current trends, literature and developments in dance in a seminar format. Students will discuss, compare and analyze ideas generated by assigned readings.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Senior standing.

    Credits: 1 hour

    Restrictions: Restricted to dance majors.

    When Offered: Fall
  • DANC 4600 - Performance

    An experience in guest artist or faculty choreographed dance works, in fully produced projects not encompassed in specific courses. Registration concurrent with semester of performance.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 1 to 6 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 4650 - Dance Ensemble

    An experience in a performing ensemble which provides one or more of the following: master classes, residencies, lecture-demonstrations, and concerts in various dance styles in the region. Members must show proficiency in performance, improvisation, teaching, and public speaking. Members must concurrently enroll in at least one technique course at the 2000- or 3000- level as specified by the ensemble director.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Dance majors and minors only, sophomore standing, and audition.

    Credits: 1 to 3 hours

    Notes: The content of this course varies each semester. Repeatable for credit.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 4700 - Senior Capstone Project

    A seminar course in which each student completes a Senior Capstone Project that integrates curricular content with the student’s career objectives. Students will meet weekly to discuss and present topics related to the preparation of the Senior Capstone Project. Each student will have his/her project evaluated by the course instructor and another member of the faculty.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: Senior standing; B.A. dance major.

    Credits: 2 hours

    When Offered: Spring
  • DANC 4800 - Graduating Presentation

    The preparation and presentation of an advanced choreographic project accompanied by a portfolio and an oral examination. Prior to registration the student must complete an application, select a faculty advisory committee, and secure the faculty committee’s approval. Course guidelines are available from the Department and should be reviewed by the student at least one semester prior to enrollment.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in DANC 3800 and advisor approval.

    Credits: 3 hours

    When Offered: Spring
  • DANC 4890 - Dance Management

    Course covers front-of-house management and publicity, budget, programming, organization of elements involved in company management, and grantsmanship. Practical application of these principles will be evaluated wherever possible.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: College of Fine Arts only and Sophomore standing.

    Credits: 2 hours

  • DANC 4950 - Music Theatre Performance Workshop II

    Students will perform a variety of roles and styles from a broad spectrum of music theatre repertoire. Scenes will be performed before a public or invited audience. Performers will be directed and evaluated by a faculty team from Dance, Music and Theatre.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: MUS 2950

    Credits: 3 hours

    When Offered: Fall
  • DANC 4960 - Performance in Music Theatre

    Students will perform in music theatre productions both on and off WMU campus. Their performance will be evaluated by a team of evaluators, to include at least two WMU faculty/staff and/or two full-time professional staff members of the producing theatre. 

    Credits: 2 hours

    Restrictions: Music Theatre majors (MTFJ) only.

    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • DANC 4990 - Non-Reading Independent Study in Dance

    Advanced undergraduate students with good academic standing may elect to independently pursue the study of some area of dance through the creative process. Topics are chosen and arrangements are made to suit the needs of each particular student.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

    Credits: 1 to 4 hours

    Restrictions: Restricted to Dance Majors only.

    Notes: Repeatable for credit up to 4 hours.
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
  • EAP 3180 - EAP Assessment Interviewing

    This course focuses on the theories and methods of assessment interviewing for EAP services. Course content addresses client readiness; relationships, rationality and resources and drug training.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: EAP 2200.

    Credits: 3 hours

  • EAP 4700 - EAP Field Placement I

    The placement is a field based learning experience in assuming responsibilities in Work Organization and Human Resource Management and EAP Administration. Through the field placement, the student will actively apply the foundations of their knowledge and skill.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Successful completion of all EAP course work.

    Credits: 6 hours

  • EAP 4710 - EAP Field Placement II

    This course is a continuation of EAP 470 EAP Field Placement I. The placement is undertaken only after the successful completion of EAP Field Placement I. The placement is a field based learning experience in assuming responsibilities in EAP Direct Services and Substance Abuse and Addictions and Personal Psychology and Problems. Through the field placement the students will actively apply the foundations of their knowledge and skill.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: EAP 4700.

    Credits: 6 hours

  • ECE 2100 - Circuit Analysis

    Analysis of linear electric circuits using methods based on Kirchhoff’s laws and network theorems. RL, RC, and RLC transients. Sinusoidal steady state analysis.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: PHYS 2070 (or taken concurrently) and MATH 1230 or 1710; with a grade of “C” or better in all prerequisites.

