Undergraduate Catalog 2009-10 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
The Carl And Winifred Lee Honors College
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Nicholas Andreadis
Acting Dean
The mission of the Carl and Winifred Lee Honors College is to provide a lively, rigorous undergraduate experience for academically talented and highly motivated students. The Lee Honors College endeavors to provide a community often associated with a highly selective and internationally recognized college but within the larger WMU community. The educational and cultural experiences for WMU’s honor students are provided through challenging courses and extra-curricular activities that build capacity, inspiration, and a passion for learning and service.
The academic programming of the Lee Honors College allows students to pursue their major areas of study and to join with other honors students in selected courses, internships, research projects, community work, and social activities. Faculty members who teach through the college are recognized by the University as individuals who are fine teacher/scholars and who enjoy working with students.
The Lee Honors College strives to create an environment for critical thinking and active learning. Bringing together students in small classes allows for a variety of educational approaches which depart from the traditional lecture/note taking format. A variety of programs and activities is available to members of the Lee Honors College. Independent study, special honors seminars, inter-university enrollment at local colleges, and undergraduate internships in the community may be arranged by honors college students. The Lee Honors College administers The Seibert Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Award, the Dean’s Summer Thesis Award, and the Carl and Winifred Lee Travel Scholarship which provide financial support for a variety of supervised undergraduate projects.
Student involvement is an important aspect of honors education. Students become involved with the college not only through courses but through the Honors Student Association and honors housing community. The college sponsors trips, speakers, and other cultural and social activities. Through these activities students enhance their affiliation with the University and prepare themselves for leadership positions in their professional lives.
The Lee Honors College serves as the campus office for the WMU chapter of the national freshman honorary Alpha Lambda Delta, the Honors Student Association, as well as the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi for upper classmen. These organizations sponsor academic, social and volunteer opportunities throughout the school year, both across campus and in the larger Kalamazoo community.
The Lee Honors College is a member of the National Collegiate Honors Council, the Mid-East Honors Association. It is a founding member of the Michigan Honors Association. Honors students and administrators of the college have held office in these organizations and regularly participate on regional and national Honors committees, making presentations to other Honors colleagues.
Admission to the Lee Honors College
The Carl and Winifred Lee Honors College admits students as incoming freshmen, transfer students, and current WMU students. Incoming freshman are admitted to the college based on high school grade point average and American College Test (ACT) scores. Transfer students and current WMU students are admitted to the college based on college/university grade point averages, co-curricular activities, and academic recommendations. Students may obtain detailed admission information by visiting the Honors College website: www.wmich.edu/honors.
The Academic Program of Study
The purpose of the Lee Honors College academic program of study is to deepen and enrich a student’s undergraduate experience in a way that coordinates with other University general education and major/minor requirements. Each semester a variety of honors courses are offered. A current course catalog and requirements of the Lee Honors College are available on the college website at http://www.wmich.edu/honors. Graduates of the Lee Honors College are recognized at graduation ceremonies. This honor is also noted on the transcript and diploma.
For further information on specific aspects of the Lee Honors College, visit the Honors College website at: http://www.wmich.edu/honors; write to: Office of the Dean, Carl and Winifred Lee Honors College, Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5244; telephone: (269) 387-3230; email: leehonorscollege@wmich.edu.
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