Mar 28, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2009-10 
Undergraduate Catalog 2009-10 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


A-S College of Arts and Sciences 
AAE Aeronautical Engineering 
ACTY Accountancy 
ADA Alcohol and Drug Abuse 
AFS  Africana Studies 
ANTH Anthropology 
ARAB Arabic 
ART Art 
AVS Aviation Sciences 
BCM  Business Information Systems 
BIOS  Biological Sciences 
BLS Blindness and Low Vision Studies 
BUS Business 
CCE Civil and Construction Engineering 
CECP Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology 
CHEG Chemical Engineering  CHEM  Chemistry 
CHIN Chinese 
CIS Computer Information Systems 
COM Communication 
CS Computer Science 
CTE Career and Technical Education 
DANC Dance 
ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering 
ECON Economics 
ED Teaching, Learning and Leadership 
EDLD Educational Leadership 
EDT Educational Technology 
EMR Evaluation, Measurement and Research 
ENGL English 
ENVS Environmental Studies 
ES Educational Studies 
EVAL Evaluation Center 
FCL Finance and Commercial Law 
FCS Family and Consumer Sciences 
FIN Finance and Commercial Law - Finance 
FREN French 
GEOG Geography 
GEOS Geosciences 
GER German 
GRAD Graduate College 
HIST  History 
HNRS  Honors College 
HOL Holistics 
HPER Health, Physical Education and Recreation 
HSV  Health and Human Services 
ID Industrial Design 
HIS Interdisciplinary Health Services 
IMAG Paper Science and Imaging 
IME Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering 
INTL International and Global Studies 
JPNS Japanese 
JRN Journalism 
LANG Languages 
LAT Latin 
LAW Finance and Commercial Law - Law 
MATH Mathematics  MDSC  Medical Science 
MDVL Medieval Institute 
ME Mechanical Engineering 
MGMT Management 
MKTG Marketing 
MSE Materials Science and Engineering 
MSL Military Science 
MUS Music 
NUR Nursing 
OT Occupational Therapy 
PADM Public Affairs and Administration 
PAPR Paper/Chemical Engineering 
PEGN Health, Physical Education and Recreation 
PHIL Philosophy 
PHYS Physics 
PSCI Political Science 
PSY Psychology 
REL Comparative Religion 
RUSS Russian  SCI  Science Education 
SOC Sociology 
SPAN Spanish 
SPED Special Education 
SPPA Speech Pathology and Audiology 
STAT Statistics 
SWRK Social Work 
THEA Theatre 
WMS Women’s Studies