    Credits: 4 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 3)
  • ECE 2110 - Machines and Electronic Circuits

    Introduction to machines and electronics for non-electrical engineering students. Principles of operation, characteristics, ratings, and applications of transformers, alternators, motors, diodes, and transistors. EE and CPE students may not use credit in ECE 2110 toward graduation.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ECE 2100.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 - 3)
  • ECE 2120 - Electronic Circuits and Systems

    DC and AC analysis of linear electric circuits. Simple first and second order transients. Analog signals and instrumentation. Applications of operational amplifiers. The first course in a two-course sequence for non-electrical engineering majors.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: PHYS 2070 or taken concurrently; MATH 3740.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 0)
  • ECE 2210 - Electronics I

    Junction theory, semiconductor diode and models, bipolar transistors and models, field-effect transistors and models. Semiconductor circuits, biasing, and stabilization. Computer-aided design of single- and two-stage amplifiers. Principles and basic technology of MOS and bipolar digital and linear integrated circuits.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: ECE 2100 and PHYS 2070; with a grade of “C” or better in all prerequisites.

    Credits: 4 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 3)
  • ECE 2500 - Digital Logic

    Design of digital logic circuits used in computers and mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones and tablets. Boolean algebra, logic circuit minimization, arithmetic logic, programmable logic, memory circuits and state machine design.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: MATH 1110 or equivalent; with a grade of “C” or better.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 - 3)
  • ECE 2510 - Introduction to Microprocessors

    Machine and assembly language programming of small computers. Introduction to microcomputer architecture and interfacing.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: ECE 2500 and (CS 1110 or CS 1200); with a grade of “C” or better in all prerequisites.

    Credits: 4 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 3)
  • ECE 2990 - Cooperative Education

    A cooperative education program involves a planned and supervised work experience in an ECE relevant industry during the semester. A job offer letter that includes the job title and a description of job tasks and responsibilities is required to be submitted and reviewed prior to enrollment. In addition, a written report of the student’s work activities and an employer COOP survey is required. The report and survey must be submitted to the course coordinator/instructor of record in order to receive course credit.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: ECE 2510 with a grade of “C” or better and course coordinator/instructor of record approval.

    Credits: 1 to 3 hours

    Notes: This course is restricted to computer engineering and electrical engineering majors only. It may be repeated up to a maximum of 3 credit hours. Graded on a Credit/No Credit basis.
  • ECE 3100 - Network Analysis

    Classical and transform methods of network analysis, signals and waveforms. Fourier series and Fourier transforms. Frequency response.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: ECE 2100 and MATH 3740; with a grade of “C” or better in all prerequisites.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 0)
  • ECE 3120 - Fundamentals of Electronics and Machines

    Fundamentals of operation, characteristics, ratings, and applications of electronic and magnetic devices such as diodes, transistors, digital logic devices, transformers and motors. Laboratory provides experience with actual hardware. This is the second in a two-course sequence for non-electrical engineering majors.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ECE 2120.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 - 3)
  • ECE 3200 - Electronics II

    Design, analysis, simulation, and laboratory evaluation of electronic amplifiers, filters, and nonlinear signal shaping circuits composed of transistors, diodes, and integrated circuits. Transient response and steady state frequency response behavior for both small and large signal excitation conditions. Amplifier macro-model description and synthesis is introduced.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: ECE 2210 and ECE 3100; with a grade of “C” or better in all prerequisites.

    Credits: 4 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 3)
  • ECE 3300 - Electrical Machinery

    Three-phase analysis. Analysis and design of transformers, electromechanical devices, and machines.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: ECE 3100 and ECE 3610; with a grade of “C” or better in all prerequisites.

    Credits: 4 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 3)
  • ECE 3510 - Engineering of Real Time Systems

    Characterizing, modeling, and specifying real time systems. Designing, programming and verifying sequential and concurrent real time systems. Software engineering processes in real time system development. Case studies and project.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: ECE 2510 and CS 2230; with a grade of “C” or better in all prerequisites.

