Dr. Joshua Naranjo
See Statistics Department Office, 3306 Everett Tower
This program will give students a combination of knowledge of statistical techniques, experience with using these techniques in applied situations, and understanding of the theoretical principles behind these techniques. Students receive excellent training for professional employment in industry or government, and at the same time obtain sufficient theoretical background to qualify them to teach elementary statistics or to continue into more advanced degree programs. The student is encouraged to apply for an internship experience (STAT 7120) where it is expected that students will collaborate with professional statisticians in an actual work environment with real problems. A minimum of thirty-two hours is required, and the resulting degree is a Master of Science in Statistics.
Admission Requirements
For admission to this option, candidates must have completed an undergraduate program containing a substantial amount of mathematics, including a complete calculus sequence, a course in probability, a course in statistical methods, and a course in linear algebra. A complete undergraduate mathematics major is not required since the requirements in pure mathematics are not as extensive as in Option I.