Feb 13, 2025
Undergraduate Catalog 2010-11 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Computer Science - Theory and Analysis
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The Theory and Analysis program has been accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, Inc., 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012; telephone (410) 347-7700. It provides a greater depth and breadth in computer science than the general option. The Theory and Analysis option includes additional emphasis in science and engineering, as well as the minor in mathematics. Students planning computer science as a profession or contemplating graduate study in computer science are urged to enroll in this major.
Program Educational Objectives:
- Graduates will be employable and successful in a variety of professional computing positions.
- Graduates will possess backgrounds which qualify them to pursue graduate study in computer science.
- Graduates will exhibit knowledge and skills sufficient for continued intellectual growth in computing.
- Graduates will possess an awareness and understanding of social and ethical issues in computing.
- Graduates will be able to communicate orally and in writing.
- Graduates will be able to work collaboratively with others.
Baccalaureate-Level Writing Requirement
Students who have chosen the Theory and Analysis program will satisfy the Baccalaureate-Level Writing Requirement by successfully completing CS 4900: Software Systems Development I.
Students enrolling in the Computer Science Theory and Analysis Option are required to own a laptop computer with minimum specifications set by the department. By April of each year, the department will establish specifications of laptops for students entering in the following fall. These specifications will be posted on the department website. Candidates for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science-Theory and Analysis must satisfy the following requirements in addition to those required by Western Michigan University: 1. Laboratory Sciences
To satisfy CAC/ABET accreditation requirements, all students must complete at least twelve credit-hours of laboratory science requirements consisting of a two-course sequence for science and engineering students and one additional science course with a laboratory. Two-Course Sequence
Students may meet the two-course sequence requirements by taking on the following sequences: (CHEM 1110, CHEM 1130, PHYS 2060 and PHYS 2080 are laboratories accompanying the regular classes). The Biological Sciences and Geosciences courses contain their laboratory elements. Additional Science Course
The remaining course fulfilling this requirement must be from a department different from the one satisfying the original two-course sequence requirement. It may be chosen from the original list of two-semester sequence courses or from the following list: - BIOS 1050 - Environmental Biology Credits: 3 hours and
- BIOS 1100 - Biology Laboratory Credits: 1 hour
- BIOS 1120 - Principles of Biology Credits: 3 hours and
- BIOS 1100 - Biology Laboratory Credits: 1 hour
2. General Education
General Education requirements include one course from each of the distribution areas I, II, III, IV, V, VI (included in the program), VII, and VIII with no more than two courses in the same department and at least two courses at the 3000-4000 level. CAC/ABET accreditation also requires 30 hours of general education in the humanities and social sciences. This can be met with COM 1040 and PHIL 4100 (both required in the programs) plus 24 hours of non-science/non-mathematics courses which may be chosen from Areas I, II, III, IV, and V. See advisor for all approved courses. 3. Grade Point Average
A grade point average of 2.0 or better must be earned in courses presented for graduation with CS and ECE prefixes and in courses with MATH and STAT prefixes. 4. Complete 122 Semester Credit Hours
Complete the following program of 122 semester credit hours. The schedule below is an example of one leading to graduation in eight semesters, beginning with the fall semester. It assumes that PHYS 2050, 2060, 2070, and 2080 are used to satisfy the two-course science requirement. First Semester (15 hours)
- Science Elective with Laboratory Credits: 4 hours
Some science course electives (e.g., BIOS 1100 & 1120, CHEM 1100 & 1110, and GEOS 1300) can also be counted towards General Education requirements. Students are recommended to use two of these courses. - General Education Credits: 4 hours
Second Semester (15 hours)
- Elective - Free Elective Credits: 4 hours
Third Semester (15 hours)
- General Education Credits: 3 hours
Fourth Semester (15 hours)
- General Education Credits: 4 hours
Any General Education course (except from AREAS VI or VIII) may be swapped with the AREA IV course in the 4th semester as long as the course is a four credit hour course. Fifth Semester (15 hours)
- General Education Credits: 2 hours
Sixth Semester (16 hours)
- General Education Credits: 3 hours
Seventh Semester (16 hours)
- Elective - Approved CS Elective Credits: 3 hours
- Elective - Free Elective Credits: 4 hours
Eighth Semester (15 hours)
- Elective - Approved CS Elective Credits: 3 hours
- Elective - Approved CS Elective Credits: 3 hours
- General Education Credits: 3 hours
- General Education Credits: 3 hours
CS Elective
CS Elective means the student must take an approved computer science elective course. Such electives may be described in the undergraduate catalog or in departmental material published traditionally or on its website. Students should consult with a departmental advisor before enrolling in one of these courses. Free Elective
Free Elective means the student may choose any course offered at the University without restriction. That is, the course need not be a General Education course nor a course in computer science. |
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