    Credits: 3 hours

  • ECE 3570 - Introduction to Computer Architecture

    Structural organization and hardware design of digital computers. Processing and control units, arithmetic algorithms, input-output systems, and memory systems.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: CS 2230 or ECE 2510; with a grade of “C” or better.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 0)
  • ECE 3610 - Electromagnetic Fields

    Static and time-varying electric and magnetic fields, plane waves, guided waves, transmission lines, radiation and antennas.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: ECE 2100, MATH 3740, and PHYS 2070; with a grade of “C” or better in all prerequisites.

    Credits: 4 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (4 - 0)
  • ECE 3710 - Linear Systems

    Study of linear controls systems and their models. This course addresses the classical analysis and design of linear, time-invariant systems including stability and performance using the Laplace and frequency domain techniques for analog systems as well as the design and synthesis of analog and digital controllers.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ECE 3100 with a grade of “C” or better.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 0)
  • ECE 3800 - Probabilistic Methods of Signal and System Analysis

    Introduction to probability, random variables, random processes, correlation functions, spectral density, response of linear systems to random inputs, optimum linear systems.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ECE 3100 with a grade of “C” or better.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
  • ECE 4200 - Power Electronics

    Behavior of power semiconductor devices (such as  BJT’s, MOSFET’s, SCR’s, GTO’s and IGBT’s) in circuits and as switches. Applications of the switches in AC-DC, DC-DC, DC-AC and AC-AC converters. Switch-mode converters for power supplies. DC and AC motor drives, wind and solar inverters, hybrids and utility systems. Magnetic circuits and electro-magnetic interference.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: ECE 2210 and ECE 3300; with a grade of “C” or better in all prerequisites.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: Restricted to majors in computer engineering or electrical engineering.

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 0)
  • ECE 4300 - Electrical Power Systems

    Transmission lines, network analysis, load flow, system faults, fault calculation, transients, and system stability.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ECE 3300 with a grade of “C” or better (or taken concurrently).

    Credits: 3 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 0)
  • ECE 4500 - Digital Electronics

    The electrical and logic aspects of digital integrated circuits and their applications. Transistor-level design and simulation of digital electronic circuits.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: ECE 2210, ECE 2500, and ECE 3570; with a grade of “C” or better in all prerequisites.

    Credits: 4 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 3)
    When Offered: Spring
  • ECE 4510 - Microcontroller Applications

    Hardware and software design of real-time embedded microcontroller systems.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: ECE 2210 and ECE 2510; with a grade of “C” or better in all prerequisites.

    Credits: 4 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 3)
    When Offered: Fall and Summer I
  • ECE 4525 - Digital Design

    Analysis of the real-time behavior of combinational and sequential circuits. Analysis and synthesis of synchronous and asynchronous sequential logic circuits. Systems level design of digital logic circuits using Programmable Logic Devices.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ECE 2500 with a grade of “C” or better.

    Credits: 4 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 3)
  • ECE 4550 - Digital Signal Processing

    Introduction to discrete time systems. Z-transforms. Discrete Fourier transforms and Fast Fourier transforms. Design and implementation of digital filters. Statistical methods, optimal filters and error analysis.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ECE 3800.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 0)
  • ECE 4600 - Communication Systems

    Introduction to digital and analog communication systems. Design constraints of noise and bandwidth, comparison of various modulation techniques, and statistical methods. Information and channel capacity.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ECE 3800.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 0)
  • ECE 4700 - Feedback Systems

    Design principles of linear and non-linear feedback systems in both the frequency and time domain.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ECE 3710.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 0)
  • ECE 4710 - Motion and Control

    Analysis and implementation of linear closed-loop motion control systems containing electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical components. Analytical and experimental development of models for components and systems.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ME 3600 or ECE 3710.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Cross-Listed: ME 4710
    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (2 - 3)
  • ECE 4810 - Electrical/Computer Engineering Design I

    First of a two-semester sequence on engineering design in which students work in teams on approved design projects. A preliminary design is expected at the conclusion of this course.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisites: IEE 3160 and ECE 2510, and either (ECE 3200 or ECE 3300) or (ECE 3550 and ECE 4510); with a grade of “C” or better required in all prerequisites.

    Credits: 2 hours

    Restrictions: This course is restricted to computer engineering and electrical engineering majors only.

