Graduate Catalog 2007-08 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Dr. R. Wayne Fuqua, Chair
Main Office: 3740 Wood Hall
Telephone: (269) 387-4470
FAX: (269) 387-4550
Galen J. Alessi
John Austin
Lisa E. Baker
James E. Carr
Alyce M. Dickinson
Eric J. Fox
Scott T. Gaynor
Bradley E. Huitema
Linda A. LeBlanc
Richard W. Malott
Heather M. McGee
Amy Naugle
Cynthia Pietras
Alan Poling
C. Richard Spates
Ron Van Houten
Lester W. Wright, Jr.
Graduate Training Committee Chairperson:
Amy Naugle,
3524 Wood Hall
Linda Rowen, Program Secretary
3700 Wood Hall
The Department of Psychology has a strong scientific and behavior analytic orientation, which influences all the Department’s graduate degree programs.
Graduate students receive a personal appointment to a faculty advisor and two faculty sponsors in an apprenticeship role. These arrangements facilitate the development of a personalized program to accommodate the academic and professional interests of the student and to utilize the full range of research and other facilities within the University. The student is encouraged to participate in the daily conduct of the Department’s academic program and research activities.
Graduate students in all programs of the department are expected to abide by the following principles: “Ethical Principles of Psychologists” and the “Standards for Providers of Psychological Services,” published by the American Psychological Association; “Guidelines for Human Subjects Research at WMU” and “Humane Care and Use of Animals Policy and Procedures,” published by Western Michigan University; and “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals,” published by the National Research Council. The Department expects students to be familiar with the content of these documents and to abide by the principles contained therein as they apply to academic endeavors, professional service, and research activities conducted in partial fulfillment of degree requirements as well as professional service and scholarly or research activities which are not directly awarded academic credit but are completed as part of program requirements of the Department of Psychology at Western Michigan University.
The members of the department faculty conduct an annual review of student progress and recommend to The Graduate College advancement from program applicant to candidacy for a degree within each program. This evaluation includes a review of academic performance, professional responsibility, and adherence to the accepted ethical and professional guidelines of the discipline and the profession as published by the American Psychological Association. Failure to meet these standards and the ethical principles of the American Psychological Association and the State or failure to abide by “The WMU Student Code” and “Student Rights and Responsibilities” as delineated in the Graduate Catalog may lead to disciplinary action and/or dismissal from the program. Disciplinary reviews, including a due process hearing for the student, are conducted by the Department’s Graduate Training Committee, and a summary of the findings and a recommendation for action are sent to the Dean of The Graduate College.
The Department of Psychology offers financial assistance through Department assistantships and program fellowships. Additional information concerning financial awards and program requirements may be obtained from the Department office.
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