2422 CHHS
The Graduate Certificate Program in Holistic Health Care is designed to provide education and experience in holistic approaches to health. Multidisciplinary in nature, it includes eighteen semester hours of study in holistic health care and related topics.
The Holistic Health Care specialization may be taken independently or can be used to supplement graduate training in related fields such as counselor education and counselor psychology, psychology, social work, speech pathology and audiology, occupational therapy, blind rehabilitation, and physical education and recreation. It also complements many other graduate areas such as business, public administration, theology, nursing, medicine, and education.
The certificate program can help health and human service professionals gain new knowledge and skills to be more effective in their present professional role or to equip themselves for new job opportunities in a health care setting that emphasizes holistic approaches. The program is designed to provide opportunities for advanced training in the following areas: emerging health care paradigms, lifestyle assessment, health counseling, stress management and biofeedback, spirituality in health and healing, community and healing, and environment and health. Graduates of the program are employed by various public and private agencies and often work with interdisciplinary teams of health care professionals.
Admission Requirements
Successful completion of HOL 5310 is a prerequisite to admission. Admission forms are available through the Holistic Health Program Office.