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (1 - 3)
  • ECE 4820 - Electrical/Computer Engineering Design II

    Senior electrical/computer engineering design project. A continuation of ECE 481. A formal written report and a formal presentation is required at the end of the semester.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ECE 4810.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (0 - 6)
  • ECE 4900 - Independent Research and Development

    Individual research or special project in Electrical/Computer Engineering. Open only to juniors and seniors having the approval of the faculty member under whom the student will work and the approval of the department chair. Students may register more than once, not to exceed 4 hours.

    Credits: 1 to 4 hours

  • ECE 4950 - Topics in Electrical/Computer Engineering

    A specialized course dealing with some particular area of electrical/computer engineering not included in other course offerings. May be repeated for credit with a different topic.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Consent of department chair.

    Credits: 1 to 4 hours

  • ECE 4980 - Readings in Electrical/Computer Engineering

    A course in which advanced students may elect to pursue a program of readings in areas of special interest.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor with whom the student wishes to work and consent of department chair.

    Credits: 1 to 4 hours

  • ECE 5150 - Real-Time Computing

    Characterizing, modeling, and specifying real-time systems. Software life cycle. Designing and programming sequential and concurrent real-time systems. Scheduling. Distributed real-time computing. Engineering case studies using C++/Ada.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: This course is restricted to graduate students majoring in either Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering only. Senior undergraduates may take this course with departmental approval.

  • ECE 5200 - Power Electronics

    Behavior of power semiconductor devices (such as BJT’s, MOSFET’s, SCR’s, GTO’s, and IGBT’s) in circuits and as switches. Applications of the switches in AC-DC, DC-DC, DC-AC, and AC-AC converters. Switch-mode converters for power supplies, DC and AC motor drives, wind and solar inverters, hybrids, and utility systems. Magnetic circuits and electro-magnetic interference.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: Restricted to master’s or doctoral students in electrical and computing engineering.

    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 0)
  • ECE 5240 - Introduction to VLSI Technology

    A course in VLSI semiconductor devices, modern CMOS technology, crystal growth, fabrication, and basic properties of silicon wafers. It will focus on lithography, thermal oxidation, (Si/Si)2, interface, dopant diffusion, ion implantation, thin film deposition, etching, and back-end technology.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: This course is restricted to graduate students majoring in either Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering. Senior undergraduates may take this course with department approval.

  • ECE 5300 - Electric Power Systems

    Three-phase circuits and pre-unit notation. Network analysis, load flow studies, symmetrical system faults, and unbalanced faults using symmetrical components, system stability and transients.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: Restricted to graduate students in electrical or computing engineering.

    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 0)
  • ECE 5410 - Electronic Instrumentation

    Analysis of instrumentation systems including basic instrumentation concepts, dynamic analysis of instruments, transducers, classical analog methods, digital methods and application.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: This course is restricted to graduate students majoring in either Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering.

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 0)
  • ECE 5450 - Micro Electro Mechanical Systems

    This course introduces students to rapidly emerging, multi-disciplinary, and exciting field of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). It will teach fundamentals of micromachining and microfabrication techniques, including planar thin-film process technologies, photolithographic techniques, deposition and etching techniques, and the other technologies that are central to MEMS fabrication. Skills needed for the design and analysis of devices and systems in mechanical, electrical, fluidic, and thermal energy/signal domains, and will teach nasic techniques for multi-domain analysis (e.g., electromechanical, electrothermal). Fundamentals of sensing and transductionmechanisms (i.e. conversion of non-electronic signals to electronic signals), including capacitive and piezoresistive techniques, and design and analysis of micromachined miniature sensors and actuators using these techniques will be covered. Many examples of existing devices and their applications will be reviewed.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: This course is restricted to graduate students majoring in either Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering. Senior undergraduates may take this course with department approval.

    Notes: Open to Upperclass and Graduate students only.
    When Offered: Fall
  • ECE 5510 - Application Specific Integrated Circuit Design

    Design, analysis and implementation of application-specific circuits (ASIC.) Emphasis will be placed on programmable design (including field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) and programmable logic devices (PLD). Semi-custom design will also be discussed and full-custom design will be briefly introduced. Introduction to contemporary CAD systems.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: This course is restricted to graduate students majoring in either Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering. Senior undergraduates may take this course with department approval.

  • ECE 5530 - Microcontroller Applications

    This course is intended to give students the ability to specify, design, and test real-time embedded microcontroller systems.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: Restricted to graduate students in electrical or computer engineering.

    Notes: Open to graduate students only.
  • ECE 5540 - Digital Electronics

    The electronic and logic aspects of digital integrated circuits and their applications. Transistor-level design and simulation of digital electronic circuits.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: Restricted to graduate students in electrical or computing engineering.

    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • ECE 5550 - Digital Signal Processing

    Discrete-time signals and systems, time and frequency domain representations. Structures of discrete-time systems and digital filters. DFT and FFT methods of special analysis and estimation. Discrete Hilbert Transforms and multidimensional signal processing.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: This course is restricted to graduate students majoring in either Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering. Senior undergraduates may take this course with department approval.

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
  • ECE 5570 - Design of Reconfigurable Digital Machines

    Introduction to hardware design languages. Modeling and simulation using VHDL. Advanced design techniques for digital machines based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays and Complex Programmable Logic Devices. System design with on-line reprogrammable FPGAs.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: This course is restricted to graduate students majoring in either Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering. Senior undergraduates may take this course with department approval.

  • ECE 5580 - Computer Architecture

    This course examines fundamental computer system design trade-offs and the state-of-the-art in computer architecture with case studies of current and proposed microprocessor architectures. Students will study datapath pipelining/superpipelining, dynamic instruction scheduling, hyper-threading, improving memory throughout, SIMD parallelism, VLIM/EPIC processors, and multi-core processors.

    Prerequisites & Corequisites: Prerequisite: ECE 3570 or graduate student in electrical and computer engineering or instructor’s approval.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: Restricted to accelerated master’s and graduate students in electrical and computer engineering.

    Notes: Open to upperclass and graduate students.
    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 - 0)
  • ECE 5600 - Time-Varying Fields

    Electrodynamics, Maxwell’s equations, Boundary value problems and solutions of Helmholtz Equation in different coordinate systems, Green’s functions, transmission lines and wave guides. Introduction to perturbational and variational methods.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: This course is restricted to graduate students majoring in either Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering. Senior undergraduate may take this course with department approval.

    Lecture Hours - Laboratory Hours: (3 to 0)
  • ECE 5640 - Communication Systems

    Introduction to digital and analog communication systems. Design constraints of noise and bandwidth, comparison of various modulation techniques, and statistical methods. Information and channel capacity.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: Restricted to graduate students in electrical or computer engineering.

    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • ECE 5645 - Deep Space Telecom

    Examines the methods by which telemetry, command and tracking is done between spacecraft and earth-borne antennas through a systems analysis approach. Topics include antenna design, telemetry formats and communication performance parameters intrinsic to deep space missions. Telecom hardware of several current and past planetary observational platforms are examined and evaluated to help understand the science and engineering objectives of these missions.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: Restricted to major’s, master’s or doctoral students in computer engineering or electrical engineering.

    Notes: Open to upperclass and graduate students.
  • ECE 5705 - Feedback Systems

    Design principles of linear and non-linear feedback systems in both the frequency and time domain.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: Restricted to master’s or doctoral students in electrical and computer engineering.

    Notes: Open to graduate students only.
  • ECE 5710 - State Space Control Systems

    An introduction to the state-space representation of linear system. As such, familiarity with the classical Laplace transform techniques will be assumed but not emphasized. Instead, time–domain analysis of differential equations on linear systems will be performed.  This course forms the basis upon which modern electrical engineering is founded.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: Restricted to graduate students in electrical or computing engineering.

    Notes: Open to Graduate students only.
  • ECE 5730 - Foundations of Neural Networks

    Biological and artificial neural networks from an electrical and computer engineering perspective. Neuron anatomy. Electrical signaling, learning, and memory in biological neural networks. Development of neural network circuit models. Artificial neural systems including multilayer feedforward neural networks, Hopfield networks, and associative memories. Electronic implementations and engineering applications of neural networks.

    Credits: 3 hours

    Restrictions: This course is restricted to graduate students in either Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering. Senior undergraduates may take the course with departmental approval.


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